
Mr Bates vs the Post Office

Former Post office top lawyer "won't co-operate" with horizon inquiry, scrolling on BBC news ticker now.
Oddly, can't find it on the BBC but telegraph link added.

That in itself seems quite damning.

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Blimey. I must have been imagining the patent mendacity, obfuscation, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and role in the one of the most egregious cases of corporate malfeasance in British history.
Let's see if the Inquiry reaches the same conclusion. I have watched more of it than might be good for me but the phrase "unreliable witness" seems to me to apply at every level. The legal profession being very much to the fore.
“I am very very very very sorry, it’s difficult to describe just how sorry I am, weep, weep, for getting caught.
I promise I will now tell the truth this time.
Until I get caught again”
^ for clarity I do not think that Vennells is solely to blame.

It would be nice to see a drama about how much politicians have been involved in this breech of everything moral
How much was this idiot paid?

A massive scandal partly under her watch. Starts crying in a public inquiry. Clearly very competent. :rolleyes:

When power is put in the hands of amoral people, whether corporations, politicians, governments or individuals it's usually the media that is the final arbiter because nothing else works.

Thanks God for an independent media and long may it stay that way.
Sadly, our "independent" media is largely responsible for putting the sh!ts in power who enabled this.

The media has done a lot of better things than that. The Post Office scandal was brought to light in lunchtime broadcasts on Radio 4. Riveting stuff. There's a long list of other scandals that have been exposed by the media. And many, many journalists have been killed recently in conflict areas. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
It's pathetic and repellent. The complete lack of awareness of how to behave or even to try to do the right thing is breathtaking. Psychopathic, in fact.
Seems like the squirming of Vennalls has been upstaged by the election announcement from Downing Street.

That's a shame.
Seems like the squirming of Vennalls has been upstaged by the election announcement from Downing Street.

That's a shame.
I bet she welcomes the distraction!

I watched what I could. Saw through the crocodile tears when getting found out

2 more days.....
So effing brazen. The Venal woman thought blubbing might make her a figure worthy of sympathy? A CEO and, Christ knows why, former woman of the cloth.
She is a metaphor for the governance of this country. Sorry, that's harsh. Sunak, Bojo, May, Camonan, Truss and those that wish to replace Sunk are almost all worse.

