
MDAC First Listen (part 00110001)

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I'm still considering this.
IIRC there was talk of miniDSP integration.
is that still on the table?


The FDAC will support MiniDSP Hardware, but its upto MiniDSP if and how they proceed with the software side - we might engineer a "Compatibility mode" which would then require no software modification.

From a hardware perspective there's nothing unique about miniDSP hadware design, miniDSP's great value is its software - and very nice it is indeed :)

For Analogue inputs, you need the FDAC L3 or L3 MM/MC (with internal Phono stage). The FDAC L3 supports 2 pairs of analogue inputs (not x3 as on the CDQ) - but they are Balanced inputs which can be wired to RCA's and offer higher quality and allows you to digitize your Analogue sources. In Analogue input "pre-amplifier mode" the ADC operates at 256 DSD internally or 768KHz PCM so you have a VERY high quality signal path.

Next week we will start the design of the ADC section itself - a small PCB will be released for testing and sonic evaluation of the ADC section within the next couple of weeks.

I'm putting a production cap of 200 FDAC's but we have 4 people wanting to transferee there "ownership" so we effectively have 4 places available, so your welcome to join :)

Many thanks for your quick reply John.

My description was perhaps a bit vague. I am only interested in digital inputs SPDIF coaxial / toslink and USB. So the FDAC L2 would meet what I need.

How do I go about purchasing one of the 4 available transfers ?.

Many thanks for your quick reply John.

My description was perhaps a bit vague. I am only interested in digital inputs SPDIF coaxial / toslink and USB. So the FDAC L2 would meet what I need.

How do I go about purchasing one of the 4 available transfers ?.



My bad, I presumed when you mentioned the CDQ you used it with Analogue inputs - then with "Digital only" sources then the FDAC L2 is the preferred option.

When you send payment, we forward to the relevant party :)....

My bad, I presumed when you mentioned the CDQ you used it with Analogue inputs - then with "Digital only" sources then the FDAC L2 is the preferred option.

When you send payment, we forward to the relevant party :)....

No worries.

Just to confirm. I pay the 400 GBP “FDAC L2 combined 1st to 4th development fees “ and you will organise the refund to original purchaser.

(Just so as I know – does this put me last on the list, or do I take the original purchaser’s place on the list)
No worries.

Just to confirm. I pay the 400 GBP “FDAC L2 combined 1st to 4th development fees “ and you will organise the refund to original purchaser.

(Just so as I know – does this put me last on the list, or do I take the original purchaser’s place on the list)

We don't really have an ordered list, apart from how its listed in our order system.

As there will be a single production batch all units will be manufactured at the same time - and the current plan is that all units destined for the EU market shipped in a single shipment from Hong Kong.

There will be 10 pcs or so of "T0" units these are made on the production line, but pre full-production.

Yes - the “FDAC L2 combined 1st to 4th development fees"
We don't really have an ordered list, apart from how its listed in our order system.

As there will be a single production batch all units will be manufactured at the same time - and the current plan is that all units destined for the EU market shipped in a single shipment from Hong Kong.

There will be 10 pcs or so of "T0" units these are made on the production line, but pre full-production.

Yes - the “FDAC L2 combined 1st to 4th development fees"


Last question before clicking the buy now button.

On the FDAC project page there is mention of "Optional CD slot loader with Memory buffer based Re-read error reduction strategy" for the FDAC L2 and L3. Is this still the case and if so what is the approx cost of this option.

400 GBP FDAC L2 combined 1st to 4th development fees - paid by PayPal (receipt No 8FL8314682481254N).

I didn't see the option to add the PFM user name though.

Thank you, Renata will send you confirmation later today.

WRT the CD/DVD or BluRay drive this is based upon an industry standard 12mm Slot loader which will be fitted as standard on all units (CD/DVD).
I'm putting a production cap of 200 FDAC's but we have 4 people wanting to transferee there "ownership" so we effectively have 4 places available, so your welcome to join :)

Does that include one of my two units (the lower spec one)?
Gutted I have to back out on one of the two units, but financial constraints are what they are.. So wont be going active anymore :(

Still, looking on the bright side I still get one amazing DAC! :)

Hi John, Just want to check that I'm not about to be replaced - I had indicated I was probably going to be made redundant and may need to pull out of the project but fortunately I'm still employed and still wish to remain in the FDAC project!
I'm here anytime over the next two weeks (my only "plan" is to work), the later you leave it the more we will have ready upon your arrival :), we also will have the second spin of the little Dual ESS Based DAC PCB (we designed to test the XMOS environment etc) we can listen too :)

I'd like to build a second Superior PCB for your unit so we can directly compare between the standard and "Fusioned" Superior versions - it will take say 4-5 hours to install in your own MDAC chassis (while your here) :)

Just let me know how that fits in with your timeline, I guess you will be here for 2-3 days :) As with Ian's recent trip, I look forward to the listening sessions of these various designs (as I so rarely have time to sit down and listen) :) (and obvously to meet you :) )

Since you have to finish the detox documents before you can start building the second Superior PCB... It seems Friday would be the earliest reasonable day.

I'll definitely need to bring along my custom 5-rail PSU and the Mutec MC-3+USB, so we can compare stuff.
John, how many spare 100R Z-Foils do you have at the moment?

I have to sort things out with hificollective...
Since you have to finish the detox documents before you can start building the second Superior PCB... It seems Friday would be the earliest reasonable day.

I'll definitely need to bring along my custom 5-rail PSU and the Mutec MC-3+USB, so we can compare stuff.

If you drove Friday night then the trucks are off the road for weekend curfew... :)
Hi John, Just want to check that I'm not about to be replaced - I had indicated I was probably going to be made redundant and may need to pull out of the project but fortunately I'm still employed and still wish to remain in the FDAC project!

Noted, and good news on the job :)
I'd like to build a second Superior PCB for your unit so we can directly compare between the standard and "Fusioned" Superior versions - it will take say 4-5 hours to install in your own MDAC chassis
) )
John, if you need another MDAC for your various design experimentations I'm ready to sacrifice mine for the sake of audio history. :D

I have been thinking about the implications of the SSD option for the FDAC. It seems that, if I put a big enough one in, I should be able to transfer all my music files on to that and retire/sell my beloved LPS-driven Mac Mini with external HDD, which is my current MDAC nput (and the Detox which will then be redundant?). This would substantially reduce the number of boxes and cables presently cluttering the living room.

However, a while ago, in
you wrote:

“L2 / L3 will both support internal SSD "BUT" you must order the extra internal screening option (as Amongst other reasons the SSD driver is mounted on the internal screening) and install the SSD driver yourself (via an external assessable cover on the FDAC base).”

Do we wait until the final production payment before specifying this extra screening? There is no mention of this item on the development web page, so far as I can see. Also, I’ve only met “drivers” as software items (printer driver, etc.). Is the SSD driver a hardware item which comes with the SSD option?
Hi Bob,

You can find the "Optional CNC Full internal electrical screening Chassis" on the FDAC feature list. I think the latest list is still 3c: Versions 03c.jpg (Item #23).

The internal screening first came up with the internal phono stage, which it is mandatory for.

AFAIK we'll get a price on all the options before we have to make the final configuration.


When do we need to finalize our FDAC configurations?
Only once we start manufacture of the PCB's as each unit is "built to order".

Okay, can we expect a more finalized pricing information for the particular options like the additional screening before that?
Yes, 100% we will have "final" pricing once we have the "T0" units built - these are the FDAC's built by the factory to confirm there production process etc.
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