
Is Mana Back?

Doesn't it come with a manual?

yes, but the manual is wrong.

i have also tried to explain to people and found them unable to follow the correct instructions, which are not really that difficult.

i am hoping the mana forum will be revived. that was possibly the best thing on the internet ever.

i am hoping the mana forum will be revived. that was possibly the best thing on the internet ever.


The internet is indeed all the poorer for it's demise. The old Mana forum was a wonderful resource for disparate interests such as: wine futures, Mother Nature's Majesty, curry houses in Glasgow, fine art, tinkering with clapped out LP12s, paint stripping... the list goes on.
Currently listening to Eternal Dream - The Mana Reference CD. I hear a lot more in the recording now than ever.
To the melody of "Bringing in the Sheep (err..sheaves)" .?

Much worse, thousands were killed in the first uprising...

I came to this Forum too late for the original Mana threads - they were just something from the legendary past. I`m so glad it could be coming back.

