
Linn LP12 upgrade suggestions

Hi Chilly, as I posted earlier, I've got the external DIY Audio unit and I'm currently running it without the feedback, due to the fact that the FFC cable connecting it to the sensor is damaged and I'm waiting on a replacement from China!
Anyway, I was wondering how the feedback FFC cable connects to your internal version, as I can't see it in your photo.
I begin to appreciate the improvement now...but can't get the Zeus PID software working. Attached the USB cable, but the software is stumm. Manual mentions com ports, eeeh? Anyone up to date and have used it?
Edit: Now noticed the USB driver. Isn't it wonderful to learn things when you actually RTFM? ;)

On the other hand I splashed out to get the Zeus, but it got me wondering about my own logic. I buy a motor control just like that, but hesitate to refurb my Troika for less than half that sum, or even replace it with smth sexier at the same price level as the Zeus... :p
I begin to appreciate the improvement now...but can't get the Zeus PID software working. Attached the USB cable, but the software is stumm. Manual mentions com ports, eeeh? Anyone up to date and have used it?
Edit: Now noticed the USB driver. Isn't it wonderful to learn things when you actually RTFM? ;)

On the other hand I splashed out to get the Zeus, but it got me wondering about my own logic. I buy a motor control just like that, but hesitate to refurb my Troika for less than half that sum, or even replace it with smth sexier at the same price level as the Zeus... :p
The version of the PID software I have there is a pull down box, top left, that what once the USB cable is attached between the Zeus and the PC can be clicked and allows the selection of a COM port, COM3 for my laptop.

Also, listen out for a comforting "bing bong" from windows when the Zeus is connected via the USB.

I'm using Windows 11, people have reported trouble with windows 7.
Dunno, it just pre-installs and when I install it, it pre-installs again. Will sort it tomorrow, hopefully
Hi Chilly, as I posted earlier, I've got the external DIY Audio unit and I'm currently running it without the feedback, due to the fact that the FFC cable connecting it to the sensor is damaged and I'm waiting on a replacement from China!
Anyway, I was wondering how the feedback FFC cable connects to your internal version, as I can't see it in your photo.
The FFC cable ducks under the edge of the TT platter, suck down with a bit of tape and then slips between the bearing and the top plate.
Even opened a can of beans as an adminstrator. No luck. Generally I don't like software that installs itself without any traces. Even tried to install through the INF file. No luck.

I remember when the HERCULES II was offered in the MOSE external case, almost all users reported amazing sonic improvements having moved the electronics from beneath the platter.

Relating this to the ZEUS Internal versus ZEUS External power supply, is it correct to assume the same principles will apply?

Frankly, if there was no difference in sonics, I'd install the ZEUS internally in a flash, but space is not an issue and very best sound quality remains our top priority.

What do others think?
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The unexpected improvement with the Hercules in a Mose case was better bass, tighter and more detailed. I still wonder how that is possible.
The Zeus makes records more "listenable". I taken the stethoscope out its box now. Soon time for experimentation with voltages and phases :)
The unexpected improvement with the Hercules in a Mose case was better bass, tighter and more detailed. I still wonder how that is possible.
The Zeus makes records more "listenable". I taken the stethoscope out its box now. Soon time for experimentation with voltages and phases :)

I’m very keen to learn how your experiments go with voltage and phase.

In driving an AC motor, the two aspects are mutually impacting: you cannot change one, without impacting the other. So experimentation will probably be arduous.

I’ve heard cases where increased voltage - not reduced voltage - has improved motor performance, but brings said motor to an early demise.

I’ve also heard tell that with phase, 90° is not always optimal.

Plenty of fun learning ahead! :D
Please keep us posted how you get on with the Zeus.

I have just fitted the DIYAudio version from a group buy about three years ago. I've also fitted an AI Sole VIII and those AI squishy "grommets". Whatever happened to changing one thing at once? :)

I've yet to refit the 774 arm, which I find a pain to set up.
2023-03-07_08-52-00 by Garf Arf, on Flickr

2023-03-07_08-53-40 by Garf Arf, on Flickr

2023-03-07_08-54-08 by Garf Arf, on Flickr

Pretty good stability. Takes about five rotations to get the WOW to < 2% and then it stays there. The printed box is a little heath Robinson but I'm the only person looking at it and I don't mind. The blobs of bluetac are work in progress.

Well, the blobs of bluetac are still there, as is the Sole chassis and the squidgy grommets, and does sound really good, very musical and no quavering of notes, particularly piano. It completely outclasses my PI streamer.

For the moment I have swapped out the miniDSPFlex for a DIY B4 pre-amp, I fancied a straight through analogue path. Such a no nonsense pre-amp.

Just waiting on a couple of KT88s and I'll be able to slip the Radford TT100 in front of the Fortes...:D
I currently run a Linn LP12 with Ittok IV II arm, Cirkus bearing, Hercules external power supply and DV 17DS cartridge. I’m looking for advice on my next upgrade. Any suggestions?
I can’t believe we’re 3 months and 140 posts in and no one has said SL1200G/GR. :D

I moved to a GR in January and I’m delighted. Not a single moment of regret. If I hadn’t I think I would have gone for mushrooms on my LP12.

I do get the love for the LP12, having owned a couple for around 20 years, and the fun to be had considering upgrades. Hope it’s all working out beautifully!

