
Rega Planar 1 versus Planar 2

Well, I have the Planar 2 with the Rega Fono MM.But even with the Fono that has a high gain, I have to turn up the volume a bit more. With the cd player I don´t have to turn up the volume.Is it normal, the TT (or is it the phono stage?)has a lower gain?I guess the problem is the needle output, only 2,5 mV.
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Well, I have the Planar 2 with thto turn up e Rega Fono MM.But even with the Fono that has a high gain, I have to turn up the volume a bit more. With the cd player I don´t have to turn up the volume.Is it normal, the TT (or is it the phono stage?)has a lower gain?I guess the problem is the needle output, only 2,5 mV.
That’s totally normal with vinyl, just crank the volume up a little more and enjoy.
If you have an original nait 5, the inputs are adjustable for gain/input sensitivity. Otherwise it's pretty common that output from a phonostage will be less than a CD player.
it is still normal to use more gain on your amplifier when listening to vinyl. CD players have a higher output level than vinyl, hence more gain is needed on the amp. Don't worry it wont blow the amp up
No tenga miedo del valor del volumen en la pantalla de su B110. Utiliza el logaritmo pot simplemente necesitas aumentar el volumen más porque excitas menos con el phono, simplemente eso. Con un voltaje más alto necesitarás bajar el nivel del potenciómetro en menor grado, pero tus cajas serán muy insensibles, no veo ningún problema importante. Si tiene altavoces menos sensibles, los invito a optar por una cápsula con un voltaje mucho más alto. Si sus parlantes son lo suficientemente sensibles, no hay problema mayor, simplemente eleve el nivel del potenciómetro sin preocuparse por el valor indicado por la pantalla. El potencial de su densidad es muy gradual.

Was it the sound, or disappointment with the position of your knob?
No, the deck and cartridge are just fine.I want to replace the cartridge the next few years, with one with more output voltage.I just asked because the shop from where I bought the deck has a Shure M97eX for sale!
No tenga miedo del valor del volumen en la pantalla de su B110. Utiliza el logaritmo pot simplemente necesitas aumentar el volumen más porque excitas menos con el phono, simplemente eso. Con un voltaje más alto necesitarás bajar el nivel del potenciómetro en menor grado, pero tus cajas serán muy insensibles, no veo ningún problema importante. Si tiene altavoces menos sensibles, los invito a optar por una cápsula con un voltaje mucho más alto. Si sus parlantes son lo suficientemente sensibles, no hay problema mayor, simplemente eleve el nivel del potenciómetro sin preocuparse por el valor indicado por la pantalla. El potencial de su densidad es muy gradual.


Fair enough; just be aware that Shure have just announced that they are shutting down cartridge production for good.

On the bright side, chances are that Jico (Japan) will eventually step in with spare styli production, once supply of Shure originals dries up.
I´m using a Qed Performance áudio 2 as interconnect.Is it ok, or should I get a better IC like the Chord Clearway?
I´m trying right now an old Audioquest Coral IC, and so far great. It is a solid core cable. Better than the Qed, I guess.The sound is more natural, the way vinyl is.But the Qed has more Dynamics...It is the Qed áudio Performance 2,btw.

