
Mr Bates vs the Post Office

I detested working in the corporate rat-race.
Reminds me of my time in the corporate rat-race.

I once reported back that I would be able to complete a job once I had fulfilled the incredible amount of documentation assigned to me by the British Standards guy.

I was told not to worry about it too much because he was about to be shipped out.
Here’s some more on the links between the Tory Party, our entirely corrupt Infosys “PM” Rishi Sunak, and the funnelling £billions into Fujitsu long after the Post Office scandal was known. Do folk really think Ed bloody Davy is the story here? As ever follow the money. This is yet another a Tory corruption, theft, cover-up, and rewards for failure thing:

Yeah, probably a bit of a stretch from me but I bloody hate the Libs & they enabled the worrst government in my lifetime. The ongoing shitshow would be far shorter without their complicity. The fact that their current leader is directly linked to this is pretty shameful.
Were you born after 1990? I’m no fan of the coalition government, but compared to what’s happened since they were halcyon days, not to mention the Thatcher years. The LibDems were certainly very naive - they could have demanded electoral reform without a referendum as the price for coalition - and Clegg was much too hubristic and vain, but they paid a heavy electoral price. The Tories still haven’t paid theirs.
A convicted murderer say‘s he was framed because of Horizon the guy was a post master and they used Horizon data to convict him of his wife’s murder, I read the article and there are some serious issues with his case but he’s been denied an appeal three times since he was convicted in 2011.

A DEC PDP of some description? Again never worked on one, but they are such cool things with a lovely mid-century modern design aesthetic and colour pallet. A lot of the IBM mainframes are remarkably stylish things too. Cool terminals, control panels with loads of switches and blinking lights, giant tape machines etc. Exactly what a computer should be!

I can't recall if it was the DEC, but may well have been. It had a long row of toggle switches on the front which were like piano keys in that you pushed then vertically down/up to input. I think I have a photo somewhere, but not sure where!
That was known as the 'front panel'. You had two banks of switches one to set the address and the other to set the Op code byte. Step by step the code to read the O/S from a tape drive was loaded and then push 'run' and the O/S was read into core memory and the machine booted.

Tha sounds right for the one I recall. It was the early system for the mm-wave heterodyne receiver. This was the era when the only heterodyne detectors used for the mm-wave were Liquid Helium cooled bits of Indium Antimonide. Was some years before diodes would work usefully at > 100 GHz. Frontier stuff at the time.
During last nights BBC Question Time when the subject of the PO scandal was raised, Liza Nandy put forward an excellent point that should be pressed home really hard, that was that there should be a full Hillsborough Bill put in place where-by anyone in a position of authority who is latter found to have knowingly lied or deceived an investigation such as this or others mentioned up-thread. then they should be subject to the full force of the law for subsequent prosecution. If I remember correctly, this present government voted against taking the bill that far presumably to save themselves from prosecution for the lies and deceit perpetrated on the general public throughout their tenure in power.

The glaring inequality has been that:

1) Postmasters were subject to 'absolute liability' for losses even when they had not caused them.

2) Those who prosecuted - indeed *persecuted* - them were/are NOT treated as having 'absolute liability' for having done so much harm.

Sauce for the goose...
Were you born after 1990? I’m no fan of the coalition government, but compared to what’s happened since they were halcyon days, not to mention the Thatcher years. The LibDems were certainly very naive - they could have demanded electoral reform without a referendum as the price for coalition - and Clegg was much too hubristic and vain, but they paid a heavy electoral price. The Tories still haven’t paid theirs.
I was born in 1971. I bloody hated Thatcher but Cameron & Osborne were responsible for Austerity & Brexit. The latter is by far the biggest act of self harm in my lifetime. Also, without the Libs propping up the rotten duo we wouldn’t have May/Bozo/Truss etc.

You can’t really separate what happened after from the Libs & their pathetic power grab.

Their current leader can’t even be bothered to apologise. If he had any courage he would have taken the meeting & perhaps made a small difference. IMV they seemed to choose the wrong options at every turn & were incredibly malleable to say the least.
I was born in 1971. I bloody hated Thatcher but Cameron & Osborne were responsible for Austerity & Brexit.

