
indulgence show 2017 29th sept 1st oct

In the interests of balance: The big Wilson Audios in the Devialet room I didn't get on with at all whereas the Phantom Golds in the same room were really rather good fun.
Thanks, Keith. I'll be in on Saturday morning to take delivery of my free Kii Threes.

[It's a joke, it's a joke! Calm down, everybody, let's play nicely.]
In the interests of balance: The big Wilson Audios in the Devialet room I didn't get on with at all whereas the Phantom Golds in the same room were really rather good fun.

I wondered what the Wilson Audios were like. The Phantom Golds would be great as part of a slim second system.

Thanks, Keith. I'll be in on Saturday morning to take delivery of my free Kii Threes.

[It's a joke, it's a joke! Calm down, everybody, let's play nicely.]

Registered no earlier than yesterday and only two posts so far (both in this thread) - Hmmmm...
Registered no earlier than yesterday and only two posts so far (both in this thread) - Hmmmm...

Hi, Marley.

I registered this lunchtime in order to respond to posters in this thread, having searched the InterWebs generally for impressions of the Indulgence show, which I enjoyed tremendously. I was there and my long post reflects my genuine, personal, commercially disinterested opinions.

Now, does anyone else want to say anything about the Sgt Pepper presentations? Had to grin at Mr Showell's tale of rebuilding a cutting lathe and its installation at the 11th hour. As for the results, what a triumph ... do you think?
I must admit to being flabbergasted by people's -ve responses to the Kii Threes. Shows how much I know about people's different tastes, I suppose...

But from my own POV (and I know many will disagree) the quality of a system isn't about taste. I want something that will be even-handed, consistent and as neutral as possible - to hear the recordings and not anything from the system itself.

On Sunday morning it was really quiet at the show, and the good people from Ultimate Stream were kind enough to indulge me by playing the following tracks:

* (their choice) live recording of Louis Armstrong and band - 'Mack the Knife'
* Stravinsky - 'Dance of the Earth' from 'The Rite of Spring'
* Emmylou Harris - 'The Pearl' from 'Red Dirt Girl'
* Steely Dan - 'Peg' from 'Aja'
* Daft Punk - 'Lose Yourself to Dance' from 'Random Access Memories'
* John McLaughlin - 'Arjen's Bag' from 'Extrapolation'
* (their choice) Henry Mancini - Inspector Clouseau theme (not sure from which film)
* The Roches - 'Hammond Song' from their eponymous album

I know that many people have already brought DSP to bear on loudspeakers (Linn e.g. have done a lot of work), but it _seems_ to me, after this session, that Kii have brought the technology together in a package that is truly something new and a step-change forward in reproduction.

They may not be the absolute best for all recordings and in any one specific area of reproduction (it would be interesting for example to hear them against a purist valve / single driver setup playing a pristine mic-to-recorder of small-scale acoustic music), but if I had the money they would absolutely be the front runner in my auditioning shortlist - the one for others to beat.

With each of the tracks above, the character of the recording itself shone through, with nothing that I could identify as a sonic characteristic of the Threes themselves. I could bang on about what they did well, but that would just get boring - a list of what audio equipment is supposed to do.

Of course, I'm as susceptible as anyone else to the surprises that we experience when encountering something radically new and different, and future exposure to Kii speakers (or, say, Genelec monitors with radical DSP, which I've not heard yet) may temper my initial (and exuberant) enthusiasm. However, for now I genuinely think that high-end manufacturers may have a real problem here. Why fill your lounge with loads of kit that gets in the way, and pay a multiple of the price of the Kii Threes, when you can just have digital source + speakers that will play _anything_ well?

One last thing. After playing all those tracks for me, the Ultimate Stream people (thank you very much, Raff (?) and Steve) moved on to demo this system:

Merging Technologies NADAC player
T+A PA3100 HV amplifier
Amphion Krypton 3 loudspeakers

- but started with the last of 'my' tracks, the Hammond Song, so I got to hear it immediately after playback through the Kii system. The difference was shocking; the sound was more vague, more coloured and with obvious 'overhang', in comparison.

