
My Fraim-a-like

Wouldn't the sound waves reflect differently from the edges if the glass is chamfered? That must be a marginal effect anyway.

Sticking a film to the glass must damp it. I suppose cling film might do the job, but it would look rubbish. You could just do one side and hide it underneath. But does cling film dry out eventually?
Oldie/Volobeuv you have PM!

On the subject of glass I did originally cost up for plain toughened glass (6mm) but when I went to get it, the smoked (grey) was only another £2 / shelf, and the project was looking good so went the whole hog! The edges will be bevelled for safety reasons they will not sell it any other way. I was wondering about the spike/glass interface and have seen some really small self adhesive cork pads I may use, or risk it. any thoughts?

(Will keep you posted:)

Link for spikes as noted (by to many boxes):
I've used a frosting film on glass quite a few times to make windows obscured. It does work extremely well but isn't that easy to fit and is expensive. I pretty sure that the whole cling film thing will look terrible and make next to 0 difference. A much bigger difference is to be had with plain or tempered or laminated glass; laminated in particular is quite 'dead' sounding. I've got to pick up some glass tomorrow so will ask for the options if you like.

I would also buy smoke grey glass. I've bought it before and it does look very nice - as nitrous says, it hardly costs any more.

Nitrous, the cork pads sound like a good idea. I wouldn't risk using nothing - glass does scratch quite easily.
Hi Nitrous,
First of all, Thanks very much from Rasher and myself, it looks as though sometime in the near future we have some graft to do.
One, (if you'll excuse the pun) point, on useing upturned spikes as a interface with the toughened glass, if the spikes are hardened and at any time the shelves are jarred or anything is even lightly dropped on to them the hardend spikes could cause the toughned glass to shatter,in just the same way as the emergancy hammer with a hardened spike is used by organisations such as the Railways and the Emergancy Services to release trapped people from crashes.
I would have thought that a captive ball bearing would give you the same single point interface without the possibility of the glass shattering during normal household use
Oldie/Rasher, you are welcome:)

Your right about the upturned spike, and I do need to protect the glass. What I think I will do is use the spike floor protector (you can see them in one of the picture and they come with the spikes) and some double sided tape for now. What is needed though is a cone turned out of nylon/plastic...and I may ask a friend very nicely do some of these for me. This would look neat, protect the glass and not wobble as I imagine a ball bearing would....I'll wait and see what you and Rasher come up with:D

Isn't the controlled wobble of the ball bearing another part of the isolation effect? The ratio of the radius of the ball bearing to the radius of the cup is all important apparently.

£80 for the glass! What the hell do they do to it? Cast it in space or something? :) Does it appear to have any films or coatings or is it just plain smoked glass?
If you do get some cones turned I strongly recommend Delrin (RS sell it). This turns very nicely (much more so than nylon) and is nice and hard - can be had in black or white and isn't an unreasonable price.
YNWOAN, thanks for info on plastics I'll keep it in mind, but do RS sell to the public? Maybe cpc do stock it I'll have to check.
Yeah RS sell to the public - I've turned cones and all sorts of stuff in Delrin in the past; lovely to machine :).

Looking good by the way :)
Hi Nitrous
FANTASTIC ! An absolutely stunning piece of craftsmanship. It certainly does not look DIY that's for sure .You should be very proud of your achievment, I'm in awe of your capabilities..

Can I be cheeky and ask you for dimensions? I'd like to think I'll have a try at making one for myself in the future.

Nice LP12 too !

Good job, very impressive.

Do you have to have it in that corner? I thought that was a bad place for acoustic feedback.

Don't tell me you did the carving on the end of that cabinet thing in the third picture as well? :)
Wow and double wow! Well done that man :D

Nice speakers btw ;)

Mine are in oak but looking at yours, maybe I should have gone for maple - very nice!

Lefty, PMC's go well with naim kit no matter what colour they are;)

2 Many Boxes, You may be right, and I'm still playing around with final location, but what you can't see are the six sockets behind from dedicated spur so it won't be moving it far! Nope didn't do the decorative woodwork on the fire place, but now you mention it.......:)

Thanks for kind words.

