
Is Mana Back?

If I didn't know better, I'd be thinking you guys were trying to ruin my sale.

Ok, we need to get Bub shifted of his old crap.

Dope is out, punter will see it a mile off...

What you do is with your exceptional access to all things pharmacological is entice a potential client to listen to your ATCs stacked on a load of welded stuff, pump the visitor full of veeerrrry nice stuff: my money is on a cocktail of --

  • 10mg chlordiazepoxide
  • 10mg clorazepate
  • 15mg diazepam
  • 30mg lorazepam
  • and a smidgeon of oxazepam

...and when their jaw drops say, yeah, its not the ATCs, its the Maaaarrrrneerrrr doing it ... and then reel the sucker in. Ya know... a stand manufacturer could build an entire sales strategy on it. Spacey forget what I just said.

Not good at surreptitiously injecting? Hell I'll even whip up a special Pony Smoothie to mule the junk into the punter.
Fox, there's complexity issues with your serving suggestion. Bub could simply get the guy round then use a billiard ball inside a sock to get the cash. Guy wakes up in an ally with a sore head and Bachman Turner Overdrive still ringing in his ears.
Just an observation, but any non Hi-Fi person reading the reams of posts on just this one subject would probably think we were all f*cking mental.

Hmm... one doesn't have to be a 'non hi-fi person' to think that...
So all you former Mana lovers..
What do you choose to park the gear on now?
I still use a four tier amp stand for cd, amp, power supply

I had a five teir stand until recently and still use a ref. top for my turntable as it seems a very clear improvement on leaving the tt on the floor, or askew on a table top.

But, in the last few years, I have found that any tabley device is capable of supporting my equipment. Providing the platform in question doesn't fall over or wobble. Well, the wobbling is probably ok, too.

It's a tough gig coming off Mana, though.

My jaw hasn't been quite the same since 2002, and to this day, I still routinely tap the corners of all the tables in my house and ruminate over whether the resultant knock was tuneful enough.

some get ponies sooner
some get ponies later
some never get ponies at all

all are ok.

Please explain "Ponies"

I'm just not getting it.

Fox is referring to his earnings. A pony is slang for £25. You will have gathered by now that Fox may be an underachiever, he should be saying,

Some get monkeys sooner
Some get monkeys later
Some never get monkeys at all.

For a monkey is £500, a pony £25
Is this thread (and all the cable ones) proof of some sort of "law of hifi forums" that the less important something is to the sound quality you actually experience... and the less connection with real science and engineering something has.... the more attention and discussion it gets ! :eek:

Coat being put on now :cool:
I think it means that he identifies emotionally with Japanese pre-teen girls?

I was (is?) still convinced that 'ponies' is some deviant code word for depraved sexual behavior.

Something so evil and decadent that a young-ish pup like me cannot even conceive of the horror..

Hope I'm right :)
You keep believing that...

Wrt being an underachiever, I found a solution which Is to take my ill gotten pension to a third world country like Spain, voila, my pony is now a gorilla and I am fabulously rich. We call it "taking a MickP."
I have no view on Ponies, or Bronies, but FWIW, I used a borrowed Mana Reference table for a year or so. I thought it had a certain 'tidying' effect on the sound of my LP12, but later realised that it was taking away more than it was giving IYSWIM.

Still, horses for courses etc., and apart from being, to quote Alan Sircom: 'A right royal PITA to keep clean' it looked OK.

OTOH 50 or 60 'phases' (That particular pretension still makes me chuckle) of Mana do seem to invoke a look and an atmosphere reminiscent of the back of a bread van after the round is done.

As for stainless Mana. They've obviously sold out and bought into Glam-Fi
I mean, if you're going to make a big ugly pile of angle iron, mild steel is the only honest way.

Unpainted, allowed to rust a little and oiled. Proper organic like. I would suggest cor-ten if you really want to make an angle-iron statement.

The Stainless Steel stuff came after I baled, but it looked like blinged-up shite and the comically blobby welds on Artists' stainless edition were completely cock-eyed. Pitted too.
The only way to properly weld stainless is to do a clean weld, without any inclusions, and then polish it back to invisibility. By sheer coincidence, the casework of my Papworth stuff is made in this way. Note the 'invisible' welds on all vertical corners. Clearly this is not for Glam purposes. It is just quality workmanship and is also non magnetic. :)


I got rid of the stainless mana i spent a weekend trying to polish it.

I have never seen anything so bad,i sold all the stainless mana glad to get rid of it.

The only mana i still use is the Atc stands

