
Sugden Connoisseur - lost classic? (part II)


I think you are making something of 'heavy weather' over your difficulties.

I don't agree with you. It's a nightmare compared to well, anything...
I will agree to differ on this issue.

Alas from another thread I have found a way to PRINT the whole lot. With this I will read it all and I will know where everything is. JOY.

Problem solved ! :)
Hi All,

some other guys on pfm have helped me work this out, so I thought I'd share it here for present and future conny enthusiasts. You need a unix machine though. Like a Mac or Linux etc.

1. Run this:
curl "[1-44]" > wholethread_part1.html

and for part 2:
curl "[1-6]" > wholethread_part2.html

For a different thread you need to change the thread id and the page range.

2. vi or text edit the html page and put this in after the head tag:

<base href="" target="_blank" />

3. load the resultant html file in your browser, then wait for a while for it to load all the images.

4. go to the browser menu and print , but select print to a file.
Save as

5. Run ps2pdf and you will get foobaah.pdf
The pdf is a much smaller and more efficient file.

Wallah. Then you can print as much as you want from your Adobe pdf viewer or simply read it there. Now that is's all in one file you can use the search facility to look up posts. So if you have a reference from the index on page 30 you can search for post #dadada straight up.

I have already prepared the pdf's for part 1 and 2 of this thread so if you want them just pm me and I can email you.

Well somewhere on that thread you will find my method which describes

A flat bottomed lid with 3 elastic bands stretched in isoscles triangle so the centre of motor sits in middle of triangle - the lid is then raised to meet the motor with packing

result is near level motor - pushing the assembly back & fore by trial error gives level in operation as well as isolating ( you still need the motor to be suspended just to centre the thing in its cut out hole) & the pully can slide up down to suit platter drive belt if needed but be careful here as you don't bend the spindle or push it into the motor

Have Fun,

I've been able to find some of this now in the thread. I tried a quick job of it but it introduced some rumble. When you mention open cell packing do you mean bubble wrap? :confused:

“…You need a unix machine though. Like a Mac or Linux etc….”

I can see how this procedure would be very useful for those who have or have access to these machines.

However, for the rest of us the problem is not solved, is it?

As you are very computerate would it not be possible to use your skills to copy and paste the INDEX THREAD (Part I), then embed links to each and every post # as it occurs in the index, and finally paste the individually linked Part I THREAD INDEX onto this Part II of the thread?

That would be most useful. I can think of other improvements, but that would be a good start.

You say:

"However, for the rest of us the problem is not solved, is it?"

No. Correct, you definitely have a problem there.

You say:

"As you are very computerate would it not be possible to use your skills to copy and paste the INDEX THREAD (Part I), then embed links to each and every post # as it occurs in the index, and finally paste the individually linked Part I THREAD INDEX onto this Part II of the thread?"

R U kidding? err, no. :eek:
Not a chance Mate.
I already have a day job.;)

Hi all ,

I now have a new motor and new suspension from T&G and I have set it up quite level with the platter. Even once it is under the small tension of the belt. I must say it sounds beautiful. Very low hum. Very low rumble. And even no ringing off the platter. The sound is very clear. Worth the work.

But I have 2 belts. 1 is older and stretched. It rings a bit . Doesn't sound as musical. But it does have pitch stability.

The 2nd belt is new. No ringing on the platter. Sounds great, PRAT etc. But it clearly has a tiny bit of a pitch stability problem. As in I get a slight wow/flutter with it. This belt does have a slight bump on it where it was joined/made by the ebay seller. Could that be the reason for the issue? I only hear it on more sustained piano for example. But it is amazing how a simple belt can have a large effect on the sound.

If anyone can share their knowledge on belts and perhaps how minor aspects of them can effect the sound It would be great.

No rumble whatever through my subwoofer ever.

No change whatever on any of my home- joined long belts with respect to audible wow or flutter.

