
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXIII)?

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... To be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if the UK actually went properly bankrupt once this staggeringly huge golden tax egg finds itself being laid in Frankfurt or wherever. The leave gobshites don’t seem to grasp that the country needs this revenue to pay their dole, fix potholes, pay for the NHS etc etc.

Lest we forget.



Lest we forget.


“By Boris Johnson in Brussels.” I wonder what happened to him? And Norman Lamont had an ambitious young special advisor back then, but his name escapes me. Strange how these people can just disappear from view when a bright future seems to beckon.
I like this picture, Stephen, which shows our options with the government stuck in La-La Land and refusing to pick one of the available options (although I would probably call "Stay in the EU" BINO because of all the "Will of the People" stuff).


As laid out by the excellent Flip Chart Rick here: https://flipchartfairytales.wordpre...uks-brexit-options-are-limited/brexitdilemma/

Note this requires some reading so other posters or cabinet ministers might just prefer to stick their fingers in their ears and say NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH loudly for the next 3 years.
I like this picture, Stephen, which shows our options with the government stuck in La-La Land and refusing to pick one of the available options (although I would probably call "Stay in the EU" BINO because of all the "Will of the People" stuff).


As laid out by the excellent Flip Chart Rick here: https://flipchartfairytales.wordpre...uks-brexit-options-are-limited/brexitdilemma/

Note this requires some reading so other posters or cabinet ministers might just prefer to stick their fingers in their ears and say NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH loudly for the next 3 years.

Yep, they’re still in La La Land:
The EU has made a chart of options for the hard of learning.


12 years in stats for the DTI, 3 years with TNS and I do not understand this chart. Can someone explain it please? Surely the more steps you go down, the more you add to the UK Red Lines list cumulatively, not less. DD must be in knots trying to work it out.
12 years in stats for the DTI, 3 years with TNS and I do not understand this chart. Can someone explain it please? Surely the more steps you go down, the more you add to the UK Red Lines list cumulatively, not less. DD must be in knots trying to work it out.
Read the hyphen that precedes each red line as "not".

In other words, if the UK sticks to all its red lines it's left with a Canada style FTA. If the UK drops the requirement to be able to pursue its own trade policy, it ascends to the next step (Turkey).

I agree, it's quite confusing.
Surely the more steps you go down, the more you add to the UK Red Lines list cumulatively, not less. DD must be in knots trying to work it out.

Have we hit the nail on the head here?

DD et. al. have seen this and think that the more red-lines we have the more likely we will get 'cake and eat it' deals?

That would explain everything!

The Red hand means STOP! If the UK wants these red-lines, this option is out. It's simple really ...

The UK Government believe this is not a true representation of the EU's position. We shall see.

Seems dolly dimple enough to me - we are all going to hell in a handcart, heading towards a situation where the only trade deal likely is one with Canada and South Korea. My only involvement with stats is usually checking the ABV of a bottle of IPA.
12 years in stats for the DTI, 3 years with TNS and I do not understand this chart. Can someone explain it please? Surely the more steps you go down, the more you add to the UK Red Lines list cumulatively, not less. DD must be in knots trying to work it out.

The first step down (Norway etc) is not a possibility because of four UKGov red lines. Those red lines are spelt out beneath the step. The next (Switzerland) cannot happen because of three. Ukraine type deal impossible because of two red lines (getting closer, tension mounts) - Turkish style deal, no, still one red line but (fanfare) when we get to the bottom step there are NO red lines, so we could negociate a Canada or South Korea type deal and still not cross those pesky lines.

Or not negociate at all and go to the right hand side of the chart.
Matthew’s Venn diagram nails it. Those are the available options and the Tories are firmly entrenched in La La Land.
Thanks, it is a poor chart, the term 'uk red line' should say uk objection, particularly as there is a dotted red line on the right..even if the word red line is what the UK government are using, it is not necessary to use their jargon.
But even a Canada style free trade deal means you will same rules/regulations as EU. I think I read UK doesn't want to keep same standards, to make other tradedeals easier, meaning Canada style deal is out of reach too ???
But even a Canada style free trade deal means you will same rules/regulations as EU. I think I read UK doesn't want to keep same standards, to make other tradedeals easier, meaning Canada style deal is out of reach too ???
I don't think that's the case: CETA doesn't mean that Canada is going to adopt EU regulations. From distant memories of looking at CETA (glancing through it, really, it's 1000 pages) the EU and Canada have agreed to treat each other's standards as compatible/acceptable in certain areas. This is why these deals take years. In the case of a Canada-type deal between the UK and the EU, the starting point is easier (same standards on both sides) but the UK wants to be able to diverge. I would think much of the difficulty is going to be how to describe that divergence, and agree on what is acceptable to both sides.
the chart was perfectly obvious to me. Matthew's was even better though.

The cabinet is still in La La Land today, judging by their agreement to demand a bespoke trade deal. When will this shower of shit government get that cake and eat it is not possible?
12 years in stats for the DTI, 3 years with TNS and I do not understand this chart. Can someone explain it please? Surely the more steps you go down, the more you add to the UK Red Lines list cumulatively, not less. DD must be in knots trying to work it out.

Top of the graph means a closer relationship
Bottom of the graph means a looser relationship with the EU
Each time you go down one step, you eliminate one UK objection (aka Red Line).
The more steps you go down, the closer you get to meeting Theresa's Red Lines. To meet them all (?) you need a rock-bottom deal.
When will this shower of shit government get that cake and eat it is not possible?

I’m sure they have got that. They have had it for a long time. What they are trying to do is make us believe that it is possible and in a couple of years, despite everything having fallen to bits they will want us to believe that is what they have achieved. Remember, party first - the next election is the most important thing.
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