
General Election 2024

Today’s LOL is Tory MP Lucy Allen has been suspended for supporting Reform in her seat.

In a surprise to absolutely no one Sky News are platforming elite public school far-right extremist Richard Tice right now to gloat. Zero parliamentary seats won, two councillors, yet never off our TV screens.
She will be welcomed into the Labour Party…a perfect fit.
You are soooooo wrong.

There is nothing wrong with tribal loyalty as long as the leadership deliver what the supporters want.

Unfortunately Rishi is failing miserably and Kier is saying all the right things. Rachel Reeves is the spitting image of George Osborne and she's got the makings of another Maggie and I am really beginning to like her.

The latest lash up of a glorified conscription is now the last straw.

I am seriously considering voting Labour in the GE.
There is actually quite a lot wrong with tribal loyalty. It might be pretty embedded in the human condition, but it is behind a huge amount of violent conflict around the world and, closer to home and this topic, it dangerously narrows people's thinking. "What he just said made huge sense but I've just remembered he's not one if us so he's clearly talking sh1t".
I genuinely don't understand why someone in his financial situation would ever enter politics in the first place. Other than for ego/power reasons. I mean the minute he got married he had access to more than enough wealth than he could ever manage to dispose of no matter what lifestyle he chose to lead.

I suppose I just don't understand how anyone who once have accrued stupid levels of wealth in their bank accounts don't just opt out of the shit that is the modern rat race and go live the rest of their lives in some quiet tropical villiage/town and spend life having 12 month long beach/travelling holidays till they die.
Are you saying that money is by far the most dominant factor in deciding what to do with your own life then?
I guess that life in a utopia is not challenging enough.

A family member married into money but he still likes to work for a sense of purpose.
This is a very small, weird clique of corporate lobbyists, journalists and other courtiers giving themselves jobs as MPs. Ludicrous to consider Britain a democracy.

‘So, the final big Labour selection fix will unfold over next few days, as Starmer's henchmen Morgan McSweeney & Matt Faulding, helped by series of NEC panels (sub-committees) slot in who they want as MPs into the remaining 11 safe seats (& any others that arise).’

The Tory pension announcement that they’d keep the state pension tax free reveals their clear intent to not increase tax allowances for everyone. This would commit us to fiscal drag forever it seems.
A great deal is being made of spending ‘taxpayers money’ this election.

There is no such thing.

Why do our media go along with such obvious nonsense?
are you voting for something you don't believe in, or are you accepting that Starmer is a liar?
Don't see the relevance of your reply to my post. I was just pointing out that most folk aren't as left wing as perhaps you or the contributors to the PF political threads are and the electorate have roundly rejected socialism whenever they have been given the opportunity to vote on it in the past.
Don't see the relevance of your reply to my post.

And yet Starmer is claiming that he’s a socialist.

He isn’t. He stands against socialism, and social democracy.

He is a liar

I was just pointing out that most folk aren't as left wing as perhaps you or the contributors to the PF political threads are and the electorate have roundly rejected socialism whenever they have been given the opportunity to vote on it in the past.

I am not left wing by any reasonable definition. I am much more social democrat as I have said many times.

But I will not vote for lies, lies, and more lies, if that makes me left wing in some peoples eyes, that is their framing, not mine
X = unelectable
Y = centre / electable

There is the threat of Reform and ERG types being more electable than X.
As someone posted upthread, Corbyn had a similar vote share in 2017 as Starmer does now.

And Starmer does not have his own party and a compliant media against him.

The problem is that the self proclaimed centre are pulling politics to the right and then calling that the centre ground.

The truth, in poll after poll, issues like the NHS, public services and the greater good are top priorities for the majority of people.
If anyone is still struggling to work out why the Conservative Party so actively stand against climate science and will always sell-out or block environmental protections and sacrifice our future as ever just look in their pockets. The logic behind every decision can always be found in their pockets. They are a party of zero-integrity grifters, crooks and thieves.

PS FWIW I suspect this article severely underestimates the scale of corruption. £8.4m is chicken-feed to an oligarch like Sunak, he’s secured multi-£billion contracts for businesses he is linked to.


