
Mr Bates vs the Post Office

Clearly she was worth every penny of her massive salary... :rolleyes:

"Paul Brand@PaulBrandITV
Laughter in the room as Paula Vennells repeatedly maintains that she had no idea that the Post Office even had the power to launch prosecutions against subpostmasters."

That and the other alleged lack of knowledge of what was going on is the most shocking. Post Office Ltd isn't a huge organisation - about 7k employees when all this was going on and far smaller now, so it's astonishing that stuff like this could happen that did not make it up to the senior execs and the board.
It's beyond belief that she didn't know and that this was the best defence. After 20 years of PE bashing on about it let alone C4s warning a few months ago I'd have thought she could have given a more convincing "performance".

Crucifixion, while appropriate punishment for a god-botherer, is too lenient.
Shame the election will - is already - compromising coverage.
Is there a site I can download directly from that provides these videos so I can view them as and when I choose, etc? Without adverts, signing up, being tracked, etc. Just "URL is" and I can http or fttp them without providing my inside leg measurement or watch ads.

I know they get shown at times on BBC News. But then often seem unavailable for fetching afterwards.
Is there a site I can download directly from that provides these videos so I can view them as and when I choose, etc? Without adverts, signing up, being tracked, etc. Just "URL is" and I can http or fttp them without providing my inside leg measurement or watch ads.

I know they get shown at times on BBC News. But then often seem unavailable for fetching afterwards.
Does YouTube qualify against your demands? All on there.
Ignorance is no defence
She’s got little choice. Either plead ignorance and let everybody think she was useless, or admit she knew but condoned the prosecutions, and put herself at risk of very serious criminal charges.

And ignorance of the law is no defence, but ignorance of facts or events might be.
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^ Paula Vennells won't be getting another top job. In any case she is 65. I wonder if she can sleep at night though...
Shouldn't get too fixated on one individual. She is merely one cog (albeit a big one) in the machine that caused and perpetuated this scandal. Many others are also culpable.
Not sure of what criminal charges people here think she might be at risk?
I'm thinking something like Conspiracy to pervert the course of Justice, perhaps; Conspiracy to commit perjury, stuff like that. Also, not sure of my ground, but I think knowingly misleading Parliament might also carry criminal sanctions.

