
Getting into Naim...

There is no right or wrong in terms of equipment manufacturer.
There's only what's right for the individual, depending on listening room, taste re: presentation, budget, etc.
Greg- I'd delete 2,3, 4 and 6 from personal experience selling systems to folks.

Point 1 -I'd change it to read: "if you want high-end Naim, you better have alot of money." Unfortunately, it is "suited" to those of us without money;-)
Can you understand the post

Remember the ikea of hi fi

hope you are enjoying elect/c and denson ?????????????
Great line, that, I'm humbled every time I read it. Perhaps you don't understand tongue in cheek - wait, silly question!

The Densen was one of the amps the Naim bettered. The electrocompaniet is in a different system far from here and I won't be getting rid of it.

Now, mr doomsayer, what do you have? Or are you still going to Naimaholics anonymous and find it too sensitive to discuss.
EDIT: Reflection shows I've been to harsh in my above comments. I wasn't being serious, just my peculiar brand of humour does come across as too abrasive sometimes.
It's objective in that I have no axe to grind whatsoever. Whereas PE, dave and yourself clearly do. I'm pretty meh about Linn to be honest. Regards my gear, I've owned a wide variety and have a fair bit still. I hardly imagine it to be useful to detail in this thread, the key point being the comparative experience and the subsequent conclusions drawn.
No, its subjective - google will help here. Your premise is that Naim high end gear can be bettered by considerably (note the emotive language) cheaper gear. That is not an objective statement.

Whether your premise is prejudiced or not, you still have not given any proof to justify it. You won't even tell us what gear you have yourself, other than vague statements which may lead one to believe that it, too, though not Naim, could be tarred with your same brush.

I rest my case, m'lud.
Greg- I'd delete 2,3, 4 and 6 from personal experience selling systems to folks.

Point 1 -I'd change it to read: "if you want high-end Naim, you better have alot of money." Unfortunately, it is "suited" to those of us without money;-)
in which case the market for high end Naim in the US must be different to the UK.
No, its subjective - google will help here. Your premise is that Naim high end gear can be bettered by considerably (note the emotive language) cheaper gear. That is not an objective statement.

Whether your premise is prejudiced or not, you still have not given any proof to justify it. You won't even tell us what gear you have yourself, other than vague statements which may lead one to believe that it, too, though not Naim, could be tarred with your same brush.

I rest my case, m'lud.
case not rested, opposite Barrister is highly biased, m'lud :)
Never! Sounds like a case for adjournment to the nearest pub, if you ask me.
Greg -It very well may be different over here.

I've never seen the slightest look of astonishment or comment as such by a normal person walking into a room full of gear including half million dollar-and-up Krell systems. On the other hand, a Krell fan (audiophile) might raise an eyebrow the first time he entered the shop (and probably due to excitement vs being impressed.)


The anti-BMW thing is the same here in the US. Odd isn't it...especially when many of the folks that make the negative comments have never even ridden in a BMW muchless owned one after questioning.

I'd really be interested in what your friend has to say about this, feel free to PM me her reply if you decide to discuss it with her. In the meantime, don't let the cage rattling in this thread bother you -enjoy the new CDP!


Thanks, Dave. I'm enjoying it. Merry Christmas. Martyn .
Yes. Odd looking, but sounds magnificent... I've owned, over the years, Meridian 100 series, Arcam, Audiolab, etc. but the Pro-ject gets me in touch with the music. Just like the CD 3.5 and LS3/5as. Yes, my system. Pro-ject 7s are rare, but if you see one, buy it ! Martyn .

Oh dear. Now don't get too upset but I had 2 of those in my Home Cinema system. I decided to go for a Rotel multi-channel jobbie instead.

I thought no-one would want the Pro-jects as I have never seen them mentioned so I chucked them both in the bin :eek::eek::( Sorry!

in which case the market for high end Naim in the US must be different to the UK.
It's a very different market here.

Linn and Naim are largely unknown and have no particular cachet amongst audiophiles here.

If you want to spend a bundle and impress your audiophile friends you buy Krell, Mark Levinson, McIntosh, Apogee and so on.

Oh dear. Now don't get too upset but I had 2 of those in my Home Cinema system. I decided to go for a Rotel multi-channel jobbie instead.

I thought no-one would want the Pro-jects as I have never seen them mentioned so I chucked them both in the bin :eek::eek::( Sorry!
I wish you'd chucked them in my bin..! Don't worry, I'm not in the least offended. Have a peaceful Christmas. Martyn .
A lot of people have a great dislike for BMW. I have an engineering/science background and I appreciate their superb engineering. Conversely, when I'm on the road they appear to be driven by somewhat arrogant people. Does BMW's advertising, along the lines of 'You've arrived when you own a BMW', or 'The Ultimate Driving Machine' touch something in the makeup of the typical BMW driver. I have a friend who is a Psychologist. I must run this idea past her... Martyn

In the 1990's BMW became symbolic of the aspiring classes, the upwardly mobile, the greedy and the selfish. From drug dealers to rap artists to single parent kerry katonas in hertfordshire wimpey housing estates clutching a copy of Heat magazine... everyone wanted one so that just for a moment, just for one split second inside the big impoverished vacuum, they could transcend who they were and temporarily nurse the wound from being unloved and unworthy. The arrogance is linked to that in my experience. That and some of the incorrect assumptions the non-cognoscenti possibly make when they own a BMW.. like the fact that they own the ultimate driving machine or that it has perfect 50:50 weight distribution, how it is 10 times better than a Ford etc.. Of course other marques have sucked up this role as well now and in particular Audi seem to be the BMW for the 2010's. In an ironic way if you own a BMW nowadays you are almost one of the good guys.

That said, i've owned a few and I have to say that they were some of the most overrated cars I have ever experienced. Of course it's our old chestnut again ... marketing. Yes, the engines are superb and extraordinarily good for everyday saloon cars but the driving experience is certainly a long way off from ultimate. As for the engineering of the suspension, well lets just say that every BM i've owned destroyed lower link and thurst arms like it was going out of fashion. They aint built like they were that's for sure. Don't even get me started on iDrive and SMG as well ! And yes, I have driven M3's, M3 CSLs and M5's. All fast saloons, not proper sports/drivers cars.
And yes, I have driven M3's, M3 CSLs and M5's. All fast saloons, not proper sports/drivers cars.
but that's the point. their objective at the sportier end is simply to build the best saloons to drive. I'd still say they are there or thereabouts in that respect. Noone's claiming their saloons and coupes are sports cars.
but that's the point. their objective at the sportier end is simply to build the best saloons to drive. I'd still say they are there or thereabouts in that respect. Noone's claiming their saloons and coupes are sports cars.

A fair point. Some of the magazines try too though... and the fanboys.

That said, they still have yet to make a saloon that can hold a candle to an E30 M3. That was a sport car through and through. Yes I know that its a car from a completely different age that wasn't constrained by todays endless manual of restrictions and targets but they need to one day have a good stab.

