
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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Can’t say I had a lot of sympathy for Hoyle in the first place - he could simply have told Starmer’s goons to do their worst - but watching him vilify protesters as terrorists just to keep his job is absolutely puke-inducing. Far right are of course picking up on it. Why wouldn’t they? It’s their narrative. Very bad for Muslims, very bad for democracy, but what does he care. Another reckless, self-serving bullshitter.


“ (1)There is a big "fake news" /disinformation story about the unreal "intimidating protesters" from a phantom demo against Stella Creasy to the nonexistent attack on Hancock aides at Leeds Hospital to Paul Sweeney's fantasy "storming " and Lindsay Hoyles imaginary terrorists..

(2)But again the "disinformation/fake news/fact check" people won't tell it -even though it is a social media phantom- because they are actually ideologically focused on who they prejudge as "bad actors", not on the actual questions of truth/falsehood and how they relate to power“

Can’t say I had a lot of sympathy for Hoyle in the first place - he could simply have told Starmer’s goons to do their worst - but watching him vilify protesters as terrorists just to keep his job is absolutely puke-inducing. Far right are of course picking up on it. Why wouldn’t they? It’s their narrative. Very bad for Muslims, very bad for democracy, but what does he care. Another reckless, self-serving bullshitter.

C4 News had right wing crusty old Tory backbenchers saying Hoyle was the best manservant the House had enjoyed in many years
C4 News had right wing crusty old Tory backbenchers saying Hoyle was the best manservant the House had enjoyed in many years
Yep. On this evidence he’s an infinitely pliable, craven idiot. Why wouldn’t a bunch of shit gangsters want him in the role.
The differences in wording between the Labour & SNP motions was very slight. The former were just trying to do political damage rather than be sensible & come up with a solution.

It’s all moot at Israel won’t take any notice. It just shows how pathetic Parliament is with their out moded traditions which don’t seem to prevent Tories being venal & other being opportunistic (at best).

If Hoyle goes they’ll be some other vampire waiting in the wings that will be even worse. Then again, he does talk a bit funny & probably didn’t go to the right school. Let’s carry on with jolly japes & Cameron cosplaying around the world as a statesman.

You have the order of causation wrong.

The SNP tabled the motion. They only get three days a year to table opposition motions.

If there was "little difference" between the two, then Labour should have supported it.

Starmer obviously felt these small differences were important enough to personally lobby the speaker to allow a vote on Labour's motion. Chaos ensued. Starmer did the political damage.

And, by the way, Labour get 17 days a year for opposition motions. If they gave a shit about Gaza they would have used one to table their own motion.
Maybe you should own it too as your vote helped make Starmer leader of the LP back in spring 20:

If he had kept to his 10 pledges, instead of making them into 10 lies, it might have been a good choice.
Personally I didn’t vote at all in the 2019 election partly through being unconvinced and partly through inertia.
I guess lying to get members votes is just another sign of ‘grown up politics’ that the political journalists like so much.

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Maybe you should own it too as your vote helped make Starmer leader of the LP back in spring 20:

I have owned it. I voted for Starmer as a compromise based on his 10 pledges. He broke them all proving himself to being a lying, duplicitous, moral vacuum after I voted for him. As soon as it became clear that Starmer was a liar and a crook, I owned up to my mistake and have apologised to everyone on pfm for that error on more than one occasion. He has gone on to break more and more promises, and he is complicit in supporting genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

You continue to support Starmer despite the evidence that he is a moral vacuum and supporter of continuing the massacre hundreds of Palestinian civilians and children every single day, to starve the survivors and keep supplying the bombs that rain down on those poor human beings every day.

Yet you continue to support Starmer after the evidence of his crookedness has been repeated and his callousness amplified by time.

