
System pics 2011

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P9 [with skirt on]
Nice to see all your toys and how you have integrated them into your living space.
I recently moved continents from a nice sized listening room to a small Men Cave.
Unfortunately I don't have space for all my toys, so I had to down grad and I am just getting ready to sell off some stuff.



Hornshoppe Horns with Super-tweeter
ACI Sapphire III Monitor - not shown
ACI Sub with Dayton 150 amp
Transcendent T16
Truth pre-amp from Hornshoppe
Cary T308 CDP
Merrill Heirloom with Shelter 501 and Wheaton Triplanar
EAR 834P and Cinmag SUT
NAD 4030A tuner
Woo3 Headphone amp
I always think James' system is among the most tasteful in terms of aesthetic. Bet it sounds good too... mine always looks like a dog's breakfast, despite best attempts to tidy cables away...
Oris 150's. 36" diameter horn.
Fostex F200A 8" Mid.
Fostex 945? something limited edition tweeter.
18" bass cone ( no need for a sub)
SVS PD12 sub (connected to the Nag)
Nagaoki single cone speaker BLH with Fostex FE168 6" Sigma cone.
Cheapo Denon reciever, Cheapo Pioneer receiver,
3x Sony 300 multi disc players,
1 Pioneer 300 multi disc player.
Oris set up for bi amping.
may buy two Quad 909's +pre and
an Arcam 192 cd player.





Oris 150's. 36" diameter horn.
Fostex F200A 8" Mid.
Fostex 945? something limited edition tweeter.
18" bass cone ( no need for a sub)
SVS PD12 sub (connected to the Nag)
Nagaoki single cone speaker BLH with Fostex FE168 6" Sigma cone.
Cheapo Denon reciever, Cheapo Pioneer receiver,
3x Sony 300 multi disc players,
1 Pioneer 300 multi disc player.
Oris set up for bi amping.
may buy two Quad 909's +pre and
an Arcam 192 cd player.






Gosh ! Mind you, I think that the kitchen table could be put to better use .:)
Gosh ! Mind you, I think that the kitchen table could be put to better use .:)

Yeah, wanted to get the gear up and running in a hurry so made the table from spare wood knocking the house around and will stay until I buy my amps+cd player and external crossover. Bit embarrasing I know:(
I took a couple of pics of my deck yesterday as it has just been fitted with a fancy new armboard and there have been quite a few changes since I last photographed it :).

With record:

And without:

There's a new record clamp to come as well - but apparently it is proving very difficult to make!

That's part of the phonostage underneath it - the TT power supply is on one of the amp racks not in shot.

(I have a TT cover for it too, but it's the kind that has to be removed during use - looks smart mind you)
With care :)

Actually, with a soft brush (which is a surprisingly quick and easy job)
I do have a cover for it though; in fact I have two - quite a stylish acrylic one and a soft cover that goes over the whole thing - however, the design is such that the cover has to be removed during use.


That really is a very elegant turntable! I love both the cover and Aro support solution. Looking at the clamp and platter, does the record sit slightly proud?
Thanks Theo:).

With regard to your question about the platter; yes, the record does not make contact with the platter directly, but is supported 3mm above its surface.
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