
General Election 2024

Quite a few vote Labour signs up in Chippy (what is the world coming to…). I can see the Labour / LD vote splitting the anti tory vote and remaining blue. Lots of plum places to live in that constituency.
Plenty of tourists as well in the lovely old cotswolds giving a much needed boost to the economy. Do well for some on here
to remember that.
That’s my point. The Tories have so monumentally screwed things up, I believe Corbyn would have won, maybe by 80 seats rather than 250. Farage would not have behaved differently IMO.
Lots to unpack on this one:

Sunny hyphen Jim not condescending at all but I think I prefer Lucky Jim (Callaghan) and, from memory/without recourse to Google, the book by Kingsley Amis.

I will disregard the implication that I don't understand the role of history plays in wars - you don't have to be a professor of geopolitics to know the effect French reparations had on life in Germany especially after the Wall St Crash which helped Hitlers rise to power for example. That is not the same as stating France started WW2 which, despite KS123s protestations, was how his posts certainly in the early days of the Ukraine conflict came across.

So when auld Nigel's comments came out I recognised a lot of the phrases he used such as NATO expansionism had been used by previously by likes of KS and you on the Ukraine thread.

Obviously it is a bit funny when two well read, well intentioned global lefties are joined by a shallow far right nationalist like Farge but I wondered if difference in motivation would become apparent as I suspect Farages opinion stems from his admiration of Putin whereas for KS and you it is borne out of hatred for the West.
The saddest thing is Corbyn would have won this election.
That is unlikely. Corby was a God given gift to the Tories and they would pay £1m to get him back. He would scare the living daylights out of the electorate.

The latest poll from the BBC dated 21st June places Labour at 41% and the Tories at 20%. Both parties have moved to the right and are harking back to outsourcing, PFI and Neoliberalism. They have a combined total of 61% which is a good indicator that the electorate is also moving to the right.

Never lose track of the fact that political parties are always chasing the votes and they move with them and never against. With a combine total of 61%, Labour have played it right.

Corbyn is out of tune with what the electorate wants in 2024 and certainly finished with Labour.

Also Starmer will squeeze the lefties out fairly quickly once he is in power.
I think you can't look at this as an all-or-nothing situation. If less than about a third of private pupils migrate to state schools, then there's a net gain to the exchequer. I don't think anybody is expecting those sort of numbers, still less all the private schools to collapse entirely and dump their pupils into the state system.

There is, I think, a risk that what happens is that the private system just becomes more elitist, because those who can pay from petty cash will still be able to pay, and it's the scrimpers and savers who will have to withdraw. But the flipside to that is that it's the scrimpers and savers who will demand better standards from the state system for their kids.

I wonder if the scrimpers and savers will be pushed to a basic state education plus extra tuition. For one of ours we did state education plus plenty of homework / home schooling, worked well. Her mother was well educated.
Plenty of tourists as well in the lovely old cotswolds giving a much needed boost to the economy. Do well for some on here
to remember that.

Indeed. Without tourism (including holiday homes), places die on their arse. I’m in the neighbouring constituency (north Cotswolds). Without visitors (many from overseas) spending lots of cash, there’s no way the towns and villages would have such a range of year round facilities. That fabulous pub in the picture perfect honeyed village remains viable because of the tourist coin, and I count myself lucky to be able to enjoy it year round.
Plenty of tourists as well in the lovely old cotswolds giving a much needed boost to the economy. Do well for some on here
to remember that.

Indeed. Without tourism (including holiday homes), places die on their arse. I’m in the neighbouring constituency (north Cotswolds). Without visitors (many from overseas) spending lots of cash, there’s no way the towns and villages would have such a range of year round facilities. That fabulous pub in the picture perfect honeyed village remains viable because of the tourist coin, and I count myself lucky to be able to enjoy it year round.
I'm not sure I understand your point with these posts. Which party are we not supposed to vote for if we want tourists to continue to visit the Cotswolds?
Obviously it’s theoretical, although I hope he gains a pyrrhic victory in Islington, but I disagree (apart from the behaviour within so leaving that aside). People don't like Starmer, they just dislike him less than Sunak. Many people, especially the young, liked Corbyn. Many of those are voting Lib Dem or Green in this election, especially with a Starmer "super-majority". They would have stuck with Corbyn.

Johnson was popular in ways Sunak and Starmer can only dream of. Now add in two crucial factors: we've had 5 more years of Brexit, ruinous Tory policy, corruption and sleaze, and Reform, or whatever they were called, stood down to allow Johnson to take the "Red Wall". I think Farage smells blood and future power and would not have stood down for Sunak, not least because he dislikes the non-white grifter.
Yet more Tory corruption and theft of money from the public purse. This story broke a while back, but the extent of the party’s criminality is still coming to light. We’ll be exposing the crimes of this rotten government for decades:

The Conservatives Claim a Website Design Firm They Handed £100,000 in Taxpayer Cash is ‘Independent’ but it’s Listed at an Address Owned by a CCHQ Staffer”

Lots to unpack on this one:

Sunny hyphen Jim not condescending at all but I think I prefer Lucky Jim (Callaghan) and, from memory/without recourse to Google, the book by Kingsley Amis.

I will disregard the implication that I don't understand the role of history plays in wars - you don't have to be a professor of geopolitics to know the effect French reparations had on life in Germany especially after the Wall St Crash which helped Hitlers rise to power for example. That is not the same as stating France started WW2 which, despite KS123s protestations, was how his posts certainly in the early days of the Ukraine conflict came across.

So when auld Nigel's comments came out I recognised a lot of the phrases he used such as NATO expansionism had been used by previously by likes of KS and you on the Ukraine thread.

Obviously it is a bit funny when two well read, well intentioned global lefties are joined by a shallow far right nationalist like Farge but I wondered if difference in motivation would become apparent as I suspect Farages opinion stems from his admiration of Putin whereas for KS and you it is borne out of hatred for the West.
If you can’t even get my profile name right, there’s not much hope for anything else