Let me put this in perspective - this is a system that I would be proud to own myself, and that initial impression faded in a minute or so (as I got used to listening 'through' it, to the recording). The following track Dusty Springfield singing 'The Look of Love' sounded exquisite.

All I need now is a week with a few friends to run back-to-back comparisons between the Kii speakers and PMC and Genelec monitors, B&W and Kef flagships, Wilson Audio and Magico, Quad and Martin-Logan ... etc (you choose the amps!)

P.S. What a thrill to hear tracks from the 50th anniversary "Sgt Pepper's" and a great talk from the mastering engineer, Miles Showell.

Thanks for your thoughts.

I suggest you add Linn AEDSM, Majik Exaktbox-i and Majik 140 speakers with upgraded stands to your list, along with SPACE configured by someone who knows what they're doing. For less money than a pair of Kii Threes and their stands but excluding the controller. I would like to hear them both in the same room but would equally like to read the thoughts of anyone else who gets the chance. I think the comparison would be very interesting. Some dealers claim Linn stuff is overpriced but seem to forget that the Kii's carry a significant price tag too.
Went Sunday,certainly the most poorly attended show I've ever been too in over 30years.
For the most part my mate and I were the only people in the rooms.
Only positive was hearing the Kii3 at last and hopefully listen to what all the fuss was about.....ultimately I now know I couldn't live with a pair I'm afraid.
Where were TAD ? They were listed on the web promotion and on the door program we certainly couldn't find them
I'll be amazed if this event is on again next year.
I never quite understand why a small number of attendees is a bad thing. Some punters yes, but it's much worse trying to squeeze into a room and trying to listen with your back against the wall. I came across a few mates, I was quite happy.

One of my reasons for going, was to compare the Inuos Zenith with the limited addition SE. Unfortunately the SE was significantly better, I have the cooking version. Still I couldn't afford the new one anyway.
To be fair, the lower floors are quite open, so it would seem quieter than it actually is. With the place being a bit of a maze too, you can't see everywhere like the ground floor of Bristol.
Hi, Eat Yr Greens, and welcome!

Thanks, Emlin;

although since I've been reading stuff on this thread and elsewhere, I have to agree with your comment on the "Who's heard the Kii Three speakers?" thread:

I don't want to be subjected to infantile bickering every time I want to get to the low-down of the gear.

Snipers do this forum no good whatsoever.

Sadly this kind of activity seems to take place in most every forum I visit. In each case, there are people who either (a) wade in without taking notice of the discussion so far, especially with regard to info already requested and supplied and/or (b) go into attack mode to pull down other forum members, with little or no respect for their different views.

I don't think that everything and everyone needs to be handled with kid gloves, but hey I'm getting very weary of the uninformed 'noise', and the continual snarling and lip-curling, that detract from potentially worthwhile discussion. Not to mention the effect on those attacked...

[At this point I can already hear the "but they deserved it" and "he started it" - et flipping cetera.]

Let's put it this way: I know I'm right, but at least I know you know you're right as well. Can we keep this in mind?
To be fair, the lower floors are quite open, so it would seem quieter than it actually is. With the place being a bit of a maze too, you can't see everywhere like the ground floor of Bristol.

Good point, although the 'bit of a maze' could have done with better signposting & mapping.

A couple of the exhibitors said that Friday was much busier. On the Sunday, I enjoyed the freedom to get where I wanted at almost any time, but wondered whether the show would happen again, such was the tumbleweed-to-punter ratio.

A big thank you to the exhibitors and presenters I talked to (even surprised myself by looking at the non-audio stuff), who without exception were friendly, apparently knowledgeable and had real enthusiasm for their field of work, their brand or whatever.

I'd go again ... except that I'd reconsider travel plans as getting into and out of London was such a drag.
Thanks for your thoughts.

I suggest you add Linn AEDSM, Majik Exaktbox-i and Majik 140 speakers with upgraded stands to your list, along with SPACE configured by someone who knows what they're doing. For less money than a pair of Kii Threes and their stands but excluding the controller. I would like to hear them both in the same room but would equally like to read the thoughts of anyone else who gets the chance. I think the comparison would be very interesting. Some dealers claim Linn stuff is overpriced but seem to forget that the Kii's carry a significant price tag too.

