
Is Mana Back?

Peoples expectations and the market has changed a lot in the past 10 years; I will watch with interest.

FWIW I do still have two sound frames and used to have one under my LP12 and one under my CD transport. I thought it was very good under the Linn and OK under the CD, but not so much as with the LP12.

IMHO, WAF is off the (negative) scale, and maybe it's my feminine side coming out but I thought it looked borderline 10 years ago, now it doesn't get house room. My son has one of the soundframes and the other is gathering dust in my studio.
Curiosity got the better of me and I've ordered a copy of the CD.

IMHO, WAF is off the (negative) scale, and maybe it's my feminine side coming out but I thought it looked borderline 10 years ago, now it doesn't get house room. My son has one of the soundframes and the other is gathering dust in my studio.

I always really liked the original Sound Org supports and Mana just looks like tweaked, butched-up SO to me - but obviously there is more to it than that.
I like supports that look like oil rigs and much prefer them to the curvy 'pretty' supports.
I am deeply grateful to Mana for saving me a lot of money and anxiety. Reading the enthusiastic positive reports on the Mana Forum, I bought a Soundstage and tried it. And it worked not at all - under anything, CD players, even an LP12, which it was supposed totally to transform. Now I'm a reasonably adept DIYer, so getting the screws correct was no problem, so the only conclusion was that it didn't work at all. Now up to this time, I tended to believe that cables, etc. could make a difference to the sound. With Mana, scales fell from my eyes. I listened to exotic cables against the bits of string that come with Japanese CD players and realised that the previous differences I'd heard were only because I wanted them to be there - and in reality they weren't. So, end of fancy cables and other accoutrements. It naturally led (as is my way) to another song:

A long, long time ago…
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile.
And I thought if I had my chance
My music system to enhance
Just, maybe, I’d be happier for a while.

But hi-fi mags just made me shiver
As every article delivered.
Bad news on the doorstep;
Much cash to gain one more step.

And thus it was, I did decide
This bizarre world to get inside
It really took me for a ride,
And so the music died.

So bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I

Do you believe in sounds of wire
At a price that’s absolutely dire
If those Bibles tell you so?
And do you believe your rock ‘n roll
Sounds so much better, with more soul
From a diamond dragging through a ditch so slow?

Now I knew folk were in love with Linn
Even when the price was really grim
Or mad Naimees whose shoes
Tap as if there’s no time to lo-oo-oose.

I had a taste champagne with a budget beer
And imagination and no golden ear
And all confirmed were my worst fears
The day the music died

I started singin’
Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I

So for ten years, I was quite on song
Believed these wise folk can’t be wrong
They heard something, I heard it too
Although it was so contrar-ray
To the science I did every day
I somehow didn’t see it all as woo.

Until a stand, of Mana name
From Anglesey, not heaven, came
It cost a hefty pound
Was said to enhance sound
But in spite of what the pundits knew
I tried it out, and its cred blew
Moreover it looked ugly too
No wonder music died

I started singin’
Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I

Helter skelter, I was in a swelter
I tested stuff and in a welter
Scales from eyes were falling fast
For big improvements, you need grass
And propaganda good as Tass
And pseudo-scientific humbug vast

Now in no time I smelt sweet perfume
Of truth, and tried to sing this tune
I sought truth to advance
But I rarely got the chance
For when I tried to take the field
The true believers would not yield
They didn’t like the truth revealed
And so the music died.

And I was singin’
Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I

Oh, and there we were all in one place,
A few with clues, but some with space
Between the ears, so talk was vain
They went on, they were simple, they were thick
As Jethro Tull’s infamous brick
‘Cos humbug is believers’ only friend.

Oh, and as I watched them on the for-
Um, hi-fi myths began to soar
From folk who should know well
Completely under spell.
And as the flaming climbed to scary height
The sort of thing that forums blight
Hi-fi believers laughing with delight
The day the music died

And I was singin’
Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I

I now have ceased to sing the blues
No longer read the “Hi-Fi News”
I simply smile and turn away
I don’t go to the hi-fi store
Where the music left me years before
For in such stores the music doesn’t play
The only thing that’s there is dreams
At prices taken to extremes
Absurdity unspoken
And logic totally broken
I have Meridian, Linn and Quad
But for my back, no longer rod
Music, not hi-fi, is my god
And music will abide.

I’m happily singin’
Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I

Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I!
The Mana is dead thread was great late evening reading for me yesterday and it is nice to find some of the stars entertaining us again. Maybe this is the real Mana Effect (TM)
That swag poetry HAS to be the best thing I have read on this forum for years*. There has had to have been more time spent constructing a single stanza of the American Pie anti-ode as most entire threads have received. Maybe we need a sticky thread for audio humor, so the time spent on these does not disappear as this thread hits the second page in the next day or three.

*Of course I tend not to read my own postings:D
Love this bit:

I started singin’
Bye, bye, to religion hi-fi
I’d been drinking without thinking, now the well has run dry
And good ol’ audiophools can fight till they die
But they can carry on without I
They can carry on without I
Everything one needs to know about Mana can be found here. Suffice to say I'll not be doing any business with them, nor will I be running any advertising on this site.
Obviously I've heard of Mana and aware there is controversy surrounding them, but what was the idea behind their rather bizarre-looking support systems?

I would be genuinely interested to hear the theory behind them from anyone who knows, without any interruption from opponents, thanks!

No one who produces equipment furniture can describe why it works...

you left out the part about not knowing to set it up properly. remember, i am the chosen one, the only one.

That swag poetry HAS to be the best thing I have read on this forum for years*. There has had to have been more time spent constructing a single stanza of the American Pie anti-ode as most entire threads have received. Maybe we need a sticky thread for audio humor, so the time spent on these does not disappear as this thread hits the second page in the next day or three.

*Of course I tend not to read my own postings:D

I confess that, once I get the idea, the song comes out with startling speed. The collection (more than 80!) used to be on the old Zerogain forum. My personal favourite is The Upgrading Song:

Dough for gear, that’s really dear
’Ray! From better up to best!
Me, for me, ‘cos I can hear
Far, far better than the rest
So, why needled, filled with dread?
La-tterly heard better, so
Tee-tering on new upgrade
Which shall bring us back to dough-oh-oh-oh

you left out the part about not knowing to set it up properly. remember, i am the chosen one, the only one.


Sorry, Vuk, I never knew it to be able to forget it in order to remember it.

you left out the part about not knowing to set it up properly. remember, i am the chosen one, the only one.


The classic excuse...

Right up there with 'you're deaf'

Honestly, it's time you boys grew up.

