
General Election 2024

Hundreds of thousand of pounds from John Armitage and Peter Hearn alone, who have major interests in private healthcare. I’m sure they won’t want anything in return though when Wes is Health Secretary so everything’s fine.

Legalised corruption, there’s no other term for it.

And all out in plain site without a care in the world of anyone knowing about it.
You frame everything through your privileged upbringing, wealth, African apartheid background etc. It is not a good look.

And which bit of "the UK electorate won’t swap a bad tory govt for a left wing govt" is wrong / biased / distortion of the truth?

History shows that in the UK that has been the case for nearly 80 years, if I understand the pfm consensus view correctly that the last true left-wing Govt was under Attlee.
And which bit of "the UK electorate won’t swap a bad tory govt for a left wing govt" is wrong / biased / distortion of the truth?

They have not, and under elite establishment rule, will never be given the opportunity to put that to the test. We do not live in a democracy. The gerrymandered FPTP system ensures right-wing minority rule. That is exactly what it was designed to do.

The one thing I keep coming back to is taking personality, smears, and Brexit out of the equation Corbyn’s manifesto was very popular. He was destroyed by events, the establishment and their offshore press barons, his own party, and being a bit of an idiot, but the progressive policies he tried to sell met with approval. They polled well. People do want a more progressive, compassionate and accountable system. We are just not allowed it as the UK is still owned and run by elites.
They have not, and under elite establishment rule, will never be given the opportunity to put that to the test. We do not live in a democracy. The gerrymandered FPTP system ensures right-wing minority rule.

The one thing I keep coming back to is taking personality, smears, and Brexit out of the equation Corbyn’s manifesto was very popular. He was destroyed by events, the establishment and their offshore press barons, his own party, and being a bit of an idiot, but the progressive policies he tried to sell met with approval. They polled well. People do want a more progressive, compassionate and accountable system. We are just not allowed it as the UK is still owned and run by elites.
Corbyn was destroyed by Israel backed zionists. 'the establishment and their offshore press barons' are also zionists.
They were even more terrified of Bernie Sanders as only a Jew with morals can impose peace on zionists. Made sure he was not selected.
Vested interests got caught napping when Corbyn ran May so close and they pulled out all the stops on the monstering campaign to ensure it didn't happen again. The electorate is much more progressive and socially liberal than it's given credit for, but people are gullible and easily conned when they don't pay close attention, and most people don't as they're just getting on with their lives.
Corbyn was destroyed by Israel backed zionists. 'the establishment and their offshore press barons' are also zionists.

Certainly a factor, though he gave them all the ammunition in the world by tweeting one of the most racist/antisemitic cartoons I’ve ever seen in my life. These people/dark forces obviously wanted him out, but we can not underestimate the part his idiocy played in the end result. He was a remarkably poor leader even if at heart a decent man with a decent set of policies. That said the fact the press don’t ever bat an eyelid at the blatant Nazi rhetoric coming from the Tory benches speaks volumes as to the gaslighting and propaganda the UK has been subjected to in recent years. They can quite literally kidnap refugees and set up concentration camps and no one cares. Many morons even cheer it on. We are where we are, and it is a terrifying place.
Corbyn was destroyed by Israel backed zionists. 'the establishment and their offshore press barons' are also zionists.
They were even more terrified of Bernie Sanders as only a Jew with morals can impose peace on zionists. Made sure he was not selected.
You're sailing dangerously close to the Jewish Puppetmaster antisemitic conspiracy theory there.
Certainly a factor, though he gave them all the ammunition in the world by tweeting one of the most racist/antisemitic cartoons I’ve ever seen in my life. These people/dark forces obviously wanted him out, but we can not underestimate the part his idiocy played in the end result. He was a remarkably poor leader even if at heart a decent man with a decent set of policies. That said the fact the press don’t ever bat an eyelid at the blatant Nazi rhetoric coming from the Tory benches speaks volumes as to the gaslighting and propaganda the UK has been subjected to in recent years. They can quite literally kidnap refugees and set up concentration camps and no one cares. Many morons even cheer it on. We are where we are, and it is a terrifying place.
Corbyn is a decent man, a wonderful local MP, a passionate campaigner, a hopeless party leader.

