
Her Majesty the Queen RIP

Pedant alert - she isn't 'black' but 'bi-racial'.......


I think the most acceptable term at present is "shared heritage" . Given that that covers most of us unless our ancestors have never strayed more than 10 miles from the house, it's a very inclusive of rather meaningless term. At least "person of colour" gives you some hint as to their ancestry, assuming you think it's important or want to know.
About Meghan’s skin colour, I presume the Queen has always elegantly shut up.

pfm has a reputation for being an anti-racist place, and some members deem it important to argue on Meghan’s skin colour. Makes me feel like I’m in the wrong movie.
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This thread seems to have drifted quite off topic.


I joined a minutes silence this morning, and have been surprisingly (to me) effected by her passing. I have always held a huge respect for her, perhaps less so for the siblings, but nonetheless I feel this is a huge loss to the world.

The TV and MSM is turned off for the next couple of weeks however...

End of an era.
I’m curious what so many monarchists and all our gutter tabloids hate so much about Harry marrying an intelligent articulate independently successful and wealthy black woman?
It is such peoples' belief that Harry and Meghan subsequently undermined and betrayed the Monarchy that they benefitted from (and still do via Charles' largesse) that is despised, I would imagine.
I’m driving a couple of miles to Banchory tomorrow to see the hearse pass and pay my respects. Not a royalty man and would much prefer a republic but the Queen has been in place the whole of my life so it’s a significant passing for me.

If we must have a royalty can’t we have it European style, without all the family, the hangers on and the media leaches that steal a living with their sycophantic bullshit.
Never heard of the "one drop rule"?
The one drop rule is not well known or understood in the U.K. We’ve somehow simply picked up on that if you’re not 100% white then you’re black. This seems like a perverse version of white suprematist views to me.
He moved to the Wirral when his father was made redundant and had to relocate to take up a new job. Wilson was at Wirral Grammar just for the Sixth Form years.

When I was growing up there seemed to be shedloads of secondary schools on the Wirral. As well as Wirral Grammar there was Wallasey Grammar, Oldershaw, Park High in Birkenhead and then the Catholic ones; St Anselm’s, St Hugh’s (known to us as ‘The Yozzers’) and Thomas Becket. Then the girls’ schools; Holt Hill, Maris Stella and Upton Convent.
You've overlooked the best, Birkenhead Institute
It obviously passed me by. I was aware of Birkenhead School, and the Park High schools, but not the Institute.
Then he married the aforementioned fun sponge and she seems to have turned him into a needy, whiny, pathetic old woman.

More that a hint of blatant misogyny there ..... drab, to say the least.

And that in an RIP thread - tut tut!
More that a hint of blatant misogyny there ..... drab, to say the least.

And that in an RIP thread - tut tut!

Don’t be so pathetic - I’m no fan of Ed Sheeran; does that make me guilty of misandry as well?

But you are right about the off-topic, so I shall say no more on that subject and clarify that I am also sad about the passing of the Queen.
Can I remind you all this is an RIP thread. Others threads available for bashing the Monarchy.

Thank you @flatpopely . You wrote what I was thinking.

I started this thread as concern for her health and quite rightly, it's title edited to RIP.

I respect all the views and opinions but this thread is one of respect.

Thank you.

