
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

No equivalence. If N Korea had limited the missile flight to within it's borders then the Japanese would not be up in arms. Missile tests over sovereign territory is always seen as provocative. Pretty obvious I would have thought.

How do you test an ICBM in your own Country and did all other ICBM equipped nations stick to doing that? Genuine question. I've seen the nuclear tests in the Pacific but not those relating to the launch vehicles.
No. Nor is it responsible for their enemy to carry out heavy military manoeuvres on their border including live bombing practice flights at a time of tension.

The Russians are constantly flying right on the edge of UK and other NATO countries airspace and we do the same to them. Russia performs naval exercises in the baltic and we used to practice anti invasion exercises in Germany right next to the USSR borders in the 80's

It's all part of the big game but unfortunately NK doesn't realise it is just peacocking.

The US and NK know damn well that an invasion of NK is nigh on impossible and the US would lose most of their pacific naval fleet in the attempt.

NK has nothing to fear but Kim Dong needs a fearful domestic diversion to distract the poor and starving from realising they are living under a really shite oppressive regime.
The Russians are constantly flying right on the edge of UK and other NATO countries airspace and we do the same to them. Russia performs naval exercises in the baltic and we used to practice anti invasion exercises in Germany right next to the USSR borders in the 80's
The Germans used to send their tanks to Castlemartin for live firing drills, to avoid using live ammunition too close to East Germany
How do you test an ICBM in your own Country and did all other ICBM equipped nations stick to doing that? Genuine question. I've seen the nuclear tests in the Pacific but not those relating to the launch vehicles.

The other countries have no problem firing them into an ocean without overflying anyone's territory.

One of the most fascinating Cold War stories is how that the Russians thought their reentry vehicles were safe from prying eyes 4 miles down in the Pacific - they weren't, thanks to this vessel:
Or does Western media not realise that the ICBM tests are simply "peacocking"?

Probably but it's not very newsworthy though.

Launching missiles (even dummy test ones) over the top of a country you have difficult relations with is a bit naive or foolish though.
I think the UN should commission the USS Halibut for future de-escalation activities. It so Pythonesque.
The question for all is do you think Kim Jong-Un wants a nuclear holocaust or is he trying to tell the rest of the international community to leave him the **** alone?

If the latter, let's be honest it appears more likely, why does the US try to provoke him?
It's impossible to tell what he is thinking, the guy is a lunatic so trying to second guess his motives is pointless.
Kim Jong-Un is a fluffy bunny who is just being bullied by those mean Americans who want an excuse to invade him because, because... ...well I'm sure that they have a reason. Maybe they feel they need lots of body bags returning to the US again due to a foreign war. Because that would get votes. That must be it.

The stories of senior party officials in NK having luxuries whilst the populace at large faced famine for over a decade are just imperialist lies. As are the many reports of enormous multi-million dollar bribes paid to the party elite any time a peace conference or attempt to provide aid. That the NK military put on a show when they need something is entirely coincidental. They are awfully nice people and you would probably like them as neighbours. [Actually, they might read The Daily Mail and worry about cancer, house prices - so they could fit in over a lot of the home counties]
Donald quite possibly needs a war with the minimum of US casualties. Puff out that chest and build even more patriotism among his intellectual base?

It's gonna be huge folks Huge. The biggest yet Trust me on that.

I honestly never thought we would see the day when Kim Jong Un would be considered to have more than a passing similarity to the serving POTUS.
It's impossible to tell what he is thinking, the guy is a lunatic so trying to second guess his motives is pointless.

Playground tactics. He wants to be taken seriously on the world stage, to be in with the big boys so he makes a couple of foolhardy gestures to get noticed - knowing there will be no military response. But he is unhinged (a bit anyway) and no-one can guess how far he will take these gestures.

He is manipulating the whole current scenario (with no regard to the plight of his people) and probably feeling very self important. If he shows he is unafraid to the US the message to anyone thinking of challenging him in any way at home is pretty clear.
Korea (draw), Vietnam (loss), Grenada (embarrassing), Gulf I (unfinished), Afghanistan (mess), Gulf II (mess).

Not since the Imperial Japanese and the Nazis has the US led west had an enemy to be simply righteous about defeating. Ironically it's the US constitution that is giving succour to home grown Nazis.

Unless Hollywood makes up and scripts a Grenada II (Heartbreak Ridge the sequel) for Trump, then the uncomplicated righteous war is only likely to come from an invasion of brain eating aliens. Given that the brain eating aliens would have the tech to cross interstellar space, Trump likely to lose.

Can't spank NK. Borders on China. China might though.
the uncomplicated righteous war is only likely to come from an invasion of brain eating aliens. Given that the brain eating aliens would have the tech to cross interstellar space, Trump likely to lose.
Having travelled so far for such a meagre morsel, the brain-eating aliens are likely to demand a refund. That's when matters will get really sticky.
The question for all is do you think Kim Jong-Un wants a nuclear holocaust or is he trying to tell the rest of the international community to leave him the **** alone?

If the latter, let's be honest it appears more likely, why does the US try to provoke him?

America likes being at war. It has started 81% of the wars since WW II, according to this website. It has also invaded more countries than any other nation.

They are in short really nasty f***ers.

America likes being at war. It has started 81% of the wars since WW II, according to this website. It has also invaded more countries than any other nation.

They are in short really nasty f***ers.


You (of all people) really want to accept anything from a blog that proclaims;
This is the place for people who are pro-capitalism, pro-business, pro-market, truth seeker, and anti-MSM.

That's like me quoting from the Socialist Worker.

Actually might have more validity than the Metro which you often link to. Or maybe not :D
Korea (draw), Vietnam (loss), Grenada (embarrassing), Gulf I (unfinished), Afghanistan (mess), Gulf II (mess).

Not since the Imperial Japanese and the Nazis has the US led west had an enemy to be simply righteous about defeating. Ironically it's the US constitution that is giving succour to home grown Nazis.

Unless Hollywood makes up and scripts a Grenada II (Heartbreak Ridge the sequel) for Trump, then the uncomplicated righteous war is only likely to come from an invasion of brain eating aliens. Given that the brain eating aliens would have the tech to cross interstellar space, Trump likely to lose.

Can't spank NK. Borders on China. China might though.

He seems to have forgotten about beating up on Iran, but the idea might come up again....