The right-wing of the Labour Party were perfectly capable of burying him on their own.

No need for anyone to resort to dubious conspiracy theories about shadowy 'Zionists' secretly pulling the strings.
You're sailing dangerously close to the Jewish Puppetmaster antisemitic conspiracy theory there.
Really ? Just look at how many Senators/Representatives accept money from AIPAC: it is a majority. Check if any politician running for office has been threatened with AIPAC funding a rival if he/she is at all even-handed on the subject of Palestine.
zionists absolutely control USA Middle East policy. It is completely brazen now. No conspiracy theory needed. Bribing/blackmailing politicians in USA is legal in USA: I don't know why but it is.
Regarding Corbyn he was destroyed by the 'antisemite' label BS because he was sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians. I believe zionists were behind that campaign.
Corbyn is a decent man, a wonderful local MP, a passionate campaigner, a hopeless party leader.

The right-wing of the Labour Party were perfectly capable of burying him on their own.

No need for anyone to resort to dubious conspiracy theories about shadowy 'Zionists' secretly pulling the strings.

I thought the union's insistence on a 're-run brexit ref' policy was his downfall. At least so far as losing the GE goes.
And all out in plain site without a care in the world of anyone knowing about it.
In one way it’s out in the open - I mean he boasts about “taking on” the nurses, slaying sacred cows, opening up the service to private interests etc. - and in other ways it might as well be a closely guarded secret. The donations are listed and made available (some of them), there’ll be an occasional short article in the Guardian raising an eyebrow, but the issue is just not part of the public conversation: no headlines, no high profile investigative pieces, nobody ever, ever asking Wes if it’s appropriate for him to be pocketing all this money given his position. It’s like Boris’ parties: in one way we “knew” - they’d been reported more or less at the time - but we didn’t *know* until the media decided they were going to break him, and put it at the top of the agenda 24/7.

Everybody knows these guys are up to no good but they’re not going to make a thing out of it until they’ve bundled them into government and things are getting boring.
Why the utter F would a govt that can create its own money, borrow it from spivs, at multiple times the cost of the actual project?
"Thus the reported electoral benefit accruing from Starmer’s wholesale abandonment of Jeremy Corbyn's 2017 election manifesto (the main points of which constituted his leadership pitch to Labour Party members) is a runaway increase of exactly one per cent on Corbyn's 40 per cent of the actual vote. And that in a situation where the Tory vote has eroded to an unprecedented extent."

And which bit of "the UK electorate won’t swap a bad tory govt for a left wing govt" is wrong / biased / distortion of the truth?

History shows that in the UK that has been the case for nearly 80 years, if I understand the pfm consensus view correctly that the last true left-wing Govt was under Attlee.
It would be fascinating to know what the UK electorate would vote for without the influence of oligarch-owned media.
It takes a lot of advertising to get people to vote for their own misery, poverty, early death and that of their loved ones.
And which bit of "the UK electorate won’t swap a bad tory govt for a left wing govt" is wrong / biased / distortion of the truth?

History shows that in the UK that has been the case for nearly 80 years, if I understand the pfm consensus view correctly that the last true left-wing Govt was under Attlee.
Well he’s extrapolating a general rule from a grand total of 3 examples, and I think he or anyone else would struggle to build a case that what did for Labour on any of those occasions was the electorate rejecting left wing policies and values. He’d have a stronger case for the argument that voters won’t elect a very divided Labour Party, or one they perceive as incompetent, but that complicates the picture doesn’t it.
Why the utter F would a govt that can create its own money, borrow it from spivs, at multiple times the cost of the actual project?
The purpose is to shovel public money into private pockets.

The means is the ‘there is no money’ narrative started by Thatcher and made iron clad by Reeves