I suspect you could do with a better plinth- or better isolation of the motor.
You say:
"No rumble whatever through my subwoofer ever.
No change whatever on any of my home- joined long belts with respect to audible wow or flutter.
I suspect you could do with a better plinth- or better isolation of the motor."

I don't think you read the question very well Eguth.
I said it was a difference between 2 belts.
Perhaps you could try reading it again.

My plinth is excellent.
And as I said the motor isolation is extremely good.

Don't understand how the belt can ring - is it level with the platter indent?

New belts available from T & G (personally I don't trust any other source)

& like Eguth I don't get rumble

I don't get rumble either.
My new belt doesn't ring.
Is yours ringing?
& why would that be I wonder...
chuckle, it's a big internet , I don't feel so lonely.
however, are you 2 guys the only 2 people on this thread ?
it just seems like it,
quite bizzarre...
As for you .. yes you are lonely & one very sad and little person. I think you will always be lonely. Quite small & bizarre indeed. Quite SAD. The unhappiest person here. Remember this as the years tick by.

I'm afraid for you the years have already ticked by.
& Personal abuse like this is likely to get you banned from pfm.

But you have just described your and the other one's loneliness to a perfect 'T'.
Why are you the trolls b*tch any way?

have fun.
Pauly it is obvious to me that you have no self esteem otherwise you would not diminish yourself further this way. If you carry on you will get smaller & smaller each time & risk disappearing altogether.

Do not add to your own insignificance.

I truly feel sorry for you and wonder what kind of future you are building for yourself. Seriously though you can turn this around if you really want to. (There I go trying to help again)
You don't help people. You know that's a lie.
The way you treat people on here is sadistic.
It says not nice things about who 'you' are.
Not me.

You've forgotten your namesake. Have Fun.
HiFi & the Conny is about just that:).
When did you forget?
That's what is sad.

Again: my response to your question is that I suspect that your problems have nothing to do with your belts.

As for your comments on Have Fun's valuable contribution over a very long period of time to this Connoisseur thread, they are misguided and entirely inappropriate.
Gidday Guys,

Well as I sit back tonight with a glass of merlot and nina simone at town hall on the conny, after quite a day! I can't help think to pick up the keyboard. What a beautiful sound. I can see myself building Eguths and the other guys mods in coming years if I do get the time. If I do I'm sure Eguth would love to hear my results.

So we've had a terrific dust up. That's the stuff of life sometimes. It's not easy to communicate technical issues through electronic media without difficulty. I'm willing to lay down the olive branch and forgive you if you'll forgive me. I was grateful for the chance to blow up and get things off my chest. Communicating with you guys or trying to was driving me insane. But now free of the angst thus far, I don't hold grudges. Of course you may well reject my kindness. That's ok I probably expect that. Believe me I'm big and tough enough to be able to live with it also. But I offer anyway.

Thing is, like lots of great things in life, we have to remember to play the ball not the man. We are all brothers under the same creator after all.

Go the Conny:)

Again: my response to your question is that I suspect that your problems have nothing to do with your belts.

Ok, you may be partly right. It may be the wow is due to a few contributions. I noticed the new belt was very SHINY and new. Unlike the old. I emery clothed it and made it much rougher on it's surface. This seems to have corrected 90 % of the wow that was annoying me. I also pulled apart the motor completely and reassembled carefully and re did the suspension very carefully also. Every time I do all this I get better and better at it. I think this may have helped it ( the wow ) even more. But most of it seems to have been due to a slipping belt.

So at any rate, I think I'm finished for now. It's pretty right. I probably want to build up a couple of other connies, 1 as a reference to run my other ortofon with a grace arm, and the other perhaps for Dad. I want to start some design soon too, on a new line stage I want to build using 45 triodes.


There is something seriously wrong with your approach here.

I have a strong aversion to using ANY abrasive on a rubber belt. For a start, genuine Connoisseur belts are of precision diameter. Use of any abrasive will compromise the precision and may affect turntable performance- if not immediately then in the long run.

