
My Fraim-a-like

I am utterly in awe at this. I couldn't possibly veneer to your standards. Well done!
Hello All, and another day and another update:) Earlier today the uprights were being finished off and looked like this:

Later today, after alot of blood sweat and tears it looked like this, nearly finished:


Probably one more layer than I will use it with, although it is quite stable and a very convenient height for record changing.

I have returned to this thread about 3 times this morning just to look at athe photos. I think this looks absolutely stunning and I can't tell you how impressed I am. It would be interesting to hear a side-by-side listening comparison with a Fraim, but considering the difference in cost, this has got to beat it overall.
Is a Fraim platform made of MDF or solid timber?
Dear All, thanks for kind words and glad you like it!

Although not a complete copy of the real thing, I wanted to try and get a good finish so it didn't look DIY and to make it look worth more than it cost, and of course match naim gear.

Rasher, I would be interested to hear a side by side comparison, I'm sure (would hope) the real Fraim would win:) But on initial listening in my second system (as seen in last picture) there did seem to be an improvement in the scale of the music. It seemed very slightly bigger, does 'fraim' need to be run in?:rolleyes:

When I get the glass, and have fully installed the naim gear I will report back!

James, not sure I'm taking orders just yet! I need to recover first.

Garyi, yes it is white beech veneer (with 2 coats satin varnish) the mdf comes veneeered top and bottom, you 'just' need to veneer the edges, its not that hard, provided you haven't damaged the top and bottom (pre) veneered sides of course whilst cutting them out!..., and I can tell you that that can't be done with a jig saw...I know I tried! you have to use a router with a very sharp blade. Nick
Garyi, dont be put of by the fear of veneering the edges; as Nitrous says, it's not hard; you can buy MDF pre veneered on both sides - so called 'ballanced'. You can also buy Iron on veneer edging and this is a 'piece of piss' to use.

Nice work by the way nitrous - I should think you have inspired a few people to have a go at something similiar :)
Does the glass have to be smoked or is this just for aesthetic reasons? How do you smoke glass? Is it some sort of coating like car windows and so might affect how the glass rings? Does having the edges chamfered make a difference to ringing also?
where'd you source the spikes from? you have indeed inspired me to have a crack at something similar - need some support for pieces around the house...
I think smoked glass is tinted - like wine bottles.

I can't imagine that it makes any difference to the sound, but changes the appearance.

Chamfering the edges of the glass is a safety matter; again I can't imagine how it could change the sound.

