
General Election 2024

Lots to unpack on this one:

Sunny hyphen Jim not condescending at all but I think I prefer Lucky Jim (Callaghan) and, from memory/without recourse to Google, the book by Kingsley Amis.

I will disregard the implication that I don't understand the role of history plays in wars - you don't have to be a professor of geopolitics to know the effect French reparations had on life in Germany especially after the Wall St Crash which helped Hitlers rise to power for example. That is not the same as stating France started WW2 which, despite KS123s protestations, was how his posts certainly in the early days of the Ukraine conflict came across.

So when auld Nigel's comments came out I recognised a lot of the phrases he used such as NATO expansionism had been used by previously by likes of KS and you on the Ukraine thread.

Obviously it is a bit funny when two well read, well intentioned global lefties are joined by a shallow far right nationalist like Farge but I wondered if difference in motivation would become apparent as I suspect Farages opinion stems from his admiration of Putin whereas for KS and you it is borne out of hatred for the West.
Speaking of guilt by association, you know who else accuses their political enemies of hating the west?
Filthy river, filthy river,

Foul from London to the Nore,

What art thou but one vast gutter,
One tremendous common shore?

All beside thy sludgy waters,

All beside thy reeking ooze,
Christian folks inhale mephitis,

Which thy bubbly bosom brews.

All her foul abominations
Into thee the City throws;

These pollutions, ever churning,

To and fro thy current flows.

And from thee is brew’d our porter -
Thee, thou guilty, puddle, sink!

Thou, vile cesspool, art the liquour

Whence is made the beer we drink!
Labour does not want Thames Water to fall into public ownership, shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds has said, as the UK’s biggest water supplier teeters on the brink of collapse.

“I think there should be a solution that involves [something] short of that,” he said at an event in the City of London, without specifying the approach he would take.

Let me guess. Bailout then hand it on to the next bunch of crooks?

“I think there should be a solution that involves [something] short of that,” he said at an event in the City of London, without specifying the approach he would take.

'Invite' - in a North Korean sense - the Board and majority Shareholders to go bathing in one of their more egregious emissions areas, and 'encourage' them to do so until attitudes change; simple Code of Hammurabi administration, etc.
Filthy river, filthy river,

Foul from London to the Nore,

What art thou but one vast gutter,
One tremendous common shore?

All beside thy sludgy waters,

All beside thy reeking ooze,
Christian folks inhale mephitis,

Which thy bubbly bosom brews.

All her foul abominations
Into thee the City throws;

These pollutions, ever churning,

To and fro thy current flows.

And from thee is brew’d our porter -
Thee, thou guilty, puddle, sink!

Thou, vile cesspool, art the liquour

Whence is made the beer we drink!

1965 update; tragically-unfunny now.

Braverman, Badenoch, Cleverly, Patel, Sunak, Javid, and this bloke, all unfathomable to me. (I am aware of the caste system). I guess money, greed, power and a sad, misguided view of status and worth trumps all.
The dear old tories have certainly increased tax burdens massively over past few years . One is paying a great deal more now than 5 years ago , trouble is i am not sure Labour wont do the same !!
It's called thread drift ! Well he gave away the nuclear deterrent option by his default position of ( I no press button )
Which maybe laudable in itself but rather does give the other side a slight advantage.
Ah, I think I see. So tourists will be put off visiting the lovely honeyed stone villages of the Cotswolds for fear they’ll be nuked?

I confess, the nuance of that argument had passed me by.
The dear old tories have certainly increased tax burdens massively over past few years . One is paying a great deal more now than 5 years ago , trouble is i am not sure Labour wont do the same !!
Perhaps the difference could be that under Labour the tax might be slightly less likely to find its way into the pockets of billionaire spivs?
The dear old tories have certainly increased tax burdens massively over past few years . One is paying a great deal more now than 5 years ago , trouble is i am not sure Labour wont do the same !!


Last time we had taxes this high we also got a Welfare State and came out of a recession.

Now with the same taxes we are cutting the Welfare State and heading into recession

How did we get here?

