
Ortofon's MC Anna and 12" arms

There is a marginal cost difference. In this ballpark, it's not huge. Much less than, say, a Rolex.

Have you considered a 30/12 but using your current arm? Might the more expensive table have some advantages over the 30/2 that are non-arm related?
You are just trusting peoples subjective listening experience not their technical expertise. They don't need to be experts they can just use their ears and decide which sounds best to them. I doubt SME would release a 30/12 that sounded worse in any respect than the 30/2.

To be honest I think you are to be applauded for at least being straight up about how you make your choices. Many others buy by what is basically the same method yet still go to shop dems and kid themselves it is for some other reason. That is how Linn and naim have flourished.

You need to junk the rest of that Naim kit though - you still have the cdp and pre I presume?
That chap on the forum had done that. ie gone from 30/2 to 30/12 with 9" and then 30/12 with 12" and found each step an unequivocal improvement

I think bub is just parroting when he says its for the japanese market.
Have you considered a 30/12 but using your current arm? Might the more expensive table have some advantages over the 30/2 that are non-arm related?

Yes, obviously I considered the 30/12. Its USP is that you can use a 12" arm with it. Otherwise, it's just a stretched version of the 30/2, and therefore the chassis will be marginally less stiff, and therefore marginally more prone to resonance.

So, the question: what are the advantages and drawbacks of 12" arms versus 9" arms? I took advice.
Incorrect. SME made changes to the 30/12 so it is actually thicker, stiffer and heavier than the 30/2. You really need to find another guru. I volunteer!
You are just trusting peoples subjective listening experience not their technical expertise. They don't need to be experts they can just use their ears and decide which sounds best to them. I doubt SME would release a 30/12 that sounded worse in any respect than the 30/2.

To be honest I think you are to be applauded for at least being straight up about how you make your choices. Many others buy by what is basically the same method yet still go to shop dems and kid themselves it is for some other reason. That is how Linn and naim have flourished.

You need to junk the rest of that Naim kit though - you still have the cdp and pre I presume?

Yes I still have the 52 and CDS2. The 52 and its power supply have been serviced and extensively modified to the point where they aren't really Naim any more.

The CDS2 is still a blindingly-good CDP.
Incorrect. SME made changes to the 30/12 so it is actually thicker, stiffer and heavier than the 30/2. You really need to find another guru. I volunteer!

Declined Jek. You don't have enough experience, and your TT is in a cardboard box.
More than your guru obviously. The changes were posited by SME themselves and you can be sure they have designed and measured it correctly

Temporarily and not for much longer

How do you know? What is your reference point without comparisons?
.. or a LaGrange? I'm sure you can see where this is going, as you implied in an earlier post that the Balance isn't better than the LG, just different. But if you took a straw poll of Balance owners, what would they say?

I don't fancy the V12 because it's a tad slow, undynamic and fine detail resolution is slightly down as well. So they say...
The balance has slightly larger scale while the lagrange is fleeter of foot

A number of balance owners say the same thing

So one person says - no-one else seems to agree. I am surprised you didnt chose to make the comparison but that's up to you.
Anyone considering a turntable in this price area owes it to themselves to audition the TW decks. I did and my jaw dropped and scraped on the ground for hours afterwards. I liked it so much I ended up taking out a loan and buying a Raven AC with the TW arm. And that coming from an SME 20/2. I now have the most realistic sound I have ever had in my home. The dynamics are leaps ahead of the SME as are tonal colour and timing. The soundstage and image size are big and correct making other decks seem like a little TV picture of reality. I have the most realistic orchestral sound outside of the real thing and vocals are stunning. All very real and deeply involving. I would not go back to any of my previous decks and believe me I've owned quite a few!
I would like to hear the raven AC where are you based? I have heard the Raven 1 and frankly the sound was pretty undistinguished

What you describe is what I heard comparing the BLG with the SME decks. Massive improvement in every area,
I would like to hear the raven AC where are you based? I have heard the Raven 1 and frankly the sound was pretty undistinguished

What you describe is what I heard comparing the BLG with the SME decks. Massive improvement in every area,

Based in UK in Essex.
But you sell only one :rolleyes:

I did not sell TW when I bought it - that was a personal decision to buy it. I was considering SME 20/12 as a possible upgrade but the Raven AC was so far out there! I have only just started doing TW based on the fact I think they are excellent. Also Graham does not choose his dealers lightly. I am chuffed to bits he agreed I could do TW :)

Besides if I/dealers did not do them where are people gonna audition? You people have got to get out of the old buying a second hand Linn thinking it's the be all and end all and listen to some genuine game changers. I've had quite a few decks since my Linn and all were decidedly better and the Raven is in a different league entirely...I am genuinely stunned by it! :):eek:
I did not sell TW when I bought it - that was a personal decision to buy it. I was considering SME 20/12 as a possible upgrade but the Raven AC was so far out there! I have only just started doing TW based on the fact I think they are excellent. Also Graham does not choose his dealers lightly. I am chuffed to bits he agreed I could do TW :)

Besides if I/dealers did not do them where are people gonna audition? You people have got to get out of the old buying a second hand Linn thinking it's the be all and end all and listen to some genuine game changers. I've had quite a few decks since my Linn and all were decidedly better and the Raven is in a different league entirely...I am genuinely stunned by it! :):eek:

How much do these Raven decks sell for? If they sell for secondhand Linn prices that might be something to consider but I get the impression they're more in the SME price range.
John the Raven is one of a number of excellent turntables all in a similar price range.

IMHO, no one of them is so objectively better than the other as to warrant posts like Time Audio's but then I'm not selling them.

We hear all the time of "different leagues", "night and day" differences and other hyperbole. Hopefully these exaggerations only come from dealers and marketing departments and IME very rarely have a place in the real world.
Whereas I endorse the Raven A C's excellence (and, to me, attractively unique aesthetics), I feel there is a very different presentational difference between mass decks (generally?) and suspended.

My observation is, however, limited to the wonderfully agricultural Dais versus the Michell Orbe, though I had a dozen or so of decks prior to those.

Unfortunately, 'bake offs' between decks is very very difficult to organise; between mass decks, nigh on impossible !:)
How much do these Raven decks sell for? If they sell for secondhand Linn prices that might be something to consider but I get the impression they're more in the SME price range.

John the Raven is one of a number of excellent turntables all in a similar price range.

IMHO, no one of them is so objectively better than the other as to warrant posts like Time Audio's but then I'm not selling them.

We hear all the time of "different leagues", "night and day" differences and other hyperbole. Hopefully these exaggerations only come from dealers and marketing departments and IME very rarely have a place in the real world.

Yes SME price range. I have owned an SME 20/2 and the Raven is very different in the areas I have spoken about - else I would have not taken out a 4 year loan to pay for it. Yes it was a very big decision for me.:eek:

As to hyperbole etc - people can only make up their own minds...but I say one thing the Raven AC is so far the very best deck I have heard and by a big margin. I did not decide to ask about selling them for 6 months after I bought it. I made the decision based on sound quality and enjoyment. I do not buy anything expensive audio wise until I have auditioned it to my satisfaction - This is a very big investment for me but I have bought more records this last year than in the previous I don't know how many years. I am listening to music for several hours at a time and much more frequently. To me that says there is something very special about this deck.

