
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2023

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Lynx again

Reminds me of one of the more amusing things I've been part of/had to commission a survey for a building design - which was an acoustician to measure several, erm, related machines in various attitudes at various distances - including damn-low hover over the parking spots - damn-close-by the facility I was to design, so had to get the building fabric right in terms of reducing noise ingress /glazing spec etc.

The pilots were well up for it as a change from the quotidian, even suggesting things that were perceived by them from experience as 'noisy' - which turned out to be fun, but not relevant outside the cockpit. But fun.

But even the 'at idle' SPL curves resulting, the LF response curves were hilarious compared with what passes for 'bass' in the audio room here ;)

Postscript: we did the job too well - having been used to working inside a paper bag, flight planners noted they couldn't hear arrivals/departures as they were used to. Perhaps we should have measured their remaining hearing , too...
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