
Labour Leader: Keir Starmer VII

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Well, I wouldnt mind, with the usual "keep a-hold of nurse" provisos. I find Hoyle annoying, ineffectual and partisan. Bring back Sweary I say!
A good Speaker of the House should be like a good football referee (or rugby referee if you feel so inclined) - i.e. ideally invisible, going about their work unnoticed or at the very least not being the centre of attention. Auld Lyndsay seems to have not met that criteria on this occasion.
C+ would be far too generous for thinking that lazy.

Blimey it really is like you read my school reports. Over the notion thing,: u said Labour don't have a Green plan; I posted their Green plan, it's one of their 5 missions from the Labour website - job done from me with no need to engage or synthesise an argument of my own on this one.
blind faith that is so far removed from reason or evidence

Bit rich coming from a man who the other day said something like Starmer was ideologically between Thatcher and Pinochet.

I mean [the Labour right] might be *worse* than the Tories in some ways. Say what you like about Rees-Mogg and the rest of them: it’s certainly easy enough to imagine them indulging in blackmail, bullying and the corruption of parliament. But I can’t see them calling their pet hack from the scene of the crime to *boast* about it. That really is a uniquely dick move that I think only the Labour right are capable of: the preening self-regard, the delight in their own cleverness and ruthlessness, their conviction that this kind of nihilistic thuggery is what makes them fit to govern. The worst people. Total ****s. A hazard.

Case in point:

Hoyle has been beyond useless at calling for corrections of tory lies for years. An ex Lab MP he has been utterly spineless. The tories hated Bercow, one of their own because he actually did the job. OK he came across as a jumped up little prick but he was effective in at least drawing attention to ministers' dishonesty. The tories will be happy Hoyle's come across as pro-Starmer when the only thing he wants is that £300 a day and the title. He is an awful man, perfect for the era.
All of Labour’s spending plans are dependant on “co-investment” with the private sector, just another version of PFI. If you think PFI is a good basis for anything, well, the evidence that it doesn't work has been around for two decades.
"Research shows that using public borrowing to fund renewable energy projects is cheaper than relying on the private sector." - New Statesman

The New Statesman piece references a report you can find here:
It’s very unusual to force a Speaker’s resignation- they usually go/stay at a new Parliament. I’m sure Hoyle is safe now, since his loyalty will be rewarded by reelection under the new Lab govt. Just has to keep his head down for the remainder of this Parliament.

Also the “safety of MPs” excuse for his behaviour is laughable. They’ve been trying to drive the huge peaceful Palestinian protests off the streets to make a politically embarrassing issue go away for both the government and TelAviveKeith. Some pantomime dame from GBNonce has been grandstanding because someone threw an egg at his hand and he’s demanded the police investigate. Meanwhile in Gaza, you know the story.
Case in point:

First they threaten him, then they grass him up when he caves in, then they shame him publicly, all to demonstrate that he’s their creature. Parts 2 and 3 just wouldn’t occur to any other faction. They’re the worst people in the world.
Re Bercow.
I met him a couple of times but he was so short perhaps I was lucky to miss that. I've also met Galloway (gosh aren't I the name dropper today!), jeez, halitosis on tweed!
First they threaten him, then they grass him up when he caves in, then they shame him publicly, all to demonstrate that he’s their creature. Parts 2 and 3 just wouldn’t occur to any other faction. They’re the worst people in the world.
Hoyle goes in, boots on the ground. The House of Commons Tea Room, it’s a war zone out there. He deserves a peerage just for that.
Jesus more platitudinous drivel.
You're on ignore.
Didn't like my football analogy then (incorrectly shaped ball for your liking no doubt) and the one time I was agreeing with you - then again I suppose not known for humour Max Boyce was shit, Gavin n Stacey was great but really more about laughing at you. Addios.
I think the problem is that Starmer is not actually in charge, Reeves is.

We can see that in the ideological differences on the Green New Deal, which Starmer said would be good for the economy, but Reeves said was bad. Starmer had to back down.

You may be correct. Alas, in that case Staremore would be correct and Reeves would be spouting ignorance. Sadly, I guess neither has the slightest clue about either the science or the relevant economics.
Surely not! Any fule kno' that if you want 'efficiency', you'll only find that in the private sector.
Yes, the private sector is uniquely equipped. It also stands ready to make the long as the government can create a investment environment where profits are almost guaranteed and any losses are taken on by the taxpayer. Win-win!
"Research shows that using public borrowing to fund renewable energy projects is cheaper than relying on the private sector."

Having been a reader of NS for some years I noticed recently how much of the magazine now seems to be 'sponsored' one way or another by busines or various pro-business 'organisations'. The magazine seems rather different now to some years ago.

That said, our issues stopped coming recently and they've not responded to my emails asking about this. So no idea what they have been like in the last few months. My guess is more Mandy Tory-lite than Corbynesque Comrade...
Blimey it really is like you read my school reports. Over the notion thing,: u said Labour don't have a Green plan; I posted their Green plan, it's one of their 5 missions from the Labour website - job done from me with no need to engage or synthesise an argument of my own on this one.
No. Just more twisting. Labour don’t have a plan for anything, just a vague wish list that is conditional upon Reeves and fiscal rules which will not happen.
Bit rich coming from a man who the other day said something like Starmer was ideologically between Thatcher and Pinochet.
Starmer is ideologically somewhere between Thatcher and Pinochet, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with your blind faith in anything and everything that comes from Starmer, a man who plays politics and blackmails the speaker of the House while thousands of civilians and children are killed, mutilated, starved, humiliated and lied about every day.

Your blind support for a liar, a dissembler, charlatan and a supporter of genocide is up to you, but at least own it instead of deflecting all the time
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