That's exactly (IF I had the money...) the kind of thing I'd also like to consider, alongside more conventional solutions with careful setup. The reviews I've read seem to suggest a large amount of setup effort ... which may of course be well worth it.

I'm going to take all these considerations to the Old Windsor show ... cue the next thread.
i popped in on Friday for three hours to meet a couple of distributors and pick up a set of cables (i was in London working already and had not picked up a box from the office)
I went to see who i had to then had a wander round . Had a look at the headphone selection and ordered up a new pair as a present for a friend and in general thought that that section was OK , enough people to make it worth while the guys turning up . I then went to floor 3..or as some of the people up there called it the ghost town, had a quick word with the very nice chaps from Blue Frog and they knew there stuff .Met a couple of distributors there and spent time talking to them about a couple of future plans without a single person going into the rooms.
Went back downstairs and had a quick listen to the PMC speakers..i liked those then went into the Arcam AV demo, and wished i had not .I like the new Arcam amps ,with Dirac they work very well(installed a couple and can only say how easy there are to make work).But that room should have sounded great, bags of power and though I'm not a big KEF fan they are not bad speakers . There was way to much centre and it lacked any form of attack and what i could have been
Will wait and see if it is on next year , we have always gone to Windsor but this year may get tempted to the Harrogate show as an exhibitor should there be a last minute deal
Went Sunday,certainly the most poorly attended show I've ever been too in over 30years. [...]
I'll be amazed if this event is on again next year.

Me too.

[...] hearing the Kii3 at last and hopefully listen to what all the fuss was about.....ultimately I now know I couldn't live with a pair I'm afraid. [...]

Care to expand on that? My first comment here was "I must admit to being flabbergasted by people's -ve responses to the Kii Threes." and I am interested in what people have to say.

Perhaps I was swayed by listening for the things that the Kii Threes do well; and since the music was mostly my choice I had little problem in engaging with it on an emotional level.

Some years ago I recall hearing three variants on the 'point source' approach at a Heathrow show

*Fujitsu Ten / Eclipse
*Overkill Audio with Manger driver
*One of the big Tannoys with concentric driver

and I came away with the impression that there was something inherently 'right' about the approach; but in the long run, I know I couldn't have lived with any of them. Ditto for different reasons with good, big horn systems, and I love Quads and Martin-Logans but ... etc.

Whatever view I end up with, I will remember Sunday's demo as a real highlight. If they're not all they're cracked up to be, then the genuine advances in what they're getting right is a substantial challenge to the status quo (as perhaps the Linn Majik stuff and so on).

So what was your take on the Ultimate Stream Kii setup?

P.S. Ducati? I concur.
Went back downstairs and had a quick listen to the PMC speakers..i liked those then went into the Arcam AV demo, and wished i had not .I like the new Arcam amps ,with Dirac they work very well(installed a couple and can only say how easy there are to make work).But that room should have sounded great, bags of power and though I'm not a big KEF fan they are not bad speakers . There was way to much centre and it lacked any form of attack and what i could have been

Which KEF system? The one with the Arcam receiver and Q Series speakers was superb. The one with loads of separate amps and the Reference series was a real disappointment (last year at the same show it was very good) - you could hear each speaker as individuals. I did wonder about the set up, given that the lip-sync was out, and that's not hard to fix and might've been a clue as to how much/little effort had been put into set up.
Which KEF system? The one with the Arcam receiver and Q Series speakers was superb. The one with loads of separate amps and the Reference series was a real disappointment (last year at the same show it was very good) - you could hear each speaker as individuals. I did wonder about the set up, given that the lip-sync was out, and that's not hard to fix and might've been a clue as to how much/little effort had been put into set up.

Not sure i was not impressed at may have been the bigger of the two just did not grab me at all
I couldn't really tell what the JBls were like because the room suffered from awful resonance, which could have been treated ...

I understand your point but there is a part of me that is suspicious of any hifi that needs room treatment , whether in a show or a hifi shop. I mean does a pianist or violinist refuse to play live unless the room has been treated ?

