
General Election 2024

At the risk of upsetting some on the forum I'm confused as to the issue over Child Benefit and limiting it to 'only' two.

Given we need to reduce the global population overall why do we want to 'encourage' families having more than two children?

There really are far more substantial issues that need addressing.


Well, life isn't so predictable is it? What happens with blended families?
I'm not entirely sure the French Revolution was quite the boon to humanity you portray.
I didn’t portray it as a boon to humanity. I said it ushered in the modern world.
You noticeably left out the Russian, Chinese etc., revolutions, which were long, messy and led even via a charitable assessment, to long term authoritarian rule.
There are huge historical and political explanations of why these events turned out as they did. It is far too simplistic to make a schematic leap from the Russian revolution to Stalin’s police state. I also left out one of the most important- the German Revolution 1918-23. Had it succeeded it would have fundamentally changed the course of world history- foreclosing the rise of Hitler & the Nazis and most likely WW2- and we’d probably now be living under socialism.
and even if you can create one
You cannot ‘create’ a revolution. That is Maoism (I’m not a Maoist). Che Guevara tried it. He got lucky in Cuba, not quite so lucky in Congo or Bolivia.

These are massive questions, ill served by posts on a hi-fi forum. And anyway, let’s not completely derail the thread. I’m indebted for your genuine interest but I’ll be spending the rest of the weekend watching Glastonbury and the footie. We need circuses as much as bread.
Has he? For months he's been saying Labour won't scrap it because there's "no money" and Labour face "difficult choices".
He basically said he was going to look at it. Thing is, all political parties over-promise in their manifestos, Starmer is being criticised for doing the opposite.

How many hospitals did BJ build? It certainly wasn't 60, what about levelling up? Just a begging bowl for cash strapped councils who have had their funding cut.
I'm from mining stock going back at least four generations and I am absolutely NOT fooled by Reform.. but don't delude yourself that solid working class communities are anything other than very fertile ground for the propagation of Reform brand populism. All neglected former industrial areas are filled with bitter, disappointed folks who are very susceptible to such shite.
Around here, we have rural working class tories, it only wealth is the farming stock, yet they all still doff their cap to the landed gentry."and dont talk to us about Corbyn, have you seen how he dresses" (what chance do we have)
We, as a family, are isolated (luckily) because we are working class Brummies, who just happen to of had some experience of life and different people. Some were horrified when I told them, that by best man was a Pakistani. I've lived here for 40 yrs and am still known as a trouble maker, because I question things. They are 30yrs plus behind
These are massive questions, ill served by posts on a hi-fi forum. And anyway, let’s not completely derail the thread. I’m indebted for your genuine interest but I’ll be spending the rest of the weekend watching Glastonbury and the footie. We need circuses as much as bread.
Indeed, but when you've 'had a minute', I'd still be interested in how you see revolution developing, or some other means to shake off neoliberalism and return to social democracy. (Assuming that's close to what you want?) You don't need to sell me the's the delivery I'm struggling with... And I do think it's relevant to the thread, as it informs longer tem thinking.
Enjoy the footie.
Yes, Ianucci is a traitor. He fails the Pink Fish purity test. How can he sleep at nights?
Personally, IDGAF what he does or does not accept. His talent is sufficient for me to admire him.
People take honours (or refuse them) for lots of reasons. It's so easy to judge.
Starmer's performance on 5 Live this morning was impressive. He was lucid (after the Biden mumbling) and laid out most of the reasons I would or wouldn't vote for him.

There was one caller that puzzled me on the private school issue.
She had to put her child in a pay-for school because there were no state school places.

Considering the legal obligation to attend school, does anyone know if that is actually possible?
There just wasn't an 'outstanding' school on her doorstep. The pearl clutching over school places is hilarious.
Leaflets that have been helped by me from hall to recycling bin are Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem ( first ever that one), Independent, Reform and Green.
He basically said he was going to look at it. Thing is, all political parties over-promise in their manifestos, Starmer is being criticised for doing the opposite.

How many hospitals did BJ build? It certainly wasn't 60, what about levelling up? Just a begging bowl for cash strapped councils who have had their funding cut.
The big worry is the NHS. Streeting has promised privatisation through the front door, he’s holding them open.

Also Labour’s plan to bring down waiting lists is built on outsourcing easy and profitable elective surgery. This will be paid from the NHS budget which will pile more debt on top of the existing debt from PFI, Covid, law cases etc.

Unlike government debt this is real debt that will mean fewer and fewer resources as the debts go up.

Labour’s plans for the NHS in particular are really shit.
The big worry is the NHS. Streeting has promised privatisation through the front door, he’s holding them open.
Let's hope that the nhs unions are prepared to strike against a Labour Government. The junior doctors aren't waiting at least but it would be a grave mistake to allow them any honeymoon period
15/15 in a matter of seconds, I’ve watched the thick of it/in the loop countless times and could probably quote the entire series word for word
My favourite Malcolm line is still “She’s got a face like Dot Cotton licking piss off a nettle,” followed closely by “This is going to be just like The Shawshank Redemption, but with more tunnelling through shit and less redemption.”
I don't know any of this (being ill) - great stuff

Sweeney rip off. "I'm Gonna hit you so f*cking hard, you gonna have to stick your toothbrush up you @arse to clean you f*cking teeth!"
I don't know any of this (being ill) - great stuff

Sweeney rip off. "I'm Gonna hit you so f*cking hard, you gonna have to stick you're toothbrush up you @arse to clean you f*cking teeth!"
Have you never seen The Thick Of It? It’s all on iplayer.

Let's hope that the nhs unions are prepared to strike against a Labour Government. The junior doctors aren't waiting at least but it would be a grave mistake to allow them any honeymoon period
The Unions and the workers will come under enormous pressure

Streeting will paint doctors and nurses as trying to grab a bigger slice of the national cake than anyone else, plus doctors and nurses care for patients whereas Streeting is er, playing a bigger game, looking at the bigger picture etc

There will be little change to the causes of people leaving Health and other public service in droves.

As well as growing debt draining financial resources from the NHS, human resources are walking out the door.

It is down to spending.

Labour have relabelled government spending as good when it is going to private ends (Wealth Fund and GB Energy) but they have labelled it bad for Health and Welfare. Welfare is still always as a drain on the public purse, whereas spending it on private ends has a multiplier effect.

Starmer said that the £28b for the Green New Deal would more than pay for itself because of the multiplier effect.

But he got a right telling off for that one and it’s now bad spending too

