
Is Mana Back?

I haven't played this disc in a long time...

I know, I know!

Ah ha!


In other news, I am excited Mana is back, because I can now get some extra "Stainless Steel Evil Spikes" and buy a couple of plates of glass to try the "Double Deuce Down Stack O'Glass Effect".

I can't wait to give them my credit card details and then sit back to wait for the order to be fulfilled... Oh... wait a minute...
Did they work?

With olive series Naim they worked very well. Certainly a significant improvement on sound organisation stands (no blind tests were done in forming this opinion).

Posters asking what they do could try searching the Naim forum for discussions and such like. Acting as a mechanical earth for the equipment sitting on them was the best theory (think Flemings rule). Naim brought out the Fraim about 6 months after that theory went on the forum and i understand all their 500 series gear has leaf spring suspension in it.

That's all from me. Given the nature of the forum lately there should be a naysayer along any second to scoff at the concept, demand "proof" and then put in something insultingly derisory about gullibility.
The question of whether Mana stands work has always been a thorny issue.

I'm happy to reiterate the ultimate conclusion of the Mana argument for any newcomers to this troubled area of hifi.


Answer: "Yes":
Response: Big grins.

Answer: "No"
Rebuttal: Buffoon! You've set it up wrong.
I´d forgotten how much people liked taking the piss out of Mana. As far as I was concerned "evil" spikes meant "long" spikes as opposed to "stubbies" which were considerably shorter and yes, stubby. As far as the glass was concerned Watson always said it was common as muck floated glass and could be bought from any glazier´s. The frames were extremely well made and true, expensive of course, but nip along to your nearest metalworker and see if he can or wants to make them the same, much cheaper. Those around this neck of the woods certainly can´t or at best, don´t want to know. Add in transport costs - Mana is bloody heavy - and I somehow can´t see it working out much cheaper.
As far as I´m concerned Mana works insofar as it affects the sound but it´s when the set-up goes off and you put it right that you notice what you were missing.
FWIW mine´s staying under my Linn.
fox used to be mana gangsta #1. told us all any other approach to audio was misguided.
it took me a year or two after that to try it out and fox was partly right.

Yay. And then I reached puberty
I have had many different direction changes since then, I can cram a lot in 8 years of not using Mana so it was not singled out for special back-pedalling. I have made making idiot HiFi decisions an alternative career path

I'm working on Frozen Water-based conductors instead of cable interconnects at the moment. A bit splashy at the top end though.
I remember going to the Hi-Fi show at Heathrow when Mana were there. The music was so loud that you couldn't actually go in their room. The Mana guys were standing outside in the corridor in their black t-shirts and long hair banging their heads to the heavy metal.
i am hoping the mana forum will be revived. that was possibly the best thing on the internet ever.


Not wrong. Both volatile and sedate(d).

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Happy Gilmore.

Propped up on angle iron and a switchblade.
Anyone know the going rate for a Mana reference table?

Less now that they will be making it again

The old Mana forum was for a handfull of funny personalities, most of these may now be old grumpy.
sure there was input from intelligent people too, they usually repeated 3 words every day, buy more mana:D
I count Vuk for one of the most controversial mana experts thank good he is clever enough to put some photo and girls into the game

Best duels were between Pig and Parry but again have you read a few lines you've basically read it all

To be honest Mana did provide a change to performance delivered from a LP12 and some earlier Julian Naim stuff which I trust its basically developed on.

When JW introduced the stainless spikes they were all in heaven,
soon after mana resigned
I once tried some Mana Soundbases under a pair of Rega Ela and they made bugger all difference.
You didn't set them up correctly [cont p 94]

There is some truth to that statement. I had a pair of Sound Bases under a pair of Rega Naoses back in 2002 until 2006. In 2005 someone set them up properly for me and they were more effective thereafter.

