
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXIII)?

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Will everyone's clothing then smell of damp biscuits or kimchi and their front halls permanently of turnips?

Yes. We also have nukes and I'm sure we'll be threatening to use them if we don't get the trade deal we want. France have more nukes than us of course. But THE SUN SAYS THE CHEESE EATING SURRENDER MONKEY NUKES WILL BOUNCE OFF OUR BRAVE BOYS. Or some such. Agincourt. Trafalgar. Waterloo. 1966. 1945.
Do we get the F-35s before or after we leave the EU? They'd be awfully handy if we have to invade France. We could maybe ask Mr Putin to cause a bit of a distraction to the east. After all, it's the only way to ensure THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE is enforced.
Wrong flag for Austria. Not sure whom the flag with Iceland and Norway represents?

That’s probably the anarcho-syndicalist commune of West Mercia. We are negotiating our own post-Brexit deal with the EU right now - they weren’t supposed to let the cat out of the bag though.

Admittedly I could be mistaken, I’m not very good at flags - I thought the South Korean one represented a spy satellite flying over Canada at first.
West Bromwich and District Table Tennis Association?

That's (yellow and Blue) the flag of Lower Austria. Which is sort of like using the flag of Yorkshire. And Austria is in the EU, so it can't be that.
Yellow and blue is deffo Ukraine. I’d stake David Davis’ reputation on it.

Hang on, you are right too - this could have serious implications if Ukraine and Lower Austria are in fact the same place...
The step chart and Venn diagram make things very clear. Looks like the UK and EU want things to end up in a no deal.

I wonder whether Cameron had used such clear presentations a couple of years ago the EU would have understood the situation especially prof. Barnier. I doubt it.

A way out of The Hotel California will be found, by drawing a new step chart and Venn diagram in the end, the rules will be changed as required by the EU as there is money to be had.

Why has this letter been signed by Brian May?
The step chart and Venn diagram make things very clear. Looks like the UK and EU want things to end up in a no deal.

I wonder whether Cameron had used such clear presentations a couple of years ago the EU would have understood the situation especially prof. Barnier. I doubt it.

A way out of The Hotel California will be found, by drawing a new step chart and Venn diagram in the end, the rules will be changed as required by the EU as there is money to be had.
Is your real name Chauncey Gardiner?
OK, I was giving him the BOTD, but that's convinced me. Wind-up merchant. Sorry timola, I'm done feeding you.

I might be slower and less intellectual than the deep thinkers here. But even I've grasped from many of the clear well researched posts and arguments that Brexit looks really bad for the future of the UK. All the evidences presented here (I haven't read all the links to be honest, but I've scanned most) suggest that a no deal Brexit is the worst case and reversing the decision is the best case.

But we are where we are thanks/no thanks to a lot of people like me voting last year. Surely we need to support our government in getting us out as best as possible. I've picked my side and its not the EU.
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