
General Election 2024

In 2017 UKIP polled 1.8% of the vote. Labour under Corbyn polled 40%. In 2024, Reform is polling around 18%. Starmer’s Labour is polling the same as Corbyn in 2017. I happen to think that is in large part attributable to Starmer failing to offer any substantial alternative to the Tories and is creating space for reform.

You are, of course, welcome to disagree, but please bin the patronising “you better sit down” line, it does not strengthen your argument.
Well, its all relative, May polled 42%! Which is more than Corbyn's Labour, Starmer's Labour is polling almost double that of the Tories; that is quite a lot better. Sunak is a poor opponent & is getting a kicking, Corbyn was against a poor opponent who still polled very well. You can spin it in a number of ways, Labour are currently benefiting from the SNP collapse also, then again Corbyn had the same wit the Libs.

I didn't agree with Corbyn on a number of things but I still voted for him as I see the bigger picture of kicking out the Tories.

Apologies if you find me patronising but you completely misunderstood what I was saying.
Which is why I used the word 'wrong' in an ironic manner. I don't have anything massively against Corbyn but find this characterisation of him as some kind of latter day saint as bizarre.
What is bizarre is that this characterisation of him as some kind of saint is a purely imaginary device for centrists who cannot resolve their current need for something to the left of the Tories with their past contempt for what was our last chance of something genuinely to the left of the Tories
What is bizarre is that this characterisation of him as some kind of saint is a purely imaginary device for centrists who cannot resolve their current need for something to the left of the Tories with their past contempt for what was our last chance of something genuinely to the left of the Tories

I supported Corbyn and would support him now ahead of Starmer, but reality is Labour lost with Corbyn as leader of the party, his policies were rejected by the electorate and Labour as a party has lost 4 times in a row having done a good job from 1997-2010. It's some turn around but they (the tories) did it and it will take similar to move things back. Something needs to change to remove the tories given their grip on the media and the brainwashing that has gone on. Labour is to the left of what is now a fascist tory party, the tories must lose this election.

That's realism, nothing to do with contempt.
I supported Corbyn and would support him now ahead of Starmer, but reality is Labour lost with Corbyn as leader of the party, his policies were rejected by the electorate and Labour as a party has lost 4 times in a row having done a good job from 1997-2010.

The annoying thing is I’m pretty sure his policies weren’t rejected. Things like progressive taxation on the wealthiest, closing millionaire’s tax loopholes, nationalisation of failed utilities, rebuilding the NHS and education, green policies all poll very positively. He lost as a) he was not a good leader, b) the Labour Party itself hated him, and most importantly c) these were Brexit elections and he was staggeringly weak and conflicted on that whole topic. He owns his fail, but I’d argue the (non-Brexit) policies weren’t the problem.

It is a huge shame as it effectively destroyed the Labour Party as a useful political tool. We now just have another technocratic centre-right establishment party wedded to the same old establishment money-laundering, austerity and authoritarianism.

The amusing thing is Starmer looks set to achieve a total wipeout majority on a lower voteshare than Corbyn achieved in 2017. A better example of how fundamentally broken our electoral system would be hard to find. No one wants what Starmer is offering. There is zero enthusiasm for it. Folk just detest Tories for what they have done to this country and our lives. This is 100% a negative election. It is a punishment election.
Yes, I'm a supporter in so far as something meaningful has to be done to address the climate. That much is obvious to sane people. Adrian Ramsay made it clear in the interview that they were not expecting to win but put pressure on the Labour Government, as such I have no problem with the manifesto and agree with him that the more votes/seats they get, the better.

Must admit I was fascinated by the smugness that the interviewer showed as he demonstated his failures to understand the reality that:

1) tax taken doesn't evaporate. It can be used to support improvements, provide support for those in need, reduce energy demand via insulation, etc. In essence progressive in helping those who need it, increasing education, etc. Investments we all need to happen.

2) That his narrow view of 'cost' doesn't include the out-of-his-awareness costs of rising CO2 and remaining captive to the likes of Putin, etc. Whereas by building up our green construction we can then both sell to others and help them to have better energy sources as well, etc.
Robinson is an archetypal BBC impartial political journalist: smug, entitled, condescending, thinks he's funny when he's anything but, Oxford educated Tory.

I supported Corbyn and would support him now ahead of Starmer, but reality is Labour lost with Corbyn as leader of the party, his policies were rejected by the electorate and Labour as a party has lost 4 times in a row having done a good job from 1997-2010. It's some turn around but they (the tories) did it and it will take similar to move things back. Something needs to change to remove the tories given their grip on the media and the brainwashing that has gone on. Labour is to the left of what is now a fascist tory party, the tories must lose this election.

That's realism, nothing to do with contempt.
My post was not directed at you.

It wasn’t Corbyn’s policies that were the problem, it was the attacks on him from his own party.

Labour are now every bit as neoliberal as the Tory Party, they are promising more of the Tory project, more privatisation, more deregulation, more public service cuts, more austerity, more Tory plans for growth and more genocide.

That is the reality
The left in the UK have been slowly, progressively and very strategically boxed in by self interested forces. So much so that in order to get elected even after the most disgraceful shitshow of horrendous, deceitful and immoral government the only way they could do it was by small target nothingness. Labour won't win the Conservatives will lose. In the end though the conservative soul saves us by its constant focus on the main chance, right down to the wire, when the bellends are betting on the election date for the sake of £500!
KS234 will chime up about neoliberalism and the pointlessness of Labour but it's just armchair complaining, no one cares what some mad old duffer types in the backwater of a hi-fi forum.
Power is everything.
Try listening to the Labour Party you are giving your vote to and what you are giving a mandate for.

You are giving a mandate for more of the Tory project.

That is not me saying that, that’s your Labour Party telling you themselves

You are giving a mandate to increased privatisation, austerity and worse

To believe otherwise is delusional
Do you live in a basement?
My post was not directed at you.

It wasn’t Corbyn’s policies that were the problem, it was the attacks on him from his own party.

Labour are now every bit as neoliberal as the Tory Party, they are promising more of the Tory project, more privatisation, more deregulation, more public service cuts, more austerity, more Tory plans for growth and more genocide.

That is the reality
I didn't say your post was directed at me.

As for the last paragraph, I believe the view of the hard left is Labour are liars. Or is that true only in selective instances? Labour has to get elected, the tories own the media and have brainwashed millions. Labour can't overcome that by promising hard left policies.
I didn't say your post was directed at me.

As for the last paragraph, I believe the view of the hard left is Labour are liars. Or is that true only in selective instances? Labour has to get elected, the tories own the media and have brainwashed millions. Labour can't overcome that by promising hard left policies.
To characterise anyone who opposes you as hard left is nonsense and no one is proposing hard left policies

The fact is that Starmer is a proven liar, but on policy they have been telling you themselves that they will carry on with the Tory project to increase privatisation, austerity and much else, and, they are not going to tackle what you call brainwashing, they are embracing it.

Labour are promising more Tory ideology, not less
Do you live in a basement?

No. Do you listen to what you are giving a mandate to? More decline, more inequality, more decimation of the NHS, more Tory fiscal policy and more genocide.

That is what you will be voting for. You should know that because that is what Labour is telling you quite openly

