
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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Absolute comedy gold. You claim you're a Labour supporter. You have banged on for months for a second referendum. You get the chance of EXACTLY what you want from Labour but you choose to use your vote in a way that if replicated across the country, would give us another wicked Tory government. Well done Jack. I salute you.

Thanks Harry. Green want to deal with climate change immediately, are against Brexit and have left-wing policies. That'll do me fine.

At least some of the worst worst right-wing Labour MPs have left.

Thanks Harry. Green want to deal with climate change immediately, are against Brexit and have left-wing policies. That'll do me fine.

At least some of the worst worst right-wing Labour MPs have left.


Unfortunately the Green Party will NEVER have more than a handful of MPs and will therefore NEVER be able to influence anything. Labour have left wing policies. Labour want to deal with climate change. Labour are getting you the referendum you wanted. But you prefer to waste your vote and put the Tories into power. More comedy gold.
Unfortunately the Green Party will NEVER have more than a handful of MPs and will therefore NEVER be able to influence anything. Labour have left wing policies. Labour want to deal with climate chance. Labour are getting you the referendum you wanted. But you prefer to waste your vote. More comedy gold.

People need to vote for whichever party has the best chance of changing the hopelessly biased FPTP electoral system. A system that is designed to remove all but the two archaic career parties and ensure no other views are represented. The Greens just are ahead of the game. Their time will hopefully come. If Corbyn really was a democrat as he claims he would support PR.
I haven’t missed it, I just don’t believe it.
Have a read of this, from the very pro-Corbyn (just kidding) Guardian, dated 28th September 2018:

Good work, Labour – now the anti-Brexit movement must change gear

In the Labour party, no one ever really gets what they want. Those of us who went to Labour conference campaigning for an outright anti-Brexit position did not win everything, but it is clear which way things have shifted. Labour is now committed to the principle of supporting a public vote on Brexit if it cannot get a general election this autumn.
Max, it has already started, The BBC, after months and months of saying JC is 'out of touch' with the electorate was today reporting that this 'new' policy may not go down too well with the Labour voters who want to leave
As the old saying goes "Labour, always a party in opposition"
I thought you wanted Corbyn as PM?

Unfortunately the Green Party will NEVER have more than a handful of MPs and will therefore NEVER be able to influence anything. Labour have left wing policies. Labour want to deal with climate change. Labour are getting you the referendum you wanted. But you prefer to waste your vote and put the Tories into power. More comedy gold.

My joke the other day didn't make you laugh, but this does. That's fine by me.

Corbyn has been criticising the Tories for putting their party above the interests of the country. But the fact he does the same is OK, it's on the basis of electoral logic y'see. Only now (as of today) he is willing to reconsider that strategy and go for a second ref. Putting the country first finally? No, just trying to stop his party from rupturing wide open. He's a man of principle y'see?
Corbyn has been criticising the Tories for putting their party above the interests of the country. But the fact he does the same is OK, it's on the basis of electoral logic y'see. Only now (as of today) he is willing to reconsider that strategy and go for a second ref. Putting the country first finally? No, just trying to stop his party from rupturing wide open. He's a man of principle y'see?

He's a man that has taken an awfully long time to realise he will not get elected unless there is a second referendum.
Corbyn has been criticising the Tories for putting their party above the interests of the country. But the fact he does the same is OK, it's on the basis of electoral logic y'see. Only now (as of today) he is willing to reconsider that strategy and go for a second ref. Putting the country first finally? No, just trying to stop his party from rupturing wide open. He's a man of principle y'see?
gassor it's the same strategy, but a different stage, and not really that different. There is still the likelihood that there is no parliamentary majority for a 2nd ref.

And this business about Labour putting party interests first just like the Tories...In a 2 party system that is the default position, so really you have to ask what it means in each case. In the case of Labour, party interests are, IMO of course, fairly closely aligned with some kind of national interest: reform, redistribution etc., Brexit or no Brexit. In the case of the Tories, pursuing party interests involves setting fire to the country. I think it's a significant difference. In the latter case I think any sensible Tory really ought to be thinking in terms of destroying the party instead.
Bottom line is people just can’t get beyond their recieved wisdom about what leadership looks like. Corbyn just doesn’t fit the picture. Personally it was explicitly always the plan. It was outlined at conference and is is written down. Just a case of when to jump. Tomorrow’s Mail will probably reveal their “Enemy of the people/traitor” front page which also was always the plan.
gassor it's the same strategy, but a different stage, and not really that different. There is still the likelihood that there is no parliamentary majority for a 2nd ref.

This always seems to be the excuse to justify apparent inaction, and if that's the case then it illustrates my point that MPs are putting their careers or self-interest ahead of the country and are therefore not fit for purpose.
Bottom line is people just can’t get beyond their recieved wisdom about what leadership looks like. Corbyn just doesn’t fit the picture. Personally it was explicitly always the plan. It was outlined at conference and is is written down. Just a case of when to jump. Tomorrow’s Mail will probably reveal their “Enemy of the people/traitor” front page which also was always the plan.

It's the Oscars, so labour thought it a good day to sneak that one in.
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