‘Owning it‘, in the context of support of Starmer, means to justify your support or ending it when evidence presents itself, and apologising, as I did when presented with the evidence after I supported him. Will you justify your continued devotion for Starmer the supporter of growing extremes of poverty at home and of genocide abroad, or admit to your mistake and apologise?
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C4 News had right wing crusty old Tory backbenchers saying Hoyle was the best manservant the House had enjoyed in many years
Well, Hoyle's tried to turn a story about the chicanery and moral inadequacy of the two main parties in the Commons into a puffed-up accusation of terrorism on the part of peaceful protesters, and it sounds and smells like Islamophobia. As @Seanm said above, of course they like him - he's boosting the far-right's bullshit narrative. Which is why it's already been seized upon by Sunak ("We should never let extremists intimidate us into changing the way in which parliament works," Mr Sunak said - BBC) and picked up by the Telegraph et al ('Suella Braverman says Islamists are in charge of Britain now'). All of it Great Replacement-style bullshit.

The truth is that since the second half of October, the British people have been calling for a ceasefire (Middle East Eye), and the two main parties are doing everything they can to ignore us.
The more I see of Hoyle the more I question his motives. Every day he digs the hole deeper IMO. Any prospect this was an innocent mistake rather than a cynical bill manipulation and excuse to ramp up right-wing authoritarianism slowly evaporates with everything he says. Netanyahu spent his money wisely.
Well, Hoyle's tried to turn a story about the chicanery and moral inadequacy of the two main parties in the Commons into a puffed-up accusation of terrorism on the part of peaceful protesters, and it sounds and smells like Islamophobia. As @Seanm said above, of course they like him - he's boosting the far-right's bullshit narrative. Which is why it's already been seized upon by Sunak ("We should never let extremists intimidate us into changing the way in which parliament works," Mr Sunak said - BBC) and picked up by the Telegraph et al ('Suella Braverman says Islamists are in charge of Britain now'). All of it Great Replacement-style bullshit.

The truth is that since the second half of October, the British people have been calling for a ceasefire (Middle East Eye), and the two main parties are doing everything they can to ignore us.
It’s not just extremism, it’s antisemitism dammit!

“I am sickened that Labour is claiming a victory when it partook in shoddy parliamentary practice.
I am appalled at the attitude towards Scottish politicians by those Zionists who claim to hate prejudice but are more than willing to display it against anyone who has the temerity to want to govern their own country that is currently subject to rule from Westminster.
I am shocked that Zionist parliamentarians rigged events in parliament. Both Linsday Hoyle and Rosie Winterton are openly of that persuasion
I am shocked by the appalling treatment of Palestinians here in the UK as well as in Gaza, as well as by the attitudes on display towards them.
I hate the Islamophobia that is now blatant that Tmi Montgomerie thought he could openly display it on Sophie Ridge's programme on Sky last night.
I am appalled that just because I do not want children to die at the hands of Israeli occupying forces who have no legal right to be where they are in Gaza, I am apparently 'hard left', when I am not.
I am shocked by the media's indifference to all this abuse.
Most of all, I am baffled, bemused and straightforwardly angry about the total indifference of our supposedly leading politicians to the suffering of a whole population at the hands of a fascist government because who cares whether it happens to be the government of Israel or not, that is what is happening and that is why it must be condemned: Jewishness has literally nothing to do with this, at all, and I am deeply offended by the anti-Semitism of those who say otherwise.
I want a better world for those who are suffering, and according to our leading politicians, that is something that we cannot aspire to. why, oh why, oh why”
Sectarian hate spewed not from the EDL or Britain First gutter but from the Govt benches in Westminster. “Our freedoms are under attack. A dark day for democracy”.


It’s interesting that instead of making political capital by focusing on Labour corruption, the Conservatives are joining forces with them to smear protestors. Nice to see Labour and Conservatives putting petty party differences aside to focus on the real enemy, the public. More anti-protest legislation imminent, I imagine.
It’s interesting that instead of making political capital by focusing on Labour corruption, the Conservatives are joining forces with them to smear protestors. Nice to see Labour and Conservatives putting petty party differences aside to focus on the real enemy, the public. More anti-protest legislation imminent, I imagine.
Bingo - see the FT story I posted yesterday.

Note the repeated association of 'hard left' and 'Islamist' extremists.

If you object to the violent death of thousands of children you're clearly some sort of terrorist.

Starmer, Starmer,

Pants on firer


After the Starmer’s machinations and lies to subvert Parliamentary democracy, does anyone really still believe this personally signed off promise will be kept once Labour is in power?
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