
General Election 2024

I got 6 leaflets today: Farage, Galloway, a letter from Matthew Pennycook (sitting Labour) and three identical Labour leaflets - so efficient use of paper is not a priority.
How does 'withdrawing support' for a candidate work at this late stage? Surely the ballot papers with the party name against the person will have been printed by now.
Well with a nice big majority I’m sure they will open the books and be absolutely ‘horrified’ by what has been concealed from the British public.
What amazes me is the commonly held idea that we can go through the self harm of Brexit and a global pandemic and just go back to normal.
I personally lost a business and 100k. I’ve had to downsize and take a minimum wage part time job.
Well with a nice big majority I’m sure they will open the books and be absolutely ‘horrified’ by what has been concealed from the British public.
We'll be told it's worse than expected, maybe much worse, so we can't do anything etc etc. First austerity budget...
If the tories were to win the books will stay firmly shut and we won't get to see the scale of the corruption. If enough people scrape around looking for an excuse not to support a change of govt that could yet be the outcome. We've been here before...
We'll be told it's worse than expected, maybe much worse, so we can't do anything etc etc. First austerity budget...
We've been told Starmer is a tory, even Starmer is Truss MKII by people who would rather attack Labour than start up their own party. Fifth tory win in a row...
So a global pandemic and the self harm of Brexit and the idiot British think they can just go back to the ‘normal’ of two foreign holidays and a new car every couple of years.
It is ridiculous.
You are copying a now familiar trolling technique of making a personal jibe based on your own homophobic sexual fantasy
I am sure Drood is capable of answering for himself but, given this sentence in your reply, I’m rather pleased he didn’t.

FYI and anybody else still reading, I have taken a deep breath and placed myself in a straight-jacket in readiness - now please elaborate on WTF you’re on about.
…not to mention that 50% of the entire NHS budget is taken by 5% of users mostly elderly with multiple conditions. That 5% will be 10% in about 8 years.
So a global pandemic and the self harm of Brexit and the idiot British think we can just go back to the ‘normal’ of two foreign holidays and a new car every couple of years.
I was shocked by the collapse in manufacturing - I heard Ratcliffe adressing this point the other day. When Blair won in '97 the percentage of GDP was about 22 or 23% and on a par with the Germans. It's now only 8% and the Germans are still in about the same position as they were. We hear nothing from Labour about this failure of investment and it's difficult to see just what they intend to grow - once it's gone with these things is gone for good.
What amazes me is the commonly held idea that we can go through the self harm of Brexit and a global pandemic and just go back to normal.
I personally lost a business and 100k. I’ve had to downsize and take a minimum wage part time job.

I feel your pain. I’ve not lost that much, but between Brexit, state authoritarianism regarding the internet, and the more widespread use of ad-blockers I’ve seen my income decline between a third and half, and this against a backdrop of rising inflation, energy etc (i.e. actually a far bigger pay cut). I now rely on donations where previously this was a fully viable independent website that actually made a comfortable living. Brexit did for my EU-facing record business, just surgically removed it, state authoritarianism and a piracy culture towards web content did the rest. Thankfully donations are so far filling the gap, and for that I am hugely grateful, but this is a grim time and place to try and run a small business.

I will never forgive what the Tories have done to this country. I saw it first with Thatcher and now again with this shower of thieving far-right shit. They are what they are.
People starting to notice that Starmer’s plans for growth are not very different from Lz Truss’:

“We’re going to grow the economy by using the same plans for growth that the Tories used but didn’t produce growth. When our plans for growth which are the same as the Tories fail for the same reasons, we’ll just blame the Tories”

These growth plans have only produced declining growth for the past half century. They will only produce decline in the future

A failed Tory ideology will produce the same failure regardless of who is using it

Corbyn isn't owned by Putin. On the other hand, The Scum have been more than happy to take Putin's blood-soaked ruble and for many years. The attack, this accusation, on Corbyn was as much about deflecting attention away from this grubby and venal Tory factoid as it was character assassination, to prevent a decent man with ethics and a conscience bring about desperately needed change.

Tory/Labour means the status quo is and will be maintained; the ongoing and frankly disgusting behaviour toward Corbyn is a prime example of what happens to anyone with leverage who gets in the way of The Establishment.

Which is why I used the word 'wrong' in an ironic manner. I don't have anything massively against Corbyn but find this characterisation of him as some kind of latter day saint as bizarre.

