
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

China intervening directly is probably the least worst outcome. A unified Korea (especially if democratic and economically successful) threatens China in the same way a prosperous eastern Europe in the EU and NATO threatens Russia.

China has been happy with the status quo. No US client state on the border. Send them food. tell them how to behave. Also when China attempted direct regime change in NK they got a bloody nose. But the whole international community has stopped aiding NK, including China. And supported sanctions. And requested an end to all nuclear testing. And NK has just ignored and embarrassed China.

I think this leaves China two options. Break off all relations and aid permanently and see what happens. Or invade.

The US are not going to do anything without China's agreement. China could more easily do something without the US.
I don't think it matters. What does is they have a hydrogen bomb and the means to launch it, so let's all focus on what to do now, and the answer is simple. Talk.

Yes, with the aim of some sort of peace treaty instead of an armistice. The current ceasefire, with the North and South still technically at war, is never going to bring stability to the Peninsula.

I think we also need a bit of a reality check on the our view of the role of the Peoples' Republic of China. The idea that the Chinese government will go out of its way to help America with its current predicament really doesn't stand up to scrutiny. While they don't want war on the Peninsula, neither do they want a resurgent American presence right on their border. The current stalemate rather suits them, given their other ambitions in the area, and it's arguable they are playing an equally dangerous game.
Threatening US trading with those who trade with N Korea is dumb. All the American Brands with goods produced in China. Apple for one.

Thats the trouble with these high level thinkers, they just don't think things through.

Mouth of Trump
Given that Apple and a number of other tech companies that rely on China would be hurt by trade sanctions with China, well - that might be a bug plus for Trump. After said companies have been very much against his policies and those of the Republicans generally. Publicly.

Still very dumb. But.

And we know Trump does everything he says he will. What about that wall, eh?

(Technically China doesn't trade with NK. It props it up with aid, and hasn't been doing that either, so that could be a loophole.)
He'll go for the "quick wins" now- War with NK, invasion of Venezuela, squashing the Mexican economy and shooting its piss poor citizens trying to make it to CA to earn $6 an hour.
If the US gave the Chinese a guarantee the North would be demilitarised after reunification, China might be more amenable to Kim going and Kim seeing that might be more amenable to negotiating.
He'll go for the "quick wins" now- War with NK, invasion of Venezuela, squashing the Mexican economy and shooting its piss poor citizens trying to make it to CA to earn $6 an hour.

How can he squash the Mexican economy and still expect them to have the cash to build that wall Dec?
Trump won't launch shit. Also, the president doesn't have a red button under his desk - launching missiles is an extremely complex procedure (unless a launch has already been detected towards the USA).

North Korea is not a credible threat, just because they have a few tin-can missiles & are doing nuclear testing, arguably in response to having some sort of protection against the world's most armed nation, the media & White House are now spinning this to get people to buy into a pre-emptive strike against North Korea, oh yes, the "God bless Trump" messages are already coming out thick & fast.

It's all part of the same thing, identify a threat, do sabre ratting, and watch the defence contracts roll in, and the military expenditure (of which the USA is wholly reliant on to exist) increase...
I think he'll do it if an opinion poll comes in which he doesn't like.
Trump won't launch shit. Also, the president doesn't have a red button under his desk - launching missiles is an extremely complex procedure (unless a launch has already been detected towards the USA).

North Korea is not a credible threat, just because they have a few tin-can missiles & are doing nuclear testing, arguably in response to having some sort of protection against the world's most armed nation, the media & White House are now spinning this to get people to buy into a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.

I don't think a pre-emptive strike is on the cards, but I am concerned that if one of these ICBMs is detected enroute to Guam, the USA may not wait to find out whether it is armed, or even targeted, before launching a counterstrike.
Personally I think this is a de-facto proxy cold war with China vs The USA and the rest of us.

I think it's China testing and making these missiles and nuclear devices which is why it's all 'talk and dialogue' there's no way the Amercian's will lunch a pre-emptive strike on NK they would be as well just by-passing NK and going straight for Bejin which of course they'll never do.

Thank God the military are running the whitehouse at the minute.
Ooh I do like a good conspiracy theory.

Now where's the Israelis in all this?
Ooh I do like a good conspiracy theory.

Now where's the Israelis in all this?

NK aren't capable of building WMD by themselves or even financing a weapons program like that.

They are effectively part of the Chinese state anyway.

The American military are well aware of what's going on which is why the rhetoric is being toned down.

