
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2023

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Sheep & Tree, Merrivale, Dartmoor, Nikon FE2/Delta 400

Apart from the sheep and I, there wasn't a soul to be seen, but shortly after taking this a farmer came bouncing down the hill on an ATV, and yelled at me what I assume to be a traditional Devonian greeting. It was very precise, and cut cleanly through the wind and the rain; 'Why don't you f**k off out of the way with that f***ing camera of yours?'

I should perhaps have responded with the Essex equivalent, but ingrained manners and deference to his position interceded, and I simply raised my hand and did as instructed. It appears that there might be some conflict between walkers and commoners on Dartmoor, and I happened to be on that tiny spot on the map at an unfortunate moment.
A trek in the Borders yesterday. Above the Grey Mare's Tail there is a hidden gem of a valley which most visitors will never notice, it cannot be seen from the road and remains hidden unless you take the steep path on the right side of the waterfall beyond its top and onwards. I climbed White Coomb on the west side (2700ft - higher than some famous Corbetts in the Highlands), and round the ridge back down to the Loch, a lovely day though my lower legs were totally muddy at the end of it.

Above the Grey Mare's Tail - Loch Skene-3
by mr.noisy, on Flickr

Above the Grey Mare's Tail - Loch Skene-2
by mr.noisy, on Flickr

Sheep & Tree, Merrivale, Dartmoor, Nikon FE2/Delta 400

Apart from the sheep and I, there wasn't a soul to be seen, but shortly after taking this a farmer came bouncing down the hill on an ATV, and yelled at me what I assume to be a traditional Devonian greeting. It was very precise, and cut cleanly through the wind and the rain; 'Why don't you f**k off out of the way with that f***ing camera of yours?'

I should perhaps have responded with the Essex equivalent, but ingrained manners and deference to his position interceded, and I simply raised my hand and did as instructed. It appears that there might be some conflict between walkers and commoners on Dartmoor, and I happened to be on that tiny spot on the map at an unfortunate moment.

That's absolutely no way to refer to a FE2 - I hope you covered its ears!....
Unfortunately not, and as a consequence it stopped working later that day.

That is a shame, hopefully not terminal? - I have suffered a few camera and phone malfunctions recently - probably because most of the kit I use is old (by modern standards) but not as old as a FE2. I probably used my FE2 more than any other 35mm camera, it was perfect for me - I should never have sold it......
That is a shame, hopefully not terminal? - I have suffered a few camera and phone malfunctions recently - probably because most of the kit I use is old (by modern standards) but not as old as a FE2. I probably used my FE2 more than any other 35mm camera, it was perfect for me - I should never have sold it......

I doubt it's terminal, just needs a service - it stopped fully winding on, so doesn't quite cock the shutter for the next shot. I accidentally bought it at auction a few months ago, and instantly fell in love. I much prefer it to my F3s, of which I now (accidentally) appear to have 8 copies, mostly mint. I notice that the prices of FM and FE models are now suddenly lurching upwards, so don't hesitate if you fancy another. Such a marvellous little camera.
I doubt it's terminal, just needs a service - it stopped fully winding on, so doesn't quite cock the shutter for the next shot. I accidentally bought it at auction a few months ago, and instantly fell in love. I much prefer it to my F3s, of which I now (accidentally) appear to have 8 copies, mostly mint. I notice that the prices of FM and FE models are now suddenly lurching upwards, so don't hesitate if you fancy another. Such a marvellous little camera.

Yes is is a great AP camera, small, light (and in my time with it - very reliable) fast shutter, fast flash sync, self-timer flips up the mirror, lovely easy to read viewfinder I've had F2, F3, F4, F5, FM2, Nikkormat, 801s and FE2 for me the FE2 was the best for the things I liked to shoot, which makes is a bit odd that I sold it - too much grass is greener syndrome I think. I only have F2, Nikkormat and 801s now. I hope you get it fixed....
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