
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2023

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Quite beautiful. I have enormous respect for your talent and skill with crafting wood, something which completely eludes me. How did you come upon the wood?
Thank you.

The wood was found by a farmer in Norfolk, they fell down about 7000 year ago when their was a change in sea level.
He had it cut into planks and sold the one he didn't use to a woodworking mate who sold me a plank.

Have a look at this table

I'm lichen what I'm seeing..

Yet, just beside this spot is the now decommisioned Magnox nuclear power plant in Snowdonia National Park. Quite a brutal looking construction set amongst outstanding natural beauty..
That's the first snail with a gold plated shell I've seen!
:D, must admit that’s one of the main reasons I took the photo, the colour caught my eye, I suppose the wet pavement helped put it in stark relief. (Oh, and the relatively low quality phone helps mash the colours too).
A lovely walk along the banks of the river Alde this morning just after sunrise, downstream of Orford.

The common terns were very entertaining, and all just for me.

Unlike all the other curlews I saw, this one didn’t pass me at 100 yards

I had the pleasure of the company of this kingfisher for about 15 minutes. Every time I got almost near enough to take a photo… off it scarpered again along the shoreline. Beautiful, and a special experience for me

Another tern. Turning.

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