
General Election 2024


PS To be honest I’m amazed you can see anything at all here with the Windows 95-era browser on RiscOS. I’m really impressed XenForo keep legacy support to the extent they do.

Actually it is the 2020 version of the browser. But it is designed to be light and I turn off scripting to reduce some of the 'features' on other sites. I just want readable text and images. Cuts down some of the tracking, etc. Works fine here. I avoid the 'usual stuff' like (anti-)social meeeja, etc. If I need it, I can use FF on Linux or a more capable browser on RO. Or simply switch on scripting with this browser. I do what suits me.
What the Tories will leave Sir Keir. A country in a mess.

That is all household economics though. When our government “borrows” it borrows from itself. What household economics calls debt, is also someone else’s savings.

Tax revenue does not fund anything. Tax does not exist after it is paid to government. Tax is the cancellation of our debt to government.

Government gets it’s money for spending from money creation.

The country is in a mess for sure, but that is a consequence of political choices, not economic necessities, political choices that Labour will continue.

Labour’s plan is more austerity, but to blame the tories for it. Thos whole narrative about there being no money is a nonsense.

Government creates money, it cannot run out of the thing it creates out of thin air
Indeed. FWIW we've experienced a steady decline in PO service over the years. Inc items taking weeks to reach us, or go missing. Often get items for other addresses, etc.

A few days ago we got a polling card delivered for someone at some other address. I had to write "please deliver to the correct address" on it in red pen and put it in the nearest postbox. I also emailed our MSP as I worry that people might fail to vote if they don't get a card. (We get postal votes, which happily, came OK.)

The posties themselves are fine, but I know their workloads, etc, are a real problem. Hence the poor service.

Needs renationalisation and decent arrangements. Not flogging on to some other owners.

(Edit: Oops! Apologies for the daft PO / RM confusion. Left it in rather than hide my careless error!)
Why wouldn’t someone vote if they didn’t have a polling card?
Why wouldn’t someone vote if they didn’t have a polling card?
A lot of people seem to think you need it at the polling station, also they may not know where their polling station is - ours has changed 4 times in the last 20 years.

Of course they could ask the council but most wouldn`t bother.
Why wouldn’t someone vote if they didn’t have a polling card?

I suspect the vast majority of people would think you need it at the polling station. I know that isn’t the case, but the fact it exists at all certainly implies that. Very poor user interface design IMHO.
I suspect the vast majority of people would think you need it at the polling station. I know that isn’t the case, but the fact it exists at all certainly implies that. Very poor user interface design IMHO.
Mine hasn't shown up. My OH's has - though it arrived fairly crumpled. I'm guessing mine is still on the floor of a sorting office or something..

edit: I emailed the council about a week ago. No response.
Just for @Mick P
We’ll be digging through £bns of covid corruption and analysing exactly what multi-millionaire Tory donors were buying for decades yet. They really have robbed us blind. I’m sure this is the most corrupt government the UK has ever seen, certainly since women got the vote in 1928. Literally £billions taken before we even get to Truss crashing the economy and her/Kwateng’s links to financial speculation on that event.
I believe it’s an utterly hilarious nickname for Starmer.

It’s from the same school of drollery to Bliar, etc etc.

I’m amazed people are not constantly wetting themselves over such wit.

it deliberately excludes people who are neuro diverse from the debate.

It is also the behaviour of primary school children in taking a physical attribute and using it to bully others.....

