
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

Does anyone have any evidence that North Korea actually exists? Could all of these websites, atlases, fake history and tweets be part of a CIA plot to get increased funding for the military-industrial complex to produce robotic spy squirrels which can slip over the border into China (as no place called North Korea actually exists) and steal all of the red army squirrel's nuts - finally proving the supremacy of trickle down supply side economics over Marx.

I also didn't feel an earthquake, so Trump is obviously lying to us. Putin gave the nuke plans to the (fictional) NK to distract the US public away from Trump being elected by Putin's manipulation of the North American process.

Have any of you got any evidence to prove me wrong?
Does anyone have any evidence that North Korea actually exists? Could all of these websites, atlases, fake history and tweets be part of a CIA plot to get increased funding for the military-industrial complex to produce robotic spy squirrels which can slip over the border into China (as no place called North Korea actually exists) and steal all of the red army squirrel's nuts - finally proving the supremacy of trickle down supply side economics over Marx.

I also didn't feel an earthquake, so Trump is obviously lying to us. Putin gave the nuke plans to the (fictional) NK to distract the US public away from Trump being elected by Putin's manipulation of the North American process.

Have any of you got any evidence to prove me wrong?

Merlin cycled around the whole of NK in one day on a fixie with no front brake so he may have some photos.
Kiev said the suggestion that advanced rocket engine might have been sold to North Korea by corrupt staff or managers at the Yuzhmash missile factor in the city of Dnipro was ill-informed and probably Russian propaganda.

The history of warfare is similarly subdivided, although here the phases are Retribution, Anticipation, and Diplomacy. Thus:

Retribution: I'm going to kill you because you killed my brother.
Anticipation: I'm going to kill you because I killed your brother.
Diplomacy: I'm going to kill my brother and then kill you on the pretext that your brother did it.

Douglas Adams

Small world.
I don't think it matters. What does is they have a hydrogen bomb and the means to launch it, so let's all focus on what to do now, and the answer is simple. Talk.

It might be a thermonuclear weapon, might not be.
There is the seismology, but that is the USGS and they are just a front for the CIA.

There is the measurement of post-fission isotopes in the atmosphere (and in the near future fusion ones) but everyone who measures this across the whole world are in the pay of the CIA.

There are all the tweets and videos about the "earthquake" from a those Chinese smart phones, but we only get to see those mediated through western news agencies and western internet corporations - all effectively controlled by the CIA.

There is no direct evidence of these "tests" which are obviously just an excuse for US aggression, which is itself part of the plot to keep 99% of the wealth of the world in the hands of the 1%. And they have kept Watford from their rightful place at the top of the premiership.

And there was never a bloke called Occam. That's a CIA lie as well.
I'm just asking to see some of that Jonathan. I've not seen them - not that I would understand what the post frission isotopes meant of course :)

All I get is a proud North Korean newsreader being talked over by a UK Government employee and a stock picture of an overweight dictator looking at an explosive device. Finally a crazed billionaire, having a repeated bad hair day, telling me this is very very bad and that he needs (sorry we need) a war.

In light of recent misadventure please forgive the cynicism.

Talk to the regime. Provide aid. Help the economy grow. How could that be any worse?
Talk to the regime. Provide aid. Help the economy grow. How could that be any worse?

That would have been the clever response instead of offering a threat to nuke them out of existence, is it just me, or could the world be a very different place if people in positions of power weren't so ****ing thick?
That would have been the clever response instead of offering a threat to nuke them out of existence, is it just me, or could the world be a very different place if people in positions of power weren't so ****ing thick?

I have a colleague who has worked in the sphere of UK politics, at Westminster level, for years. His take on this is something like the following:

"People assume that politicians are brighter, smarter and better educated than most of us. Nothing could be further from the truth."

My theory is that this is down to the calibre of people who sit on party candidate selection committees. In my (limited) experience, these tend to be pillars of the local community - the sort of people who become golf club chairmen, Rotary Club presidents, and chairs of the local chambers of commerce. I'm fed up of being told I should vote for candidates chosen for me by people I wouldn't wish to spend an evening with.
I have a colleague who has worked in the sphere of UK politics, at Westminster level, for years. His take on this is something like the following:

"People assume that politicians are brighter, smarter and better educated than most of us. Nothing could be further from the truth."

My theory is that this is down to the calibre of people who sit on party candidate selection committees. In my (limited) experience, these tend to be pillars of the local community - the sort of people who become golf club chairmen, Rotary Club presidents, and chairs of the local chambers of commerce. I'm fed up of being told I should vote for candidates chosen for me by people I wouldn't wish to spend an evening with.

This post contains utter sanity.
I have a colleague who has worked in the sphere of UK politics, at Westminster level, for years. His take on this is something like the following:

"People assume that politicians are brighter, smarter and better educated than most of us. Nothing could be further from the truth."

My theory is that this is down to the calibre of people who sit on party candidate selection committees. In my (limited) experience, these tend to be pillars of the local community - the sort of people who become golf club chairmen, Rotary Club presidents, and chairs of the local chambers of commerce. I'm fed up of being told I should vote for candidates chosen for me by people I wouldn't wish to spend an evening with.

The problem is that people you would like to spend an evening with probably have no interest in politics. They leave it to the drudges, as you rightly say, because they think they can have more pleasant, interesting lives in other fields. This is the problem all over the world.
I hear North Korea's new leader, Big Dam Bang, has invited the US President Donald Trump, or Big Dum Fuk as his name translates in Korean, to talks on the North Korean presidential yacht, the Ground Zero, anchored in the Sea of Japan.
One is reminded of the words of that other great political leader, Nigel Farage- "you was all laughing at me, well you're not laughing now".
Didn't work last time.

I don't disagree of course Jonathan.

Is it better to find an alternative way to get aid directly to the population through external investment rather than pursuing the other option which is to kill the majority of them?

Would the regime turn down Chinese intervention financially and administratively as a last resort?

Or are the Chinese very very bad now that the bewigged messiah as assumed office?

I'm only thinking out loud. Given the state of the planet the last thing it seems to need right now is four or five nuclear devices exploded into the atmosphere.

