
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

How can someone be at the top of the list and just below Martha Stewart?

More importantly, best not to demonize all Americans. When I lived in Kentucky many of my American coworkers were just as concerned about and appalled by what their government was doing at the time (Iraq War II: Electric Boogaloo) as many here were.


I was expecting you to make the case that Martha Stewart is so evil that she's more evil than evil itself. In fact, she's evil incarnate incarnate as evil +1.

Jeez, I sets dem up and youse miss a poifect opportunity dere...

That's exactly what I was going to post next (honest guv) but I took the opportunity to lump Canadians in with the Yanks :)
According to Anya, Martha Stewart is a witch. "Nobody could do that much découpage without calling on the powers of darkness."

As long as we have Bubbles Canadians can't be lumped with any other country.


More testing apparently.

The suggestion is that, with a bomb of that magnitude "folks over the border in China" would have felt a hell of a tremor.

There's quarter of a million Chinese in Helong alone. None of them have a mobile phone or internet?

I'll wait to see some footage - I'm sure it will come out eventually. It will be most interesting.
There's quarter of a million Chinese in Helong alone. None of them have a mobile phone or internet?

One of my colleagues in-laws lives just over the border, be interesting to see what they experienced, take their minds off the smell of rotting fish held up at the border due to sanctions.
North Korea claims it's a hydrogen bomb small enough to be delivered on a missile.. Japanese and South Korean observers say it was an order of magnitude, as much as 9 X, bigger than previous tests.

The timescales of their development have accelerated hugely in the last 12 months, I'm wondering if they are now getting some external assistance.

The only source I can think of would be Russia in order to create chaos and panic in the US.
The timescales of their development have accelerated hugely in the last 12 months, I'm wondering if they are now getting some external assistance.

The only source I can think of would be Russia in order to create chaos and panic in the US.

Or another Pakistani freelancer making a bit on the side? They have form.

Whatever the truth, the North Koreans have shown they have tremendous drive, energy and technical know-how. Just imagine if all that was put to peaceful use.
NATO response could involve sending an army of Morris dancers equipped with VX impregnated hankies north across the DMZ.

The timescales of their development have accelerated hugely in the last 12 months, I'm wondering if they are now getting some external assistance.

The only source I can think of would be Russia in order to create chaos and panic in the US.

There is speculation that they got detailed designs of old Soviet ICBMs from the 70s.
It will not just be ICBM they will have had. The leap from fission to fusion at a scale small enough to fit into an ICBM is somewhat substantial.

That is the only sensible use of Morris men.
There is speculation that they got detailed designs of old Soviet ICBMs from the 70s.

There's an awful lot of speculation going on.

It's facts and proof I would like to see.
I don't think it matters. What does is they have a hydrogen bomb and the means to launch it, so let's all focus on what to do now, and the answer is simple. Talk.

