
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

No ideal option Jonathan. I agree. The most sensible solution however appears to be to ket the Chinese deal with it and for the idiot in Washington to shut the **** up and to not threaten the lives of millions of innocents because his popularity depends on it.

Again, there is no difference between what N Korea are apparently threatening and what the USA and S Korea do every Springtime across the border. It's the rush to war in the Western Media and places like this which i find repulsive and there is no way i would trust Western media sources (any more than the sources Max often quotes) in the modern digital age.
That's the most tolerant post from you so far Jonathan so things are looking up.

I usually see you as offering more of a valued intellect and sense of humour on PFM than an intolerance of others opinions. Disappointed.
BBC2 tonight - Big "expose" on North Korea with interviews with various Americans from the CIA plus disaffected refugees and offering absolutely zero evidence of any their assertions.

If that poison was so lethal, how did the girls survive and no traces were found anywhere else, bathroom doors/handels/floors etc.
If that poison was so lethal, how did the girls survive and no traces were found anywhere else, bathroom doors/handels/floors etc.
They wore rubber gloves. The quantity needed was tiny as they got direct skin contact. One of them was still sick afterwards. The VX agent is volatile, so traces vanished quickly.
The court case has started, it won't end well for them as Malaysia has mandatory hanging for murder
I'm guessing we are all experts on the case now the Beeb has run a timely documentary on it. God bless her.
I'm guessing we are all experts on the case now the Beeb has run a timely documentary on it. God bless her.
That didn't show in Malaysia, maybe the trial in October will have caused it to be blocked. Malaysia follows the British legal system. but we don't have jury trials
BBC reporting "unprecedented provocation" this morning due to a missile being fired over Hokkaido.

Later is casually mentions that US and Japan are carrying out training drills in the same area and that South Korea carried out a live bombing test on the same day (no mention of the timing of that unsurprisingly).

I just wish we could have some balanced reporting and some evidence. These military operations every year ( Trump and his generals puffing their chests out) are always likely to provoke the North Korean regime. What exactly did they expect?
Big worry is that their missiles are so unreliable that one could accidentally hit Japan, even if it contained no explosives it might upset people a bit more.
So Merlin, is it justified for a nation with perceived external security threats to act in contravention of UN resolutions?
So Merlin, is it justified for a nation with perceived external security threats to act in contravention of UN resolutions?

No. Nor is it responsible for their enemy to carry out heavy military manoeuvres on their border including live bombing practice flights at a time of tension.
No. Nor is it responsible for their enemy to carry out heavy military manoeuvres on their border including live bombing practice flights at a time of tension.

No equivalence. If N Korea had limited the missile flight to within it's borders then the Japanese would not be up in arms. Missile tests over sovereign territory is always seen as provocative. Pretty obvious I would have thought.
Little Fatso in Pyongyang will no doubt be getting a frisson from his 'provocative' missile firings. It'll be sexual.

