
MDAC First Listen (part 00011110)

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Well, the MDAC does it whether it's connected to my PC or not so I kind of figured it wasn't the software.

The software I use though is iTunes or more likely Foobar2000. The Buffer settings on Foobar have changed a bit trying to cure this problem to no effect, but I use 1k-1500 usually. I used to run it with ASIO but haven't done that for some time.

Other software I use are Cyberlink video player, VLC, Windows media player. I think that about covers it, aside from internet browsers and flash based things.

Thanks, but I don't know about that USB thingy. My MDAC is doing this when it's not even connected to my computer.

Hi Tim,

From your description its not a known problem - so your unit must have a random fault - where are you located? If your located in the UK, and your unit is still under warranty then I suggest sending it to Audiolab service centre with a clear description of the fault as it can be very hard to reproduce an issue like this if you are not aware of what your looking for...
Hi Tim,

From your description its not a known problem - so your unit must have a random fault - where are you located? If your located in the UK, and your unit is still under warranty then I suggest sending it to Audiolab service centre with a clear description of the fault as it can be very hard to reproduce an issue like this if you are not aware of what your looking for...

Hi John,

Unfortunately I am in Australia. I don't think it's under warranty any more, although I will go check that now. I think the information is still in the box. I was hoping it was something easy to fix.

The last experience I had with the service here was pretty painful.
What is it supposed to do, and why is it needed?

Go to the website to read up about it, I believe they offer a trial version for you to listen, although it cuts playback for a few seconds once a minute because it s a demo

It basically decodes the entire song to the computers ram and plays back from there, so the song is not affected by other processes the computer is running.

Here is a review from 6moons who are reputable hifi reviewer
Go to the website to read up about it, I believe they offer a trial version for you to listen, although it cuts playback for a few seconds once a minute because it s a demo

The website has no real information, but a lot of unsubstantiated claims.

It basically decodes the entire song to the computers ram and plays back from there, so the song is not affected by other processes the computer is running.

There will be other processes running anyway, and the loading of data will use less than 1% of CPU time (and even that only occasionally).
Well, the MDAC does it whether it's connected to my PC or not so I kind of figured it wasn't the software.

The software I use though is iTunes or more likely Foobar2000. The Buffer settings on Foobar have changed a bit trying to cure this problem to no effect, but I use 1k-1500 usually. I used to run it with ASIO but haven't done that for some time.

Other software I use are Cyberlink video player, VLC, Windows media player. I think that about covers it, aside from internet browsers and flash based things.

Thanks, but I don't know about that USB thingy. My MDAC is doing this when it's not even connected to my computer.

My bad, I missed the "or coax or optical" part in your original post. Can't be a PC problem then.
Hello everyone.

I have tried different firmwares and am currently using the latest from John's wiki (Windows 7).


Tim - Could you hold down (push in) the rotary dial and power the machine up from the main on off button.

You should get an exact confirmation of which firmware it is and some stuff about voltages.

You can get popping on the Coax and Optical if the output from the source has jitter or a wandering clock. The later firmwares have a Jitter rejection option that can be set to wide (this option is specific to each input, so if all your sources are jittery - you need to set it for each of them) Somethings (e.g. Apple TV) still have issues.

Problems on USB are usually buffer related. There is an option that shows how full the buffer is on the M-DAC. It should sit at 45-55%. If it is wandering up and down, then the problem IS a buffer issue, you can visually see the correlation between the buffer dropping back down and the popping noise.

I think you might just be unlucky in that you have had both types of problems....
Tim - Could you hold down (push in) the rotary dial and power the machine up from the main on off button.

You should get an exact confirmation of which firmware it is and some stuff about voltages.

You can get popping on the Coax and Optical if the output from the source has jitter or a wandering clock. The later firmwares have a Jitter rejection option that can be set to wide (this option is specific to each input, so if all your sources are jittery - you need to set it for each of them) Somethings (e.g. Apple TV) still have issues.

Problems on USB are usually buffer related. There is an option that shows how full the buffer is on the M-DAC. It should sit at 45-55%. If it is wandering up and down, then the problem IS a buffer issue, you can visually see the correlation between the buffer dropping back down and the popping noise.

I think you might just be unlucky in that you have had both types of problems....


Firmware is vA.10/vA.10 and the voltage is dead on 17.5. The USB buffer does indeed stay fairly static, except when I first power it on. The bar is all over the shop darting from 5% to 50 then 100% then 75% etc... till a signal goes through it then it's fine.

If it were a jitter issue wouldn't that be related to the connection to the source? I do get the problem when the DAC is unplugged from everything except my amp as well.
Hmm - if you get popping when it's not even playing anything, then there is some other problem!

What is your Amp, and how are you connecting the M-DAC to it?
What's the low end of an acceptable voltage ? Mines dropped 14.9/15 v . Would the fusion mods have altered anything , as it was never this low ?
Try connecting a cd/DVD/bluray player to the MDAC with a optical cable and play a CD. If this works it is not your MDAC but you computer that is causing the error
What's the low end of an acceptable voltage ? Mines dropped 14.9/15 v . Would the fusion mods have altered anything , as it was never this low ?

Depends where you live - same PSU used in UK and Europe (and in Australia?)

I'm in the UK and normally see 17.3 - 17.7, about 10% more than European M-DAC's, as our mains Voltage is higher. I asked JW about this before and it's not an issue :)
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