
Should Scotland be an independent country?

Should Scotland be an independent country?

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Your resentment toward England and the English, except the sensible people of Liverpool, is clear. Your dislike of an English person daring to take the view Scotland would not be better off outside the UK, is also clear. That is basically my point, however much you may struggle with how I write it on an internet forum.

Colin, if the alternative to the unusual place I live in is a lack of maturity, honesty and integrity, I’ll take my supposed contradictions and unusual place every time.


As I have said before I am English. I am from Liverpool and don't dislike the English (any more than the average scouser:D). I choose to live in Scotland because I like I enjoy the lifestyle, the space and the people. It seems you agree with me on this. The social and political outlook up here is, IMO, preferable to the poisonous elitism and racism that seems to be taking hold in large parts of England, promoted by the Tories to the hard of thinking for purely political and selfish ends. BBC vox-pops and the election results are ample evidence of this. The Labour movement over the past 12 years has been, and continues to be, complicit in this through sheer ineptitude and by appointing wholly inadequate party leaders.

I don't dislike "as you put it" English people suggesting that Scottish independence is a bad idea, but I think in the long term they are wrong. Frankly, I think your opinion is meaningless. You don't live here and it seems your main interest is to maintain the Scottish status quo just in case you want to move back. England has made its own bed voting in the Tories. I feel sorry for those that voted against the Tories I see no reason for Scotland to have share the pain and be dragged out of the EU in spite of an overwhelming Scottish remain vote.

I dislike your style of posting and freely admit that you rub me up the wrong way. I find you self-important, contrary, evasive, arch and hypocritical and you seem to revel in a victim complex, as perfectly described in your sig. Apart from that I'm sure you're a wonderful person.
7 letter word starting with I.
'refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally'.

Now what can it be. Tip of my tongue.
There’s something of the “If I’m going down then I’ll drag you with me” mentality to English opposing Scottish independence, a death-wish the Tory Brexiters have. Wouldn’t surprise me to discover Brian’s is a one-nation Tory in denial.

I genuinely hope the English who want to can escape to a small, modern, more inclusive & socially liberal country with a good stab at being part of a real union (& not this sham of a union) move to Scotland, bringing skills, talent & cultural vitality.
Bottom line, England voted for Brexit, and for an extreme right-wing Tory government; Scotland voted for neither, so the solution is... obvious? :rolleyes:
7 letter word starting with I.
'refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally'.

Now what can it be. Tip of my tongue.
It's been many months now and not a single day where I miss Brian.

The only person on here upon whom I have bestowed this accolade.

If I did miss him, I'd get out the dvd of Kes, somehow mentally I have the PE teacher down as a ringer.
Bottom line, England voted for Brexit, and for an extreme right-wing Tory government; Scotland voted for neither, so the solution is... obvious? :rolleyes:

You won’t be getting it from the tories.

It's been many months now and not a single day where I miss Brian.

The only person on here upon whom I have bestowed this accolade.

If I did miss him, I'd get out the dvd of Kes, somehow mentally I have the PE teacher down as a ringer.


I dislike your style of posting and freely admit that you rub me up the wrong way. I find you self-important, contrary, evasive, arch and hypocritical and you seem to revel in a victim complex, as perfectly described in your sig. Apart from that I'm sure you're a wonderful person.
So much contradiction from your previous post.

I guess this means you’re not my friend? :D Well, I dislike your keyboard warrior abuse, which usually appears in reply to a friendly comment such as, “ I like Scotland “.

The sig is a tribute to a couple of abusive members. I find it juvenile to use the ignore function.
Changed my vote from don't know to yes. I now want to see the complete break up of the UK and the total destruction of England through the disaster of Brexit and equally big disaster of having a fascist gov now.
Greece/Zimbabwe is my ideal for England (not Scotland, Ireland hopefully all Eire by then and Welsh hopefully come to their senses) in 5 years time... then we can start building a wonderful socialist future!! Hopefully as a small and not that wealthy recent new member of the EU of course... possibly a Scottish colony!
There’s something of the “If I’m going down then I’ll drag you with me” mentality to English opposing Scottish independence, a death-wish the Tory Brexiters have. Wouldn’t surprise me to discover Brian’s is a one-nation Tory in denial.
ha ha ha ha. A tory in denial. Really? I might update the signature, oops I mean victim complex, with that little gem.

Out of interest, do you know lots of English people opposed to Scottish independence?

I genuinely hope the English who want to can escape to a small, modern, more inclusive & socially liberal country with a good stab at being part of a real union (& not this sham of a union) move to Scotland, bringing skills, talent & cultural vitality.
Yes, it’s a great idea.
C’mon there’s more serious stuff to worry about out there. Tamara Ecclestone’s just has her back door smashed in.
I'm living in the past, at present you are ofc, correct (ie, I cocked up and am now failing to find a clever way to cover it up. damn).

I've been racking my brains trying to come up with a seven-letter word beginning with I. The best I could manage was 'iguanas'.
We could have an "Idolise" button, no? Don't know if it would get used very often 'though...

I'd worry too much about whether it should be idolise or idolize to use it. Really, we need a whole range of buttons, covering everything from 'this poster's an idiot with a head full of rubble', to 'this poster's usually right, but tedious', to 'this poster's always wrong, but entertainingly so', and the pinnacle of achievement: 'I agree with everything this poster writes, (s)he has a wonderful prose style, and I've nicked her/his words to use in my autobiography'
7 letter word starting with I.
'refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally'.

I've been racking my brains trying to come up with a seven-letter word beginning with I. The best I could manage was 'iguanas'.

I'm living in the past, at present you are ofc, correct (ie, I cocked up and am now failing to find a clever way to cover it up. damn).

Idiotic? (I mean it’s not a great fit, but there’s a bit of wriggle room)
Yes yes very funny. It was Iceland obvs, as in ‘he was so annoying that we all sent him to Iceland’.
Not the supermarket.

