
General Election 2024

No - We are talking local authority level.

If you want to talk national level, the LibDems had the worst record percentage wise in the 2009 expenses scandal.
You mean this?

Waste, Negligence and Cronyism: Inside Britain’s Pandemic Spending
In the desperate scramble for protective gear and other equipment, politically connected companies reaped billions.
This is an extract from The Frogs interview reported in today’s Graun.

“I stood up in the European parliament in 2014 and I said: ‘There will be a war in Ukraine.’ Why did I say that? It was obvious to me that the ever-eastward expansion of Nato and the European Union was giving this man a reason … to say: ‘They’re coming for us again,’ and to go to war.”

He added: “We provoked this war. Of course it’s his fault, he’s used what we’ve done as an excuse.”

west’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic. I won’t apologise for telling the truth”…

He added: “I am not and never have been an apologist or supporter of Putin. His invasion of Ukraine was immoral, outrageous and indefensible. As a champion of national sovereignty, I believe that Putin was entirely wrong to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

“Nobody can fairly accuse me of being an appeaser. I have never sought to justify Putin’s invasion in any way and I’m not now.

As far as I can discern his position correlates exactly with yours. Just sayin.
Except that is not what you are “just sayin” because you also say that I am “in bed” with Farage.

FWIW I also agree with the plans to raise the personal allowance, but I will still not be voting for him.

What is amusing is that for all of the people trumpeting the war against Russia on one thread, they are largely absent on the Gaza thread. The right to self defence as valid as it is in Ukraine, is equally valid in Gaza.

Unfortunately your beloved Labour party sees the Gaza situation differently.

I do not support Reform, but you do support Starmer and Labour, which in your language puts you cosying up in bed with the perpetrators of genocide. Spooning with Starmer for war crimes
Just to fact-check our Tory propaganda fly-tipper’s lies, smears, slurs and misinformation about the Parliamentary Expenses scandal it is worth noting that the Lib Dems were a very distant last place here. Not just because they were a smaller party, but because they were (mostly) clean. Both Labour and Conservative were dipping the till like bandits. Several MPs from both main parties faced criminal charges, many from both “resigned”.

PS Remember the days when the Telegraph was an actual newspaper that investigated and reported news? Bizarre but true.
PS Remember the days when the Telegraph was an actual newspaper that investigated and reported news? Bizarre but true.
and had by far the widest ranging news reporting from around the world. Ignoring the editorial guff it used to be a quality paper.
The mother of all election shocks could be on. Just imagine the election night coverage when the panel first hears rumours that the PM has lost his seat. o_O

and had by far the widest ranging news reporting from around the world. Ignoring the editorial guff it used to be a quality paper.
A friend of mine only ever read, The Financial Times, The Torygraph and Private Eye to get a balance..............and you couldnt get a more left wing leaning voter
A friend of mine only ever read, The Financial Times, The Torygraph and Private Eye to get a balance..............and you couldnt get a more left wing leaning voter
I read it a lot in the 90s as I was abroad and it was the first online paper. 5 dollars per day was bit extravagent for the Guardian so I used to read the Telegraph and buy the Observer, which came on a Monday.
Fair play to Michael Crick, he’s been pretty tireless in his efforts to document the electoral shenanigans of the Labour right, to the deafening silence of his colleagues. Only right he should get in an advance Told You So.

‘In two to three years time, when Starmer and his government are no doubt deeply unpopular, I hope we in the media will ask ourselves: "Why were we so supine during the long 2024 election; why didn't we hold Labour properly to account while we could, and ask more probing questions, and explore their records, rather than give them such an easy ride?”’

No one cares about Labour factionalism.
NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday

Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

Lab 42 (+2)
Con 19 (-2)
Reform 16 (+2)
LD 9 (-2)
Green 5 (+1)
SNP 3 (=)
Other 6 (+1)

2,103 UK adults 19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)
No one cares about Labour factionalism.
I think that’s Crick’s point: they don’t and they should, because it’s leading to an erosion of basic democratic norms and the selection of some highly problematic candidates, with zero scrutiny.

What you mean is, “I don’t care about those things because this is my faction.” Which obviously wouldn’t matter, but it’s also the position of Britain’s political journalists. Probably not healthy.
I am not maligning him, just saying as it was.

He is simply was not cunning enough to be a cabinet minister during the final stages of privatisation. The man who did the donkey work was Peter Mandelson and he was as sharp as a razor. Different Ministers with different abilities.

Well, Jack D. Ripper was also sharp in his way. But not actually a way which we'd regard as something to continue...

Mandy may well aid electibility via 'triangulation' but the outcome was selling the party and government to the wealthy few. .i.e. Lots of spin covering Tony B Liar's red-tory approach. Followed by Brown being suckered in by The City.

Having Staremore go down the same route simply takes us down the same blind alley and eventual failure.

We don't need another Tory-Lite government that panders to the ultra-wealthy continuing us down a route to things getting worse. We need significant changes. From social housing to facing up to the Climate/Energy crisis and they way *that* is used to exploit us by those 'chums' in Big Business, etc.

I'm hoping Staremore will turn out better than I fear. But I'm voting Green so that at least I did the right thing and failures to tackle the real problems we face wasn't endorsed by me. And if the green vote rises, it may encourage others to vote that way next time when the realise it is urgently needed.
Nearly every country is broken at the moment. Ukraine and covid have done a lot of damage.

Oddly enough, all that money extracted to pay for oil/gas may have gone *somewhere*... as its use made us all poorer in the long run. Could make a similar comment about how much we now buy from China, or pay them via IPR - even on things invented here!

Yunno, sometimes I wonder if there is something odd about standard 'economics' and what the main parties all tell us about it. 8-{
(PO saga)

Overall a sorry saga.

Indeed. FWIW we've experienced a steady decline in PO service over the years. Inc items taking weeks to reach us, or go missing. Often get items for other addresses, etc.

A few days ago we got a polling card delivered for someone at some other address. I had to write "please deliver to the correct address" on it in red pen and put it in the nearest postbox. I also emailed our MSP as I worry that people might fail to vote if they don't get a card. (We get postal votes, which happily, came OK.)

The posties themselves are fine, but I know their workloads, etc, are a real problem. Hence the poor service.

Needs renationalisation and decent arrangements. Not flogging on to some other owners.

(Edit: Oops! Apologies for the daft PO / RM confusion. Left it in rather than hide my careless error!)

