
indulgence show 2017 29th sept 1st oct


this is quite a month for shows . anyone in London area might be interested in this show which looks to be excellent . I believe the proac dt8 will be there so if anyone goes perhaps they can let us know what they think .

loads of other stuff too
Went last year to assess the KEF LS50 Wireless speakers and the Devialet gear. Heard a fantastic pair of JBLs as well.

Think I'll pop along for the Kii Three speakers this year.

I couldn't really tell what the JBls were like because the room suffered from awful resonance, which could have been treated ...
I will be there helping out Nick Gorham of Longdog Audio. Hopefully my liver can stand a three day show..
It was quite good last year.

This year I'll miss it as I'll be birding in Hungary. Shit load of cranes. Owls too. Nice.
I went last year to see the photography exhibition. Brilliant.

Then went in a few rooms. Most were small and terrible. Quad and Dynaudio had superb rooms, so I spent an hour listening to 2912's and then the new Contour range.

The room layout over several floors confused my simple mind, so I gave up and left.

Great list of companies showing this year. I'm not in the market for anything, but may pop down as I'm local.
I don't know if it simply ignorance or just laziness but to hire a room at considerable expense and then not treat it strikes me as rather a pity.
I've never been to a hi-fi event so might give it a go. Audio Jumble is on on the Sunday, more my level I'd have thought.
I don't know if it simply ignorance or just laziness but to hire a room at considerable expense and then not treat it strikes me as rather a pity.

Yes agreed. I'm a friend of Nick's and have helped him out at a few shows- Nick pays for bread and board, another friend and myself do the heavy lifting, set up and help to run the room. I've come across many dire sounding rooms that could have been a lot better with a bit of treatment.
i would love to go but so many shows in next few weeks and no time to see them all , hope you do lots of pics for those who cannot attend
I couldn't really tell what the JBls were like because the room suffered from awful resonance, which could have been treated ...

I thought it was obvious, even in the small untreated room, that the dynamics of the JBLs were excellent.

Of course, you'd never actually buy speakers on the basis of a show demo. But I got enough out of the JBL demo to make me interested in a home demo.
I will be in London for the Pink Floyd exhibition and the Big Big Train gig. My train home is at 2pm on Sunday so i am wondering if i could make it for an hour or so?

