
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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Her 'dead woman walking' performance has been running almost as long as The Mousetrap. But it's very nearly over. I just pray to God (even though he doesn't exist) that Britain will never have such an incompetent, oddball, autocratic PM again.
I thought you wanted Corbyn as PM?
Thus suggesting that, in terms of electoral logic, Labour have been right to prioritise the Leave vote.

Very strong relationship between the hard remain and anyone-but-Labour constituencies.
It’s always been about regaining Gammon vote first and last.
Very strong relationship between the hard remain and anyone-but-Labour constituencies.

That is down to Corbyn/Labour, not us fine upstanding pro-EU/anti-nationalist ‘hard remainers’. To my shame I actually voted Labour last election, i.e. they have lost my vote in the time-frame from then to now.
All Guru-Murthy wanted was something, anything he could use to link the Blairites leaving with today's news that Labour may seek another referendum, even though he clearly knows that this course of action was democratically agreed at the last Labour Party conference, to be put forward in the event that Labour couldn't support May's deal, and give people a vote on a Tory Brexit.

A lesson in good, responsible democracy in action, but the party leader will never be given any credit for it.

Dictator May though....

So, you're suggesting that the gang who left Labour were Blairites who've been dead against Corbyn from day one? What a pity the media didn't pick up on that instead of portraying them as a group of principled people wanting the best for Britain ;-)
It may not be clear cut that there’s going to be a referendum. According to the PLP any referendum would need to have a “credible” leave option and a remain option. What if May can’t come up with a credible leave option?
Thus suggesting that, in terms of electoral logic, Labour have been right to prioritise the Leave vote.
Indeed... Labour have been willing to respect the result of the democratic referendum, up until the point where doing so means supporting a Tory Brexit, which would be irresponsible.

So, over to the public...

If leavers still want to leave they can vote to, knowing on what terms, and remainers have another bite at the cherry.

Well played Labour.
That is down to Corbyn/Labour, not us fine upstanding pro-EU/anti-nationalist ‘hard remainers’. To my shame I actually voted Labour last election, i.e. they have lost my vote in the time-frame from then to now.

I happen to be anti-nationalist and pro EU. I'm a democrat as well.

I've never voted for any party other than Labour. I would have rather chewed my own leg off than vote LibDem. And I was right.
It may not be clear cut that there’s going to be a referendum. According to the PLP any referendum would need to have a “credible” leave option and a remain option. What if May can’t come up with a credible leave option?

Did you watch Ch4 News? Emily T spelled it out crystal clear.
It may not be clear cut that there’s going to be a referendum. According to the PLP any referendum would need to have a “credible” leave option and a remain option. What if May can’t come up with a credible leave option?
There is no credible leave option. But there wasn't on the ballot in the last ref, so does it matter?
At last, some mildly positive news for a change. Anyone that can’t see that it’s as a direct result of recent defections from the main political parties probably still need their bums wiped for them.
At last, some mildly positive news for a change. Anyone that can’t see that it’s as a direct result of recent defections from the main political parties probably still need their bums wiped for them.

You seem to have missed the many posts yAt inform you that this has always been Labour policy from the conference. The conference was before a bunch of Blairites who detest Corbyn jumped ship.
She is basically saying ‘Labour magic unicorn Brexit first, failing that a people’s vote’, i.e. Labour are still pushing for Brexit.

But everyone knows the Labour amendment for their flavour of unicorn Brexit is doomed and this phase is just going through the motions and then Labour's position becomes PV. So, barring some last minute clarification from Labour, this is a significant shift in policy.

Or the triumphant culmination of their plan to defeat Tory Brexit if you prefer.
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