There is absolutely no point in degrading the precision of the belt by using emery cloth on it, thereby creating irregularities on its surface. Moreover, some of the abrasive will, no doubt, get into the belt groove on the platter and could grind in and affect its shape in due course. This to say nothing of limiting the life of the belt.

Your suggestion that roughing up the surface of the belt could have cured all or some of what you call ‘wow’ is one I reject as being so unlikely as to be unworthy of serious consideration. It is more likely that what you have done would cause wow. I am beginning to think that much of what you hear is imaginary or due to psychological factors.

T&G is a reputable firm with many years of successful trading. They would not sell you a belt that would slip from day 1. Did you get a genuine T&G belt or from some other source?

There is no question of a new belt slipping on a properly set up BD1. I assume that one has used common sense and not done anything to enhance the possibility of slippage- such as lubricate the belt or the belt groove. It is desirable to keep the belt groove clean and free from contaminants. Doing so will eliminate unwarranted slippage.

I suggest that your best plan is to wash your belt in detergent and also wash the platter belt groove. Order a new T&G belt and keep your imprecise (emery treated) one as a spare for dire emergencies. You have to be very careful to wash off all the detergent and hope that no emery abrasive will find its way onto the spindle. If it does, or finds its way into the bearing, you are headed for trouble.

It would be better for you to follow T&G’s advice and use the silicone belt dressing they sell- every three years or so; sparingly. This is what I do.

I cannot help noticing that each and every time you venture into another step you create more problems for yourself that could have been avoided ,quite easily, by either enquiring before you do it or doing only what has been tried and tested.

So far you have displayed many more problems for us to try to assist you to resolve than any other contributor to this thread has done or, I suspect, is ever likely to do.

genuine Connoisseur belts are of precision diameter.

Why is it then Eguth that you use 4 turns of Gutterman thread for a belt and that is not the precision diameter? Are you praticing what you are preaching? Come on now own up, tell the truth and shame the devil ;) lol.

thankyou for your very lengthy opinions and offers to help.

However as said previously, my BD1 is functioning without fault at present.
Perhaps you are mixing me up with another Connoisseur user?



There is something seriously wrong with your approach here.

I have a strong aversion to using ANY abrasive on a rubber belt. For a start, genuine Connoisseur belts are of precision diameter. Use of any abrasive will compromise the precision and may affect turntable performance- if not immediately then in the long run.

There is absolutely no point in degrading the precision of the belt by using emery cloth on it, thereby creating irregularities on its surface. Moreover, some of the abrasive will, no doubt, get into the belt groove on the platter and could grind in and affect its shape in due course. This to say nothing of limiting the life of the belt.

Your suggestion that roughing up the surface of the belt could have cured all or some of what you call ‘wow’ is one I reject as being so unlikely as to be unworthy of serious consideration. It is more likely that what you have done would cause wow. I am beginning to think that much of what you hear is imaginary or due to psychological factors.

T&G is a reputable firm with many years of successful trading. They would not sell you a belt that would slip from day 1. Did you get a genuine T&G belt or from some other source?

There is no question of a new belt slipping on a properly set up BD1. I assume that one has used common sense and not done anything to enhance the possibility of slippage- such as lubricate the belt or the belt groove. It is desirable to keep the belt groove clean and free from contaminants. Doing so will eliminate unwarranted slippage.

I suggest that your best plan is to wash your belt in detergent and also wash the platter belt groove. Order a new T&G belt and keep your imprecise (emery treated) one as a spare for dire emergencies. You have to be very careful to wash off all the detergent and hope that no emery abrasive will find its way onto the spindle. If it does, or finds its way into the bearing, you are headed for trouble.

It would be better for you to follow T&G’s advice and use the silicone belt dressing they sell- every three years or so; sparingly. This is what I do.

I cannot help noticing that each and every time you venture into another step you create more problems for yourself that could have been avoided ,quite easily, by either enquiring before you do it or doing only what has been tried and tested.

So far you have displayed many more problems for us to try to assist you to resolve than any other contributor to this thread has done or, I suspect, is ever likely to do.

