
Getting into Naim...


The 300 is more than enough for my humble needs and I am currently spending a small fortune on travelling and cruises etc.



I have to admire your choice Michael, the 300 is indeed a fine sounding amplifier. As one who does not travel at all well, I have to confess some slight envy at your predilection for cruising.

Go safely all.
Second silliest post :)

Seriously, I and the OP have bought equipment we happen to like. Apparently we're now damned and bankrupt unless we go running to the saviours at Avondale. What utter tosh!
come on, the Naim upgrade path is very expensive and highly questionable.

Travel is the best thing going.

I have lost 4 friends this year, all below the age of 62 and none of them saw much of the world.

Therefore I am making up for lost time, even though I have travelled more than most, you cannot get enough of it.

Armed with a laptop, you can go anywhere, stay in touch and even waffle on pfm. About a third of my postings this year came from europe.

When you do retire, don't make excuses, just jump on a plane and go for it before you are pushing up daisies.


Travel is the best thing going.

I have lost 4 friends this year, all below the age of 62 and none of them saw much of the world.

Therefore I am making up for lost time, even though I have travelled more than most, you cannot get enough of it.

Armed with a laptop, you can go anywhere, stay in touch and even waffle on pfm. About a third of my postings this year came from europe.

When you do retire, don't make excuses, just jump on a plane and go for it before you are pushing up daisies.


Go on mick, you just like to watch the spanish riot .passes the day by
for you ,just watch they dont rope you in
come on, the Naim upgrade path is very expensive and highly questionable.
Tosh again. You can say that for any upgrade path.

And you shouldn't damn people for buying equipment that you personally don't like. I can't understand why people spend good money in Cambridge Audio and Monitor Audio, but they do, and I'll not condemn them for it with the fury that underlies so many of the posts on this and other Naim threads.

If people like Naim, then fine. If they choose to upgrade, with Naim, then fine. Soit.

What gear do you have, by the way?

The anti-BMW thing is the same here in the US. Odd isn't it...especially when many of the folks that make the negative comments have never even ridden in a BMW muchless owned one after questioning.

I'd really be interested in what your friend has to say about this, feel free to PM me her reply if you decide to discuss it with her. In the meantime, don't let the cage rattling in this thread bother you -enjoy the new CDP!



I can't understand why people spend good money in Cambridge Audio and Monitor Audio, but they do, and I'll not condemn them for it with the fury that underlies so many of the posts on this and other Naim threads.

This is my point exactly. And it is even more strange when you consider that people like LesW at Avondale Audio sell kit that is meant to be used with Naim gear!
Tosh again. You can say that for any upgrade path.

And you shouldn't damn people for buying equipment that you personally don't like. I can't understand why people spend good money in Cambridge Audio and Monitor Audio, but they do, and I'll not condemn them for it with the fury that underlies so many of the posts on this and other Naim threads.

If people like Naim, then fine. If they choose to upgrade, with Naim, then fine. Soit.

What gear do you have, by the way?
I have a variety of gear. I think you're putting me in a camp that I don't belong to. As an objective observer, Naim's upgrade path is incrementally very expensive at the higher end for an end result that is not better than considerably cheaper alternatives. There is no special magic that Naim engineer that cannot be obtained elsewhere. It would be a mistake to assume that those that question the Naim path don't get what Naim is trying to do, or that they are seeking a super "round-earth" alternative.

I like that Naim is a successful British company. They're based in the same county that I live in. Some of their gear is certainly very good, some of it is so so. I appreciate why they offer such a specific and incremental upgrade path - it exists as a good business model, it also leads to intense brand loyalty (something very evident in yours and others' posts).

However, the high end of Naim is really suited to people who have a lot of money, who want to go out and be sold something they perceive to be amongst "the best". They want it to look good, they want it to look consistent. They want brand longevity and they want brand awareness so that when their friends visit, they are likely to have a rough idea what the impressive array of boxes might have cost them. However, please don't try and convince me that the end result that really matters - the reproduction of music - betters everything else. It simply doesn't, but the gear that one might pick over Naim on that measure, may look inconsistent, be brands that don't say high cost, may look clumsy or complex, or overly simple with fewer boxes. I.E. it doesn't suit the guy/girl that has the dosh but wants a simple one stop shop.
I have a variety of gear. I think you're putting me in a camp that I don't belong to. As an objective observer, Naim's upgrade path is incrementally very expensive at the higher end for an end result that is not better than considerably cheaper alternatives. There is no special magic that Naim engineer that cannot be obtained elsewhere. It would be a mistake to assume that those that question the Naim path don't get what Naim is trying to do, or that they are seeking a super "round-earth" alternative..
That's an entirely subjective assessment, not an objective one.

By the way, how do you feel about Linn?

And, as I said, what equipment do you have?

Have you ever actually met a non-audiophile that was ever impressed after walking into a room and spotting a hifi? Have you ever actually met a human being that *really* bought a hifi just to impress someone? I haven't in the fifty-three years I've been on this planet. Where are these audiophile-related folks that are impressed or need to impress? They aren't here in the States.

Maybe we're difficult to impress across the pond?


That's an entirely subjective assessment, not an objective one.

By the way, how do you feel about Linn?

And, as I said, what equipment do you have?
It's objective in that I have no axe to grind whatsoever. Whereas PE, dave and yourself clearly do. I'm pretty meh about Linn to be honest. Regards my gear, I've owned a wide variety and have a fair bit still. I hardly imagine it to be useful to detail in this thread, the key point being the comparative experience and the subsequent conclusions drawn.

Have you ever actually met a non-audiophile that was ever impressed after walking into a room and spotting a hifi? Have you ever actually met a human being that *really* bought a hifi just to impress someone? I haven't in the fifty-three years I've been on this planet. Where are these audiophile-related folks that are impressed or need to impress? They aren't here in the States.

Maybe we're difficult to impress across the pond?


Dave, my point stands, regardless whether the desired effect would ever be realised.
No offence, but this is one of the silliest posts I've read in a long time and deserves to treated with contempt, if that's the word I want.

Can you understand the post

Remember the ikea of hi fi

hope you are enjoying elect/c and denson ?????????????
Dave, my point stands, regardless whether the desired effect would ever be realised.


Your performance claims for naim relative to other brands are a matter of opinion which I have absolutely no problem with.

Your reasons for purchasing upper-end Naim or any other brand for that matter - I've simply never experienced even when in the trade. Definitely not the case with hifi at least. A hifi of any sort is totally unimpressive to folks not in the hobby here in the states. Perhaps it's different in your country though.



Your performance claims for naim relative to other brands are a matter of opinion which I have absolutely no problem with.

Your reasons for purchasing upper-end Naim or any other brand for that matter - I've simply never experienced even when in the trade. Definitely not the case with hifi at least. A hifi of any sort is totally unimpressive to folks not in the hobby here in the states. Perhaps it's different in your country.


Ok dave, can you delete those points below that you feel are ridiculous:
1. high end of Naim is really suited to people who have a lot of money

2. people who want to go out and be sold something they perceive to be amongst "the best".

3. They want it to look good

4. They want it to look consistent.

5. They want brand longevity

6. and they want brand awareness so that when their friends visit, they are likely to have a rough idea what the impressive array of boxes might have cost them.

I'm guessing that the only one you'd delete is 6?

