
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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I can certainly understand some level of anxiety amongst MPs - and their families - about the threats and risks of violence they've been faced with in recent years. More than one MP has been murdered because they were an MP. I'm sure they got lots of threats and some need t be taken very seriously.

But that's a matter for them and the police, etc, to deal with as appropriate. Not something that should inhibit or distort legitimate political debate or systems.

WRT to the specific debate and the Speaker' decison, that should not have been affected by the above. It was one of the SNP's opposition days. Any change of that - e.g. to a different day - should only happened with their prior consultation and agreement.
If, as The Speaker claims, he accepted the amendment on the grounds of safety for MPs, that threat in itself is surely a subject for a full Parliamentary discussion and not tacked onto a derailed Opposition Day matter.
All seems a bit....tacky
I'd suggest that being mealy mouthed about genocide and trying to water down calls for a ceasefire is more likely to get MPs and others killed. The SNP were shafted for Starmer's short-term personal benefit.
If, as The Speaker claims, he accepted the amendment on the grounds of safety for MPs, that threat in itself is surely a subject for a full Parliamentary discussion and not tacked onto a derailed Opposition Day matter.
All seems a bit....tacky
I remember the good old days when parliamentarians had guts. Having Moscow’s goons poisoning people to death in England did not deter Her Majesty’s Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary from travelling without ministerial security to an overnight party with Moscow goons in Tuscany and travelling back pissed in just his work suit the next day. They were real men back then, not like this lot running scared from retired school teachers in keffiyehs they got out of Oxfam.
Absolutely terrifying imho - the same head on three different bodies at the same time albeit poorly disguised with different (bad) hair cuts - either that or it’s the Norfolk branch of the friends of Palestine (a husband with his dad/brother and wife-mother-sister combo).
The differences in wording between the Labour & SNP motions was very slight. The former were just trying to do political damage rather than be sensible & come up with a solution.

It’s all moot at Israel won’t take any notice. It just shows how pathetic Parliament is with their out moded traditions which don’t seem to prevent Tories being venal & other being opportunistic (at best).

If Hoyle goes they’ll be some other vampire waiting in the wings that will be even worse. Then again, he does talk a bit funny & probably didn’t go to the right school. Let’s carry on with jolly japes & Cameron cosplaying around the world as a statesman.
The differences in wording between the Labour & SNP motions was very slight. The former were just trying to do political damage rather than be sensible & come up with a solution.

It’s all moot at Israel won’t take any notice. It just shows how pathetic Parliament is with their out moded traditions which don’t seem to prevent Tories being venal & other being opportunistic (at best).

If Hoyle goes they’ll be some other vampire waiting in the wings that will be even worse. Then again, he does talk a bit funny & probably didn’t go to the right school. Let’s carry on with jolly japes & Cameron cosplaying around the world as a statesman.

Wouldn't be suprised if the Tories try to put one of their own in before the election (hoping s/he hangs on beyond the GE).
I remember the good old days when parliamentarians had guts. Having Moscow’s goons poisoning people to death in England did not deter Her Majesty’s Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary from travelling without ministerial security to an overnight party with Moscow goons in Tuscany and travelling back pissed in just his work suit the next day. They were real men back then, not like this lot running scared from retired school teachers in keffiyehs they got out of Oxfam.

Another Brexit benefit.
If you are not a fan of the political class, I suggest doing your blood pressure a favour and skipping this post...


Mark Francois has (probably) saved the Speaker. Without it, perhaps the Speaker would be on his way out. The history of Britain will therefore be (very slightly) different because of Mark Francois. Who would have believed it?

The differences in wording between the Labour & SNP motions was very slight. The former were just trying to do political damage rather than be sensible & come up with a solution.

It’s all moot at Israel won’t take any notice. It just shows how pathetic Parliament is with their out moded traditions which don’t seem to prevent Tories being venal & other being opportunistic (at best).

If Hoyle goes they’ll be some other vampire waiting in the wings that will be even worse. Then again, he does talk a bit funny & probably didn’t go to the right school. Let’s carry on with jolly japes & Cameron cosplaying around the world as a statesman.
The SNP motion stated Israel is undertaking "Collective punishment" clearly true and a war crime, excluded by Labour. Also Labour watered down the type of ceasefire being debated. These are significant changes especially if you have sympathy with 30,000 murdered Palestinians, 2m imprisoned Palestinians, or on the other hand, are a Zionist Labour party donor
67 letters of no confidence in Hoyle. Hoyle is busy on impression management, floating rival explanations for his conduct. The latest fruity one is the intolerable pressure MPs have been under. Intolerable like the hellscape in Gaza. Hoyle could not standby and allow ‘death threats’. Westminster in the Green Zone. The fact that they’re attaching this to overwhelmingly law abiding protests over Gaza tells you about their shame faces.
I can certainly understand some level of anxiety amongst MPs - and their families - about the threats and risks of violence they've been faced with in recent years. More than one MP has been murdered because they were an MP. I'm sure they got lots of threats and some need t be taken very seriously.

But that's a matter for them and the police, etc, to deal with as appropriate. Not something that should inhibit or distort legitimate political debate or systems.

WRT to the specific debate and the Speaker' decison, that should not have been affected by the above. It was one of the SNP's opposition days. Any change of that - e.g. to a different day - should only happened with their prior consultation and agreement.
And aren't we constantly told (after 911, after 7/7, after Westminster Bridge, Brighton Bombing etc etc) that "Nothing any terrorist does, will interfere with our democracy, or stop us conducting our lives as normal."

And yet groups of concerned UK pensioners and law-abiding citizens, holding cardboard signs on sticks, brings our parliament to a screeching halt? Someone is talking shite.
And aren't we constantly told (after 911, after 7/7, after Westminster Bridge, Brighton Bombing etc etc) that "Nothing any terrorist does, will interfere with our democracy, or stop us conducting our lives as normal."

And yet groups of concerned UK pensioners and law-abiding citizens, holding cardboard signs on sticks, brings our parliament to a screeching halt? Someone is talking shite.
Palestine, the problem they must make go away.
Starmer is a liar, he is corrupt, a supporter of genocide and now someone who is undermining democracy.

Only the most morally vacuous can defend such a loathsome human being.
Yeabutt he didn’t seize power in a military coup, preside over a 17 year reign of terror/dictatorship with 40k people disappearing.

You do realise that should Starmer win the next GE, then probably well over 10 million ordinary folk will have endorsed him - are they morally vacuous too?
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