If you were born in 1971 you weren’t old enough to hate Thatcher, you just weren’t there, and likely not old enough to realise just how authoritarian Blair was and how he pushed Thatcherite ideology ever forwards. I saw both clearly, which is why I’ve always viewed the LDs, for all their obvious faults, to be far more democratic and progressive than either of the two establishment parties. Starmer makes my point perfectly. He is all too often taking the side of Rishi Infosys, Suella Braverman or Lee Anderson (an ex-Labour councillor) rather than say Layla Moran on most issues. Starmer is consistently on the wrong/Tory side of most arguments; authoritarianism, nationalism, electoral reform, democratic accountability, trade unions, progressive economics, Israeli genocide, war-mongering, Brexit etc. Labour are just crap. Sorry. I've watched them for 45 years now. They just are.
If you were born in 1971 you weren’t old enough to hate Thatcher, you just weren’t there, and likely not old enough to realise just how authoritarian Blair was and how he pushed Thatcherite ideology ever forwards. I saw both clearly, which is why I’ve always viewed the LDs, for all their obvious faults, to be far more democratic and progressive than either of the two establishment parties. Starmer makes my point perfectly. He is all too often taking the side of Rishi Infosys, Suella Braverman or Lee Anderson (an ex-Labour councillor) rather than say Layla Moran on most issues. Starmer is consistently on the wrong/Tory side of most arguments; authoritarianism, nationalism, electoral reform, democratic accountability, trade unions, progressive economics, Israeli genocide, war-mongering, Brexit etc. Labour are just crap. Sorry. I've watched them for 45 years now. They just are.
Nonsense, my dad was a Labour Party activist, I was delivering leaflets with him when I was about 7!! My grandad was a Labour councillor & my wider family has been steeped in politics for generations. My dad was made redundant in the 1980s as part of Thtacher’s decimation of the manufacturing industry, I was on free school meals.

I was in my 20s when Blair came to power, married & had a mortgage. My first child was 9 when Labour lost power. Therefor a proper adult.

The Libs are Tory enablers, always have been.

I am pretty ambivalent on Starmer but feel he is better than than what we have.
If you were born in 1971 you weren’t old enough to hate Thatcher, you just weren’t there, and likely not old enough to realise just how authoritarian Blair was and how he pushed Thatcherite ideology ever forwards. I saw both clearly, which is why I’ve always viewed the LDs, for all their obvious faults, to be far more democratic and progressive than either of the two establishment parties. Starmer makes my point perfectly. He is all too often taking the side of Rishi Infosys, Suella Braverman or Lee Anderson (an ex-Labour councillor) rather than say Layla Moran on most issues. Starmer is consistently on the wrong/Tory side of most arguments; authoritarianism, nationalism, electoral reform, democratic accountability, trade unions, progressive economics, Israeli genocide, war-mongering, Brexit etc. Labour are just crap. Sorry. I've watched them for 45 years now. They just are.

Thatcher came to power in 1979 and was off her rocker by 1981 yer man would have been 10 by them no idea why you think he would't have been old enough to hate thatcher, I've been scarred by her for 45 years, I was 19 when she came to power, she ruined this country absolutely ruined it and we're still experiencing her 'legacy'.

Even at 10 years of age you'd be scarred by her if your family suffered in some way.

I was absolutely shit scared of being called up after HMS Sheffield and was only two years married by then.
Nonsense, my dad was a Labour Party activist, I was delivering leaflets with him when I was about 7!! My grandad was a Labour councillor & my wider family has been steeped in politics for generations. My dad was made redundant in the 1980s as part of Thtacher’s decimation of the manufacturing industry, I was on free school meals.

I was in my 20s when Blair came to power, married & had a mortgage. My first child was 9 when Labour lost power. Therefor a proper adult.

The Libs are Tory enablers, always have been.

I am pretty ambivalent on Starmer but feel he is better than than what we have.

Totally agree with everything except the last sentence Starmer's a ****.
Thatcher came to power in 1979 and was off her rocker by 1981 yer man would have been 10 by them no idea why you think he would't have been old enough to hate thatcher, I've been scarred by her for 45 years, I was 19 when she came to power, she ruined this country absolutely ruined it and we're still experiencing her 'legacy'.

I left school at 16 in 79 straight onto the dole and off into the mass unemployment of the 1980s. I wasn’t even aware of politics at age 8 or 10. I got slammed in the face by it at age 16! That’s the point I was trying to make. I also know, despite voting for it, how little real difference there was between Major and Blair. I found myself on giant marches against Iraq, just as I had at anti-poll tax, support for miners, anti-apartheid protests under the Tories. The authoritarianism remained a constant and was gradually ratcheted up as it still is today.

I’m not suggesting Labour are quite as cruel, venal, corrupt and self-centred as the Tories, but they are still absolute crap. They just do not represent the values I believe in, and despite not being a fan I just have more policy overlap with the LDs (democratic reform, human rights, civil liberties, Europe, avoiding war, environmentalism etc etc).

PS I effectively got a free house out of Blair’s worship of the London Square Mile and correspondingly insane property boom, so it wasn’t all bad, but it certainly wasn’t left-wing or even remotely progressive politics. Just another Thatcherism, but with better education and healthcare. I just had a different vantage point as I was much older and more successful by that time. Still the same shite.

