
Multi-function 2017/2018 football thread Pt II

'Sal right Abramovich can now buy Messi out of his contract for a measly £625m. Then they might even get into the CL, possibly.
I notice Tony Marshall’s next goal will cost Utd £9 million to Monaco.

I doubt it will happen this weekend.

If playing he’ll be a second full back.
Dark day for WHUFC upsetting scenes all round highlighted on MOTD....was-reduced to tears.

I am in no way making this sort of behaviour right but to fully understand the situation you really need to be a long time hammer to appreciate the feelings that are boiling up and getting out of control now as there seems to be little police presence and under staffed stewarding which could have prevented much of the fans aggresion.

These are the following reasons in my view that have made this situation very toxic....

Loss of identity on leaving Upton pk
Change of club crest
Moving into a non football stadium
Lack of promised investment in the team
Lack of promised sliding seating
Joke stewarding

The blame for this lot must rest with the board who are not listening to the fans and there was a placard at the game that I thought summed it up perfectly.....


My memory of yesterday's game will be Sir Trev refusing to budge from his seat when mayhem was erupting all around......that's the spirit of the old east end for you !!
All on the 25th aniversary of Bobby too !
Can't condone the trouble at West Ham, some folks will have been very frightened by all that.

Totally understand the fan's unhappiness with those shysters running the club. Many friends including Scotty here are hammers and the only time I feel a bit better about Palace, is when I talk to them. Things are that bad there.

This has been going on for too long and Upton Park was one of those grounds, like Selhurst Park, where the atmosphere would be very difficult to move to a different location - never mind an athletics track. I hope it changes for them soon.
As Steve said above West Ham now play in an athletics stadium and I felt at the time when Gold and Brady first went there that it was not a good fit.
I have been to the Boleyn so often over so many years and the tightness of the ground with the chicken run made for a superb intimidating atmosphere.

You have to play away games because athletes have first choice and the Porn King knows more than his manager about which players to buy.
Added to which the club no longer have a Billy Bonds or Julian Dicks type player to drive the team...........Perhaps I had better stick to the worry of my own team!
I see Pep's Catalan beliefs are being put into perspective in today's Observer.
Guardiola’s demonstration of solidarity with people at home was itself undermined by his response to the question it prompted from the Associated Press reporter, Rob Harris, about human rights in Abu Dhabi, the Gulf country ruled by City’s owner, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan and his family. These plain issues have rarely been raised throughout Sheikh Mansour’s 10-year involvement and vast expenditure on City; the project’s power has led to a contradictory reluctance here, despite a huge media presence, to ask such questions. Guardiola responded by suggesting that somehow campaigning for freedom of speech is more valid in Spain because the country is already democratic, than in Abu Dhabi, where lonely voices call for more democracy itself.
Dark day for WHUFC upsetting scenes all round highlighted on MOTD....was-reduced to tears.

I am in no way making this sort of behaviour right but to fully understand the situation you really need to be a long time hammer to appreciate the feelings that are boiling up and getting out of control now as there seems to be little police presence and under staffed stewarding which could have prevented much of the fans aggresion.

These are the following reasons in my view that have made this situation very toxic....

Loss of identity on leaving Upton pk
Change of club crest
Moving into a non football stadium
Lack of promised investment in the team
Lack of promised sliding seating
Joke stewarding

The blame for this lot must rest with the board who are not listening to the fans and there was a placard at the game that I thought summed it up perfectly.....


