
MDAC first listen (part XXIII)

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John, fusion upgrade kit purchased from hificollective. Thanks for all the support. :)

( to be honest, I'm starting to miss my MDAC as I don't even have any headphone amp for the Arcam rPAC :( )

Looks like is trying to be funny :)
Dear John Westlake,

Thank you for your order. Your payment has been processed successfully.
So you are performing the L2 upgrade at a later point?

Both toy and Fusion are built upon the "basic" L2MDAC upgrade.

Here's the picture of the your unit during the first stage of the L2 Analogue stage upgrade - which is to remove most of the Analogue stage components + modify the PCB. Analogue Stg1.JPG

Next stage will be to start adding the replacement components - as you can see almost the entire Analogue stage is rebuilt its a very slow process.. :(
Can you tell me an estimated time of my DAC's turn? If this will take several weeks, I need to arrange some temporary DAC for listening to be used meanwhile.



If there's no further unforeseen issue, I can ship you DAC out next Monday - that's presuming the "Toy" resistors arrive this week.
If there's no further unforeseen issue, I can ship you DAC out next Monday - that's presuming the "Toy" resistors arrive this week.
I really hope that they arrive, because on their ordering page was a text which said that more will come on the first week of July.
Toy's very good :) so nothing to worry about :)

Will now (due to lack of resistors) be a good time to send my L2 back to you ?

I have the "TOY" resistors to ship with it, and will wait for a complete new "Fusion" MDAC later
I really hope that they arrive, because on their ordering page was a text which said that more will come on the first week of July.

What ever happens, I'll find away to get your DAC shipped Monday (with the Toy upgrade).
Will now (due to lack of resistors) be a good time to send my L2 back to you ?

I have the "TOY" resistors to ship with it, and will wait for a complete new "Fusion" MDAC later

I need to spend any "Spare time" I have ATM to resolve Johans unit - I'm waiting for results of Fusion's unit to make further judgements (I should have it completed this evening).
I need to spend any "Spare time" I have ATM to resolve Johans unit - I'm waiting for results of Fusion's unit to make further judgements (I should have it completed this evening).

Fully understandable, I hope you'll nail the problem soon
Hi John, also take some free time for yourself! I think most of us can wait some time for their perfect mdac :)
Hi John, also take some free time for yourself! I think most of us can wait some time for their perfect mdac :)
I agree, but it might be as it is with me with music. When there is a passion to make things, you really love your work and enjoy it, even if it is very hard sometimes.

Thank you John for all your work.
Fusion's unit Stage 3 completed (analogue stage rebuilt). stage3B.JPG

Going to get a few hours sleep now, I put a marathon effort to get Fusions unit updated ASAP, working though the night - I'm very eager to see if I can shed some light on Johans MDAC by comparing its SQ with a second unit.

Next stage is to upgrade the PSU section (Stage 4) then stage 5 to test the unit (which involves trimming component values in the Analogue stage) – and if all has gone well I’ll be able to listen to Fusions “Fusioned” unit later this evening :)
John, fusion upgrade kit purchased from hificollective. Thanks for all the support. :)

( to be honest, I'm starting to miss my MDAC as I don't even have any headphone amp for the Arcam rPAC :( )

Looks like is trying to be funny :)

As you only live a bus ride away, couldn't you take it up when John is ready to work on it and go fetch it when it's done?
Fusion's unit Stage 3 completed (analogue stage rebuilt). stage3B.JPG

Going to get a few hours sleep now, I put a marathon effort to get Fusions unit updated ASAP, working though the night - I'm very eager to see if I can shed some light on Johans MDAC by comparing its SQ with a second unit.

Next stage is to upgrade the PSU section (Stage 4) then stage 5 to test the unit (which involves trimming component values in the Analogue stage) – and if all has gone well I’ll be able to listen to Fusions “Fusioned” unit later this evening :)

Sweet Dreams :)
I know it's been a most challenging session already,
but could you shed any light on the case issue, too? Meaning, where there any changes in SQ noticeable when trying the same unit with or without case? I think Jirij also said something about different books, too... (Which book do you recommend, does The brothers Karamasov sound better than the bible? Perhaps War and Peace even better? :cool:).
I really started thinking if dropping a 2kg sack of oats onto the MDac might make a difference because of reduced vibrations etc...
I know it's been a most challenging session already,
but could you shed any light on the case issue, too? Meaning, where there any changes in SQ noticeable when trying the same unit with or without case? I think Jirij also said something about different books, too... (Which book do you recommend, does The brothers Karamasov sound better than the bible? Perhaps War and Peace even better? :cool:).
I really started thinking if dropping a 2kg sack of oats onto the MDac might make a difference because of reduced vibrations etc...

Might stop vibration but also the ventilation.
So anyone have any suggestions on best place for balanced headphone cables without going silly prices?
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