
Is Mana Back?

Aprons are cool!


hold on to that one. when romney becomes president it will soar in value.

Its the cognitive dissonance of cookie monster holding weenies in baps that does my head in. WY YU NO HOELD COOKIE?
Imagine if Cookie Monster were wearing a Cookie Monster apron? Holding cookies! The universe would fold in on itself!
Lets try again...

I just read the whole 2006 Mana demise thread in the ref section today. I learned 2 things;

- DSS used to post without "is it"
- Bzlebub and John have never liked each other

My excuse? Unemployed currently :)

as a philanthropic business effort, i plan to order $200,000's worth to insure a stable world supply for the next 5 years.

So that's enough for your Left Channel, what will you do for the Right?
The definitive answer from John Watson this very evening is an unequivocal NO.

Sorry to be the one to trash thirteen pages of conjecture and drivel.
No new Mana then. Bummer.

What if a chap still fancies getting ripped off? Would anyone out there like to take my credit card details, anyway?