My memory of yesterday's game will be Sir Trev refusing to budge from his seat when mayhem was erupting all around......that's the spirit of the old east end for you !!
All on the 25th aniversary of Bobby too !
The board are running the club like a business.Selling the old ground renting the new. They know in London the tourists at some point will outnumber the locals. Another stop on the big red bus tour. People on tv complain about the supporters protesting. Well what other avenue did they have with the cancelled marches.? Write a letter? West Ham are not an exception . Just among the first of many clubs. On a lighter note I understand they are so cheap they don’t even own the corner flag the supporter ran on with.
Sadly the WHU issue shows how football isn't the game we all fell in love with, and where ultimately it's heading. Ticket prices far too high, which will eventually choke its future with the next generation of supporter. Unsustainable wages on the whole, aside from the truly big clubs and those with rich benefactors. After Italian football ate itself, it seems no lessons have been learned, and eventually it will all implode again. Maybe it's closer than we think, where West Ham's pre match riot is all over the tabloids, people are donating money to try to keep Hartlepool alive.. it's a sorry state of affairs.
Meanwhile, Celtic outplayed and outfought a hugely improved Rangers team 3-2 at Ibrox. Pity their fans don't show any sign of improvement.

HUNDREDS have joined in a Rangers ultras fans group-organised march promoted by a sectarian flyer that is the centre of a criminal investigation.

With a "Goodnight Green and White" banner draped across the balaclava-clad marchers at the front, the group sang both celebratory Rangers songs but also offensive songs including Follow Follow containing the "f*** the Pope and the Vatican" and the Billy Boys chant featuring the line "we're up to our knees in Fenian blood".
Of course City are the only team in the Premiership with links to middle eastern countries.


United financial partners include the Qatar Royal family, the Dubai Goverment and theSaudi government.

Arsenal’s include the Dubai Government
Bit touchy there Bob? I'm not aware of Wenger or Mourinho wearing a "political" symbol pitchside, and the thrust of the article was that Pep was prepared to make a stand and wear the symbol for freedom, yet turn a blind eye to what his employer's get up to.
The main difference being that Arsenal have financed their own success, whereas Man City could not have started, nor sustain the success and current spending power without the dirty Arab money, it's purely reliant on it.
The main difference being that Arsenal have financed their own success, whereas Man City could not have started, nor sustain the success and current spending power without the dirty Arab money, it's purely reliant on it.

Why is Arab money dirty ? Compared to Russian, Thai, Iran or USA ?
Read the article above and any other reports on where the money comes from and is also funding. I was comparing Arsenal and City by the way, Chelsea are also in a similar situation with the Russian millions, and as for the Americans, they are taking money out of Man United, not putting it in or funding the spending power.
Dark day for WHUFC upsetting scenes all round highlighted on MOTD....was-reduced to tears.

I am in no way making this sort of behaviour right but to fully understand the situation you really need to be a long time hammer to appreciate the feelings that are boiling up and getting out of control now as there seems to be little police presence and under staffed stewarding which could have prevented much of the fans aggresion.

These are the following reasons in my view that have made this situation very toxic....

Loss of identity on leaving Upton pk
Change of club crest
Moving into a non football stadium
Lack of promised investment in the team
Lack of promised sliding seating
Joke stewarding

The blame for this lot must rest with the board who are not listening to the fans and there was a placard at the game that I thought summed it up perfectly.....


My memory of yesterday's game will be Sir Trev refusing to budge from his seat when mayhem was erupting all around......that's the spirit of the old east end for you !!
All on the 25th aniversary of Bobby too !
Lies from the board from the off, I'll make no bones about it I reluctantly supported the move from The Boleyn.
They've sold us out a treat Scotty.
Obviously you can't condone pitch invasion's but four different companies are used for the stewarding and as Sir Trev said in an interview today far too many inexperienced individuals employed by those companies....Another balls up by the owners.
As soon as the march was called off I had a nasty feeling that something might go off in the ground - Rightly or wrongly the majority of supporters have had enough of the false promises by Sullivan and co - Worst thing of all is the owners have divided the fan base...The infighting between our lot is heartbreaking.
Agreed re: Sir Trev though (my all time hero that man), he looked close to tears, I think personally that upset me as much as anything else - I really don't hold out much hope of us staying up to be honest and in a twisted way would take us getting relegated if if meant the current board selling up.

