
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXIII)?

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Our spanking new plane-less aircraft carrier needs a quick patch (good job we didn't let some foreigner win that contact). Doctors and medics seem less enthusiastic about working in the UK. Crops to be ploughed in and a raft of other food price increases. Repeated clarity that whatever post Brexit deal is reached, it will never be as good as the one we have spurned and the Financial sector will get no special treatment. Inflation rising.

The economic powerhouse that is Brexit Island rolls on.
Don't forget that Chris Grayling has assured us that Britain will succeed no matter what we do.

So even if Brexit goes badly, we will succeed. In fact, there is nothing we can do to fail. We couldn't fail even if we tried.

Financial bloke on LBC assures us loss of EU passporting would only cost 11% of City business so not the end of the world. A flesh wound.

I had a quick scan of this article and it seems to support a couple of my opinions. Its verbose and repeats itself several times and the EU will back the UK into a no deal scenario.

I hope this is just extra posturing by Barnier after he got turned over at the last negotiations and has probably been chastised behind the scenes by Guy and co.. I still believe DD needs to hold his nerve as the bigger EU countries will pull on Barnier's lead when push comes to shove. Barnier is just feeding the UK's prejudice against EU bureaucracy.

I also believe our financial sector will find ways to service the EU even in a no deal scenario.

It really is feeling like The Hotel California.
I am honestly shocked ( and disgusted) by the Mail's front page on the 14th.

The building should be torched and the owner disembowelled in public. Anyone found guilty of buying the paper should have their homes taken away from them and given to the homeless.

I also believe our financial sector will find ways to service the EU even in a no deal scenario.

There, in a single word, you have the whole of the Brexit philosophy.

Guess what? We already have ways to service the EU (oh er missus). All the other stuff we apparently want to do outside the EU we can do in it. Other EU countries trade perfectly well with extra-EU territories. The problem is, as it has always been, the UK—it's not the EU 'holding us back'. That won't change post-Brexit.

Don't forget that Chris Grayling has assured us that Britain will succeed no matter what we do.

So even if Brexit goes badly, we will succeed. In fact, there is nothing we can do to fail. We couldn't fail even if we tried.

Financial bloke on LBC assures us loss of EU passporting would only cost 11% of City business so not the end of the world. A flesh wound.

it's all very exciting. i'm so glad that our political masters, sorry, elected representatives, have nothing more important to do than to find ways of trashing our economy and country. and they do so with such diligence & devotion.

it's classic me first, party second, country last stuff.
I hope this is just extra posturing by Barnier after he got turned over at the last negotiations and has probably been chastised behind the scenes by Guy and co.. I still believe DD needs to hold his nerve as the bigger EU countries will pull on Barnier's lead when push comes to shove. Barnier is just feeding the UK's prejudice against EU bureaucracy.
Here you go timola, it looks like Barnier's posturing includes doing his homework and having facts and figures on the table, whereas Davis and his team have nothing but smiles.
pah, what does he know, he's just a professor of international history at the lse innit! we have our man dodgy davies runnin' rings around that lot over there, that man barner an' all, bein' clear an' concise, playin' blinders anat, telling 'em just what we here in grate brittun want. because we're speshull. and we fought 'em back then an' we'll fight 'em again. on the beaches, on the hills, on the playing fields, in the pubs... anywhere. let traitors fear ... bring it on ... brittush bulldog innit... st george for ever ... blah blah blah...

ad infinitum,
ad tedium,
ad absurdum...
Its verbose and repeats itself several times and the EU will back the UK into a no deal scenario.

Huh? It is only the utter bovine stupidity of the likes of Davis, Grayling and Fox that give the impression there is some cloud cuckoo land ‘cake and eat it’ option on the table. The EU has clearly stated rules, terms and conditions, all of which were known decades before the idiot Tories decided to wreck the nation’s long-term economic future for short-term electoral reasons. The EU, whilst showing some sympathy for the 48% of the UK that actually understand the situation, is not going to rewrite the rule book for a puffed-up and declining nation just because it is throwing a tantrum!

PS It is becoming increasingly clear there will be no financial services industry ‘passporting’. To be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if the UK actually went properly bankrupt once this staggeringly huge golden tax egg finds itself being laid in Frankfurt or wherever. The leave gobshites don’t seem to grasp that the country needs this revenue to pay their dole, fix potholes, pay for the NHS etc etc.
Chief negotiator is Davis. UK pays salaries all negotiators, including Barnier's, so Barnier needs to show his homework to supervisor Davis. That is what all the pic's show.
I wouldn't worry too much about the City...
I doubt they'll really care about places like Sunderland.
Obviously they don't. They don't even know where it is. They will however set up a multi-way spread account on just how bad things are going to get there and trade options on that. However Sunderland itself might as well be the Moon.
Barnier is just feeding the UK's prejudice against EU bureaucracy.
No, the Daily Mail is doing that, every day until March 2019 and beyond. Regardless of any facts.

After all, what did anyone expect? That one nation can leave a commercial union (staying away from club analogies for the sake of EV's blood pressure), no longer pay any annual fees, and still enjoy the advantages of being in the union? Yeah, of course they're going to allow that. I mean that sort of thing happens all over the commercial world, doesn't it?
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